“Food: Weapon of MASS Destruction”

This is a very timely and important video clip. We all need to hear this message and make fundamental, and in some cases radical, changes in the way we grow, process and consume our food. It also points out the absolute necessity for whole-food supplementation of vitamins and especially minerals. The soil that our food is grown in has been depleted of minerals since the 1940’s. Without minerals, vitamins can’t be utilized, leading to malnutrition; glandular (iodine for the thyroid) function fails leading to all sorts of health issues, obesity included. The bottom line is SUPPLEMENT your diet with whole food nutritional supplements. I use Standard Process Labs and Medi-Herb in my practice, the very best in supplementation and botanicals. View the video and be informed. (Click on the YouTube icon at the bottom to enlarge the screen)

My best to your health

Dr. Anthony Palombo

The Blessings of Functional Medicine


The human body functions much as a temple. Within its hallowed walls dwells the divine spirit that created and maintains it, and which all body-cells serve. A temple typically has columns that hold it up. The columns of the body temple are the functional systems that manage life in the body and facilitate the processes involved in transforming minerals and vital amino acids (vitamins) into the building blocks of the temple. These processes are what comprise our metabolism.

Our metabolism is a twofold creative process that includes the building up (anabolism) and tearing down (catabolism) of the various structures in the body – for one thing to keep them in good repair and working order. It also includes the chemical processing and conversion of foods into energy.

There are ten of these functional systems:
Endocrine System (hormonal glands),
Nervous System (brain, spinal chord & nerves),
Circulatory System (heart and blood vessels),
Respiratory System, (lungs and bronchial)
Lymphatic System, (thymus & lymph glands)
Genitourinary System (includes reproduction)
Digestive System, (liver, stomach, intestines)
Skeletal System, (bones & joints)
Muscular System, (ligaments & muscles)
Integumentary System (skin and fascia).

Cellular Level Health Care

At the macroscopic level, these systems are comprised of organs and glands, arteries and veins, connective tissues and ligaments, muscles and bones, fluids and marrow. At the microscopic level, all of this functional anatomy is comprised of cells, trillions of them, each one a living organism with systems identical in their functions to those in the larger body they comprise. In other words, cells breathe, eat, excrete waste, grow, reproduce and die. The cell is the basic unit of life in the body. As the cells live and die, so does the physical body. It is important, then, to maintaining cellular health and function.

This is essentially what functional medicine is all about. As its self-defining name implies, functional medicine concerns itself with the function of cells, organs and systems in the body, and the means and methods by which abnormal function may be normalized. Function is at the core of every condition known to medical science. There is not one disease, for example, that does not have at its root cause the failure of one or more organs and/or systems to function normally. Therefore, it follows logically, as well as clinically, that the correction of malfunction leads to healing and recovery.

This is not merely theory. It has been proven out over and over again in clinical settings throughout the civilized world where the natural approach of functional medicine is being used in the treatment of the whole person and not merely the disease. Chiropractic and clinical nutrition lead the way in the field of functional medicine.

Allopathic & Functional Medicine’s Forte

The treatment of disease is the forte of allopathic medicine, which uses drugs and surgery to intervene in the disease process and to relieve its painful symptoms. The restoration of function, and therefore of health, is the forte of functional medicine, which uses natural forces to support the healing process and thereby address the cause of disease. Both bestow their unique blessings, especially when and where they are allowed to work together. Our work is all about removing interferences to normal function in the body.

Wholistic Health Care

Wholistic health care concerns itself with the whole person and the various factors that go into manifesting healthy function in the body. For example, Chiropractic concerns itself with the correction of nerve impingement in the spine to free up the nerve supply essential to normal communication between the brain and the body’s parts and, therefore, normal function. Clinical Nutrition addresses the balancing of blood and body chemistry, both of which are essential to normal function. Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (BEST) helps to restore normal function in the body as well as in the mind by removing interferences in the sub-conscious mind and feeling realm in the form of memories of past trauma. These memories can actually be “erased” so that they no longer trigger defensive emotional reactions that keep a person’s physical body in a stress response mode.  In a stress-response mode, the body cannot heal itself nor grow its health.

So, we can see how wholistic (or holistic) health care is more about treating the whole person than about treating disease and pain with “alternative medicine.”  We are more than vitamins and minerals, muscles and bones, organs and blood vessels. We are whole persons. 

Energy Medicine

A whole person is made up of spirit and matter.  The matter of our bodies is shaped and maintained by spirit, namely the spirit of Life.  In Chiropractic philosophy we call this spirit Innate Intelligence and see it as a part of Universal Intelligence (God, if you prefer).  The Innate Intelligence of the body runs the whole show without the input of our educated intelligence, but not without its cooperation.  It knows exactly what’s going on in the body at all times, including what it needs in the way of external help and assistance in correcting deficiencies and structural damage and mis-alignments (such as in the joints and spinal column).  We have learned how to access this information through Kinesology (muscle testing). This in Energy Medicine at its practical best.

Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA)

Contact Reflex Analysis, System Strength Analysis, Nutritional Response Analysis are all energetic methods of “reading” the body’s systems and communicating with its Innate Intelligence, which is more than willing to share with the practitioner information that will guide him in determining an appropriate approach to resolving health issues. This is a non-invasive procedure that is a hundred percent accurate.  I’ve been using CRA for many years and have never found it to be inaccurate.  It not only lets me know what to do but also in what order of priority.  It is truly a gift from God.  There is no question one cannot obtain an accurate answers to with muscle testing when one’s intentions are right and honorable.

Attunement — Vibrational Healing

I offer an energy-healing service called Attunement.  Although Attunement is not a healthcare modality as chiropractic and clinical nutrition are, it does help mend, clarify, and enrich the connecting substance of pneumaplasm with our core spirit and thereby bring about peace, order and harmony within. When body, mind, heart and spirit are functioning harmoniously together, there is peace and harmony in the physical body. In a climate of peace and harmony, the cells of the body are able to function without disruption and interference. This essentially is what vibrational healing brings to the health care field. Everything we do in our service is done for the sole purpose of restoring normal function in the body so the body can heal itself.

How Vitamins Support Function

Vitamin A – supports the function of the eyes and immune system (infection control), the gums and nervous system, and the healing of skin. It’s necessary to cell metabolism, respiration and blood cell generation (platelets).

Vitamin B – supports the function of the heart and blood vascular system, the adrenal glands, the pancreas in producing insulin and digestive juices, and the nervous system. It stimulates and promotes appetite and normal digestion, promotes growth and vigor, and is necessary for carbohydrate metabolism and cell respiration, for normal pregnancy and lactation, and in maintaining muscle tonus.

Vitamin C – supports the function of the adrenal glands, the connective tissue, and the bones. Essential to health and integrity of endothelial tissues (raises resistance to infections), proper development of teeth, to oxygen metabolism, and to blood cell regeneration. It also maintains proper blood-clotting time.

Vitamin D – supports bone regeneration. Essential to proper mineral metabolism; absorption from alimentary tract, utilization and excretion of calcium and phosphorus. Necessary to successful pregnancy and lactation; for normalizing and reducing time of labor; to maintain blood platelets at normal level; to normal respiratory function. Maintains bone growth, muscle tonus and increases strength of capillaries.

Vitamin E – supports the skin, endocrine system (pituitary), heart, and sex-hormone production. Necessary to prevent irreparable sterility in male. Necessary to maintain mental alertness, growth and vigor. Possibly to prevent carcinoma. Necessary to resistance to infections.

Vitamin F – (Essential Fatty Acids) transports calcium from the blood into bones and tissues; necessary to cell respiration, hair health, and to brain function; supports prostate; converts sunlight into Vitamin D in skin.

Vitamin G – is one of the Vitamin B factors and supports circulation and brain function. Necessary to growth and development and cell respiration. As a growth stimulus, promotes normal repair processes and thereby delays senility. Necessary to blood regeneration.

Vitamin K – is not a single nutrient, but the name given to a group of vitamins of similar composition. The two main groups of vitamin K that occur naturally are vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone). K1 is found in many vegetables and K2 is produced by bacteria. It is more popularly known as a blood coagulant.  However, it appears vitamin K, and vitamin K as MK-7 in particular, plays an important role in keeping calcium in the bones and out of the arteries. (Dr. Susan E. Brown, PhD – see her article for important information about Vitamin K)

Note: Standard Process product labels prefix the vitamin with the word “Cataplex,” as in Cataplex A. This is due to the fact that vitamins do not stand alone in foods but are accompanied by complex co-factors that facilitate their function and preserve their integrity.  Commercially processed supplements do not afford these same benefits. This is why I use Standard Process wholefood supplements.

How Minerals Support Function

There are 12 organic minerals and some 72 trace mineral that support the function of vitamins and the production of enzymes in the body. They also conduct energy into and throughout the body.

Calcium – supports the bones and teeth, helps with blood coagulation, reduces neuromuscular irritability, facilitates and provides fuel for muscle contraction and nerve conduction in the heart muscles.

Magnesium – supports tooth formation, enzyme activation, nerve conduction, and muscle lubrication.

Sodium – plays a large role in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH, muscle contractility and nerve transmission.

Potassium – plays a role in muscle activity, nerve transmission, intracellular acid-base balance and water retention, and energy management. It assists in escorting glucose into muscle cells for energy.

Phosphorus – in closely associated with Calcium and its functions with bone and teeth formation. It is used in establishing and maintaining acid-base balance, is a component of nucleic acids and is involved in energy production.

Iron – assists in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, contributes to the production of certain enzymes and iron-sulphur proteins.

Fluorine – is used in bone and tooth formation. Chlorine – is used in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH and kidney function.

Silica – plays a role in the alchemical production of bone tissue through a process of “biological transmutation.” It may also play a role in memory storage, similar to that of the silica microchip in the computer.

Manganese – is essential to the function of the Pituitary, the tone of ligaments and cartilage, and plays a component part in the makeup of certain enzymes.

Sulphur – is an antibiotic that also helps with joint motility.
Iodine – is essential to the production of thyroid hormones for metabolism, growth and development.

The seventy-two or more trace minerals play empowering roles in the balancing of body chemistry, especially with the hormones. Just to site a few:

Selenium, found in wheat germ oil, plays a key role as part of the Vitamin E complex in the cardiovascular system.

Chromium promotes the utilization of glucose by the muscle cells, thereby supporting the glucose tolerance factor in the bloodstream.

Molybdenum is a transitional metal that forms oxides and is a component of a coenzyme essential to the activity of enzymes involved in preventing toxic levels of sulfite, xanthine and aldehyde (such as formaldehyde) in the blood stream.

Gold is essential to balanced and clear mental function. Silver is a protective element against pathogens, such as harmful bacteria and viruses.

Levels and Ratios Critical

These elements of the mineral kingdom are not only present in a healthy body, their levels and ratios to one another are critical to maintaining healthy function, strength and vitality in the body. Calcium is in critical ratio to Phosphorus, Magnesium and Potassium; Sodium is balanced by Potassium; Copper and Zinc need to be in balanced ratio, as well as Sodium and Magnesium, Copper and Iron. The degree to which these minerals are present in their proper levels and ratios, the body is healthy. To the degree they are not, the body is sick and dying.

While Copper intensifies cellular activity, activating estrogen in cell proliferation, Zinc, which activates progesterone and testosterone, cools it down. The body contains two to three grams of Zinc, found mainly in bones, teeth, hair, skin, the liver, muscle, leukocytes and in the testes. It plays a role in skin integrity, enzymes, wound healing and growth.

Whole Food Supplements Best – Function the Key Factor

Seeing as how vitamins and minerals  depend on one another for balance and orderly function, it becomes obvious that they are best taken into the body in whole-food form and not as isolated fractions, whether “natural” or synthetic, in “high potency” commercially prepared supplements.  They’re not “natural” if they are not part of their natural environment where they can best function, and are essentially and functionally drugs as they are designed to stimulate or suppress rather than nourish. As such they really should be under the control of a regulatory agency and prescribed and administered by licensed healthcare professionals.

Therapeutic foods, such as those Standard Process provide practitioners, are best administered by a licensed healthcare practitioner.  SP’s products can only be obtained in this manner. ❧

This concludes this reprint from Health Light Newsletter archives. This article was first published in May of 2007 as the last hard-copy publication and marked my semi-retirement from 45 years of practice. I thought it might be helpful to publish it in my blog for many more to benefit from it.  Until my next post,

Here’s to your health and healing.

Anthony Palombo, DC, ACN (Applied Clinical Nutrition)

Email: tpal70@gmail.com

Visit my HealingTones.org blog for interesting and inspiring considerations around subject that pique my interest, such as the current article “Sonic Geometry and the Music of the Spheres.”

For deeper and inspiring reading on the body as a temple, you may like to review my book Sacred Anatomy.

Iodine Supplementation

I interrupt this series of posts on the spiritual and vibrational essences of the seven endocrine glands to bring to my readers this important information about iodine, especially in light of the fallout alarm on the West Coast of the American continent due to the nuclear catastrophe in Japan.


Iodine is an important trace mineral, of which there are some 74 in the human body, ranging from Aluminum to Zinc.  If you live on the West Coast, or Hawaii and Canada, you’re probably concerned with protecting your thyroid gland against atomic radiation fallout from Japan’s nuclear catastrophe.  Iodine provides that protection, but take care in your selection of iodine supplements.  Iodine is best taken as a protein–bound trace mineral, otherwise it can be toxic. 

Standard Process Labs, founded by Dr. Royal Lee over a hundred years ago, holds the patent on the process that combines iodine with protein from the sea conch, an excellent source of protein and sea minerals.  John Courtney of Standard Process, who is now deceased but left a legacy of nutritional research papers behind, explains it this way:

 Iodine can be toxic due to its tendency to combine with protein. If you get a cut and you put iodine on it, the iodine destroys the bacteria because bacteria are a protein. A lot of doctors give iodine orally, an iodine and water solution. When you put this solution into your mouth, the iodine combines with the protein in your mouth and could cause irritation, not just in your mouth, but in the stomach, or wherever it goes. So that isn’t the best way to take iodine. It should be mixed with protein first, then it’s not toxic to your system. But the iodine is still available to your thyroid for making thyroxine. We have a patent on this process of mixing iodine with protein. We just refer to our products as “protein-bound iodine.” Blood chemistry tests give an iodine figure and a protein-bound iodine figure, “PBI.” The PBI figure is a measure of thyroid activity. If your thyroid isn’t working, iodine and protein are not combined efficiently in your system. So your protein-bound iodine will be low and your regular iodine high, indicting a sluggish thyroid. IODOMERE is a protein-bound iodine, which also contains sea minerals.

Another iodine product by SP is PROLAMINE IODINE, which contains a much heavier concentration of iodine than is found in IODOMERE. One tablet contains three milligrams of iodine, or 2000% of the adult minimum daily requirement.  Basically, PROLAMINE IODINE is used to restore iodine levels to normal, while IODOMERE is used to maintain iodine at proper levels. Hot flashes for menopausal women are one of the most popular uses of this product. 


Under the guidance of a healthcare practitioner, a person who is quite deficient in iodine can go through a process called “iodine loading,” which entails taking an incrementally increased dose of PROLAMINE IODINE daily (one tablet added each day) until one develops an occipital headache and exceptionally clear sinuses.  At that point, you reduce the dosage by one tablet and take that dose for a week. Then come down off the loading process one tablet less each day until you’re down to one.  Continue with one tablet per day for ninety days.  Then one can start taking one IODOMERE tablet with each meal for maintenance.

Another popular product by Standard Process Labs is TRACE MINERALS B12.  Here you have all the trace minerals in a single supplement.  One tablet daily is the maintenance dose.  In the case of hair falling out, a daily dose of 6 (2 with each meal) daily for 90 days will solve the problem nicely.*

Enzyme systems throughout the body depend on trace minerals for activation. Modern agricultural practices have seriously depleted these trace minerals from the soil. Foods are increasingly deficient in trace minerals. 

TRACE MINERALS B12 contains a lot of manganese, a ligament strengthener, very useful in the repair of herniated discs. It also contains zinc, copper, iodine, and vitamin B12 (organically combined cobalt) — all trace minerals. Manganese is an enzyme activator, which makes this product beneficial for the person with chronic low resistance to infection, colds, flu, etc.  One other use for TRACE MINERALS B12 is for overall endocrine support. The trace minerals it contains are all required by the endocrine glands for proper function: iodine for the thyroid, manganese for the pituitary, copper for the adrenals, zinc for the gonads and pancreas, and vitamin B12 for the spleen and red blood cells. The B12 and other trace minerals are also important in supporting the integrity of the blood, so the product is beneficial in cases of anemia.  Overall, this is a very beneficial supplement to take on a daily basis. 


Standard Process makes therapeutic food supplements that are high in concentrated whole food essences, as opposed to conventional high-potency vitamin-mineral supplements.  They are designed to support the body’s healing process and help reverse the disease process by balancing body chemistry. Being therapeutic foods, they are rightly only available through licensed healthcare practitioners.  I am available for telephone consultations and monitored therapeutic food supplementation for a modest fee.  Email me to schedule your personal consultation.   


I mentioned at the top that iodine is one of 74 trace minerals present in the human body.  While it is necessary to fill an iodine deficiency by taking a therapeutic dose of protein-bound iodine for a period of time, we must remember that Mother Nature doesn’t isolate her nutrients.  This is because they all work synergistically together for the benefit of the whole body. Therefore, it is only sensible to take all 74 trace minerals together, just as it is important to take vitamins in whole-food form.

Dr. Milton Morter of Morter Health Systems puts out a trace mineral liquid that is probably one of the most potent energy-boosters I’ve come across in all my fifty years of practice as a chiropractor and clinical nutritional therapist.  Here’s the scoop from his website:

Enhance Your Health with Dr Morter’s Powerful Trace Minerals

Loaded with 74 important minerals.

Unique 60,000,000 year old plant-sourced mineral deposit.

High bio-availability in liquid colloidal suspension

The human body requires dozens of minerals to function at optimum speed. Unfortunately, many Americans aren’t able to get these basic building blocks for the body.

Your lack of minerals isn’t your fault.

Years and years of over-farming the soil have leached the minerals from the ground, thus robbing the foods grown in these soils of life-sustaining minerals.

Apples today contain up to 2/3 less iron than they did in 1940. Spinach contains 53% less potassium. Across the board, numerous fruits and veggies have lost minerals.

The Bottom Line: 

It’s time to supplement your diet with a daily mineral supplement.

Dr. Morter is a biologist and tireless researcher of health and energy medicine. As a chiropractor, he discovered and developed the amazing energy-healing method of  BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.).  His sons and daughter carry on his work of teaching holistic health and wellness and maintain their father’s health center in Rogers, Arkansas.  I’ve taken his trainings and am certified in BEST. Email me if you want to try his liquid TRACE MINERALS.

We will resume the series on “Seven Glands for Seven Spirits” next post.  In the meantime, I wish you the best in health and wellness during the coming year.  Until my next post,

Here’s to your health and healing,

Tony's picture 2 from PeggyDr. Anthony Palombo

Visit my HealingTones.org blog for inspiring articles on “Apocalypse of Light 2013.”

*The products mentioned in this blog are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease and should not be construed as doing such by my readers.  The advice given is not intended to replace the necessity of seeing a licensed physician for proper diagnosis and recommendations as well as options for treatment.