DR. NED HALLOWELL, child and adult psychiatrist for 30 years, treats children with “learning disabilities” as having “traits” rather than disabilities.  Author of eighteen books on various psycological topics, including his national best sellers on ADD, Driven to Distraction, Answers to Distraction and Delivered from Distraction, says in an interview featured in the current issue of The American Chiropractor:

I have both ADHD and dyslexia myself, and over the course of three decades of working with individuals who have it, I’ve come to see these conditions more as traits than disabilities.  Depending upon how you manage them, they can disable you or, quite the opposite, they can actually have beneficial aspects that prove to be assets. Therefore, I now say to people, ‘I don’t treat disabilities, I help people unwrap their gifts.’

Thank God for this man’s dedication to true health care, especially for these youngsters with ADD and ADHD, so many of whom are being drugged with Ritalin to help them focus.  Here’s a 12-minute clip on Changing Education Paradigms you’ll want to take the time to watch what was posted on Facebook today by my daughter-in-law up in Oregon.


Actually, Ritalin is speed and not an anesthetic.  ADD and ADHD have a very significant nutritional-deficiency factor. Dr. Hallowell wants to team up with chiropractors because of the fact that parents are turning to chiropractic care and other alternative therapies in a desperate effort to get their children off drugs such as Ritalin.  Over the years I have treated enough children with these “learning disabilities” successfully enough to know that when the brain is starved for nutrients it doesn’t even have enough energy to shut down and rest from cogitation long enough to re-energize.  Ritalin simply provides the brain  with artificial energy so that it can focus and concentrate on what’s right in front of it in the moment.  Inositol will do the same thing, and it’s natural.


Inositol is a sugar produced by the liver  to run the brain.  Your brain runs on sugar, but not the kind of sugar in soda pops and candy.   In fact, when too much sugar is consumed, inositol production is compromised and the brain begins to run out of fuel for energy.  It finally runs down so low that it cannot even shut down mental activity.   Give the person a daily dose of inositol . . . and cut out the sugar in the diet . . . and concentration and focus will return instantly.  It’s the natural answer to ADD and ADHD.

To that regimen, add a whole food nutritional supplement like CATALYN to feed the brain some vitamins, and TRACE MINERALS B12 along with an organic mineral tranquilizer like  MIN-TRAN  daily, and watch the child’s “gifts” reveal themselves as they begin to be able to focus and concentrate without Ritalin.  As the doctor puts it to his patients . . .

‘You’re very lucky, you’ve got a Ferrari engine for a brain. You’ve got a race car up there, an incredibly powerful brain.  The problem is you’ve got bicycle brakes, so you crash into walls, you run through stop signs, you miss things you’d like to see.  Well, I’m a brake specialist. I’m going to help you learn how to stop; I’m going to help you learn how to control the incredibly powerful engine you’ve got.’  And that’s really what ADHD is all about, it’s essentially a condition of disinhibition.  You can’t inhibit incoming stimuli, hence you’re very distractible, and you can’t inhibit outgoing impulses, hence you’re impulsive and sometimes disruptive and hyperactive.  So the trick is — without sacrificing the power of the engine — to help children or adults learn to control the race car, learn how to modify and modulate their central nervous system so they are able to win races instead of crashing into the wall.

We’ll soon be able to Google Dr. Hallowell’s website and watch a video he is currently preparing to teach parents and teachers his method of unwrapping children’s and adults’ gifts locked in their creative minds and imaginations.  I look forward to it and to ending the drugging of our children in school.

In the meantime, if you want immediate help, drop me an email and I will help you put together a nutritional program to support brain starvation in your child and get them off drugs.

To your health and healing,

Dr. Anthony Palombo
