Acid Indigestion and GERD

Don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough with TV commercials selling drugs.  If it’s not Nexium, it’s Prilosec or Prevacid for indigestion and GERD.  Then there are the erectile dysfunction drugs with warnings to men with hypertension and prolonged erections. And don’t you just love the monotone side-effect warnings drug ads add onto the commercial with pleasant music playing so you’re led to think this is a good thing and not harmful.  Don’t they know most of us just mute our TV’s during commercials? Apparently these commercials work because the drug companies keep doling out millions to television stations and show billions of dollars in sales and profits.  And they even tell lies to program people to think within the box of the medical model.

 One Prevacid commercial shows a graphic of the inside wall of the stomach pumping digestive juices into it and states that this purple pill stops the stomach pumps from doing their job.  The lie is that they state that these secretions are what cause “acid indigestion,” and this is simply not true.  It’s the acids of fermenting foods that cause indigestion and “heart burn” that leads to GERD, or “acid reflux,” and not the digestive acids which the lining of the stomach is designed to handle.  It can’t handle fermenting acids which burn the tissues of the  stomach and the “cardiac valve” leading from the esophagus into the stomach.  This fermentation burns the upper region of the stomach near the heart.  That’s why we call it “heart burn.”  It’s not the heart that’s burning but the cardiac valve (named for its close proximity to the lower tip of the heart).  The valve gets soft, looses its tone, so that it can’t close tight.  The result is GERD.   

Fermentation occurs when foods stop digesting due to diluted stomach acids (Betaine Hydrochloride).  Dilution of stomach digestive acids — in anyone under 45 years of age — is caused by improper food combining — mixing sweets and starches with meats primarily — or by a lack of pepsin and ptyaln amylase, enzymes from the salivary glands that, when mixed with foods in the mouth while chewing it thoroughly, activate acid and alkaline digestive juices respectively so that the proteins get broken down and digested and the starches get converted to sugar, a process that actually starts in the mouth.  Chew on your french fries long enough and they’ll turn sweet in your mouth.  Without the salivary enzyme ptylan amylase starches will ferment in the stomach.  This will occur if you eat too fast — like on the run — or wash you food down with a soda, or even water, without chewing it properly.  

Eating while under stress is a frequent cause of indigestion these days, simply because stress shuts down the digestive system.  The body doesn’t want food while it’s under attack.  It wants to run away from the treat, real or imagined, or at least fight back and defend itself against attack — again, real or imagined.  So it switches from nourishing and growth mode to defense and survival. 

You see, indigestion can be prevented simply by eating properly and enjoying your meal with a relaxed composure.  And if you’re over 45, your stomach just doesn’t produce as much Hydrochloric acid as it did when you were younger with abusive eating habits wearing out  your stomach’s acid pumps.  So you need to take ZYPAN, a digestive enzyme with activated  Betaine Hydrochloride made by Standard Process Labs out of Palmyra, Wisconsin.  Drop me an email and I’ll mail a few bottles to you. A large bottle of 330  tablets is only $40 and their 90 tablet bottle is $12.50 (add $13 for drop-shipping).

If you want a correct remedy for indigestion and acid reflux,  add some Betaine Hydrochloride to the fermenting contents of your stomach to start up the digestive process.  That’s right, add acid to your stomach, only the right kind.  Two ZYPAN tablets will do the trick nicely.  

One caution: if your stomach has an ulcer from whatever cause, you don’t want to put Hydrochloride in your stomach.  You’ll have to take “GASTREX” (2 just before eating) for a couple of weeks to heal up the ulceration first, then you can take ZYPAN.  Add a couple of CHLOROPYLL COMPLEX PERLES” on an empty stomach and heal it up even faster.  Chlorophyll is Mother Nature’s healing balm.  It will stop pain immediately upon contact.  Best remedy for burns, too.  You can get it in a tube from Standard Process through a licensed health practitioner . . .  such as myself. (-: 

This is the truth of the matter.  Let’s have an end to drug commercials that tell lies.  Let’s have an end to them period.  Of course, that may mean an end to some of my favorite programs, like national news programs. We love the Turner Classics, especially since they’re commercial-free.  (-:

I always love hearing from my readers.  What are your thoughts on this subject?  Any suggestions on possible topics for future posts?  With readers of my blogs in 47 countries now, surely someone would like to share their thoughts.  See you in two weeks with another Health Light Newsletter post. ‘Til then,

To your health and healing,

Dr. Anthony Palombo

Call 337-802-5510 to schedule an appointment or a telephone consultation

Holistic Health Center, 213 Dr. Michael De Bakey Dr., Lake Charles LA 70601


Visit Healing Tones blog for a fascinating article on global warming, “Global Warming a Galactic Event.