Balancing Your Gut’s Ecosystem

I have come upon an excellent video by cardiologist Dr. Steven Guntry that I believe everyone would benefit greatly viewing – well, at least to the first 30 minutes or so. The second half of the video is about his supplements, which are no doubt very excellent products, notwithstanding the high-pressure sales pitch. I think the doctor’s intentions are noble and compassionate and his heat is in the right place.

Disregarding the sales pitch, however, Dr. Guntry’s message is very sensible and worth the listening time. Our gut is truly where our health and our diseases all begin, and we are ignoring this fact by and large.  If you are having digestive and bowel issues, or you can’t lose weight, or crave sweets or junk foods, feel bloated after meals, suffer with joint pains, have food allergies, then listen to Dr. Steven Guntry’s presentation of why we have all these problems and how we can easily solve them just by choosing our foods wisely.  I will simply leave you to your discretion and interest with the link to Dr. Guntry’s video. Enjoy.

In my practice I use ProSynbiotic by Standard Process (90C $39) and Gut Flora Complex by Medi-Herb (40C $31.50) with excellent results in balancing the gut flora ecosystem. For a consultation and to order supplements, simply send me an email at

Here’s to your health

Anthony Palombo, DC – Doctor of Chiropractor and practitioner of Applied Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine)

Curing Food Allergies

Gosh, I haven’t posted on my blog since November 2nd, when I promised to follow up that article on Gluten intolerance – more accurately called “glyphosate poisoning“- with an article on how to repair the gut lining which glyphosate in Round-Up erodes. In Functional Medicine we know this condition as “Leaky-Gut Syndrome.” But before I tell you about the repair kit I use to help a client who has Leaky Gut Syndrome along with food sensitivities, let’s talk about what this condition is all about.


Villi (click on      the image to        enlarge it)

The small intestine is lined with small finger-like projections of tissue called villi which increase the surface area of the intestine and contain specialized cells that transport substances into the bloodstream. Although these villi do not aid in the digestion of nutrients, they do help with nutrient absorption.

A leaky gut is just that: a gut that leaks.  Clinically we call this condition “Intestinal Villi Permeability” and that describes the condition very accurately. The intestinal villi act as filters that screen nutrients based on size and allow only fully digested food particles to pass between them and be taken up into the bloodstream. What happens in cases of “food allergies,” which are more often than not food sensitivities, is these tiny filters are spread thin by glyphosate poisoning so that larger and not-fully-digested food particles leak through the intestinal wall and into the blood stream where they immediately become foreign invaders that are attacked by the immune system. This triggers a profuse flood of histamines that inflame and crowd the air passageways of the lungs making it difficult to breathe. Some food allergies, such a peanut allergy, are known to cause anaphylactic reactions* that can cause death by suffocation if not treated immediately with a bronchial dilator like Albuterol.

*Anaphylactic reactions (anaphylaxis) are sudden, widespread, potentially severe and life-threatening allergic reactions. Anaphylactic reactions often begin with a feeling of uneasiness, followed by tingling sensations, especially in the lips, and dizziness.

Here’s what I recommend in my practice as a natural repair kit for a leaky gut:

Buckwheat, that thick pseudo flour that isn’t wheat and therefore contains no gluten, is the mainstay nutritional protocol for healing and fortifying body tissues that have lost their tone, which is what happens to the tissues lining the intestines when assaulted by glyphosate.  Where does the glyphosate come from? Largely from the wheat flour in breads, pastry and pasta products.  How does it get into the wheat flour? Our Commercial Farmers spray their wheat crops with Round Up to defoliate the wheat for easier harvesting. Insane? Yes! Nevertheless, it’s done and we suffer with food allergies of all sorts because of this insane practice, which I think is criminal because they know how toxic Round Up is. But that’s another story which I wrote about in my previous post.

Raw Okra contains proteolitic enzymes that literally digest undigested proteins that cling to the inner lining of the intestines in the form of mucous.  (Enzymes are the workhorses of the body that busy themselves repairing body tissues.) This sticky mucous forms a coating that prevents nutrient absorption and causes irritating inflammation in the bowels (IBS). Now, one can either eat the small okra pods, or one can take it in a capsule. I prefer the capsule myself, although I have clients who love the taste of baby okra.


Let’s talk about buckwheat first, and here I will refer to my Clinical Reference Guide for simple explanations:

Buckwheat is an anti-scurvy staple food that goes back to ancient Mesopotamia. It has been largely eliminated from the Western diet and with it the anti-fragility factors from vitamin C complex known as vitamin P factor from Buckwheat.

Standard Process Labs, producer of whole food supplements, provides an excellent source of buckwheat in their products CYRUTA and CYRUTA-PLUS. Here’s what their late Head of Research and Development, John Courtney, says about these products:

CYRUTA and CYRUTA-PLUS are both made from the green buckwheat plant. . . . CYRUTA-PLUS is made from the leaves of the plant. This is very high in the naturally occurring “P” factors for the person with “pink toothbrush” (bleeding gums) or who bruises easily. CYRUTA is made from the seeds as well as the leaves of the plant. This contains INOSITOL and the calcium and cholesterol metabolizing factors, as well as the naturally occurring “P” factors. It is very good for the person with high blood pressure along with vascular fragility. Those two problems can often lead to stroke.

CYRUTA-PLUS will support healing and strengthening of fragile capillaries, of which there are many in the lining of the intestinal tract. It also supports repair and toning up of blood arteries and vessels that have aneurysms, often the cause of migraine headaches. I prescribe this supplement, along with a Folic Acid supplement, for clients with high levels of C-Reactive Protein, a major indicator of heart disease; also for clients with ulcerative colitis. Dosage ranges from 3 to 12 tablets per day taken with meals and with a full glass of water.

OKRA PEPSIN E-3 is another product by Standard Process that I prescribe for clients with ulcerative conditions in the intestines. It is also supportive of the healing and repair process of the leaky gut, a condition wherein proteins pass through the eroded gut lining and enter the blood stream. This triggers a histamine reaction to flush out the proteins. The only way to cure this condition of food-sensitivity and allergy is to heal up the leaky gut.

Okra Pepsin E-3, like Comfrey Pepsin, contains a substance known as allantoin, a strong healing factor. The E-3 in this product is vitamin E, also a strong tissue healing nutrient. Together they make up a powerful team for healing and repairing eroded tissues throughout the body, but especially in the lining of the intestinal tract. Dosage ranges from 2 – 6 per day taken with meals.

GASTREX – In order to help heal up any ulceration that might be present, GASTREX, which also contains okra pepsin, is recommended to kick-start the healing process. GASTREX relieves gastritis and promotes healing of the GI tract, especially the stomach and duodenum. At the same time it detoxifies with absorbent clay, while okra, chlorophyll, duodenal extract, and silica promote healing.

Of course, the obvious first step to take is to stop eating bread and wheat products commercially grown and produced. Not only for the purpose of eliminating gluten, which one needs to avoid until the gut is repaired, but in order to stop eroding your gut further with glyphosates.  I will be glad to help anyone who wants to include the use of this gut repair protocol in their health care regimen. For a phone consultation with me, simply send me an email with your telephone number. My consultation fee is $65/hour and I will provide the supplements you will need. Just drop me an email. Payment can be made by credit card. Until my next post . . .

Here’s to a Happy and Healthy 2018!

Anthony Palombo, DC, Applied Clinical Nutrition & Holistic Health Care


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