Artic Ruby Oil & Fat Reduction

My Chorale Pic“It’s hard to imagine that one the of the world’s most serious health problems, visceral (gut) fat, (dubbed the killing fat because of its association with heart disease and diabetes) can be reduced, if not eliminated, by simply ingesting a small amount of oil extracted from a tiny sea organism Calanus finmarchicus found off the coast of Norway,—a sea organism whose phenomenal health benefits lay dormant, actually ignored by leading scientists, until a Norwegian outlier, Dr. Jan Raa, decided to look deeper.”

We now have Artic Ruby Oil in stock at the clinic.  Listen to this video for more information. This is a very promising nutritional supplement.

Dr. Anthony Palombo

(337) 802-5510

Violence and Brain Starvation


Tony's picture 2 from PeggyThis is not “news.” I’ve been saying it for decades, as have countless nutritional researchers and clinicians the world over. Dr. Royal Lee, called the “Einstein of Nutrition” and the “Father of Holistic Nutrition,” proved it out a century ago. Oh, medical science is so slow in arriving at the truth; so full between its ears of its own mind-made intelligence and arrogance that it hasn’t been able to hear the truth. Read the article and learn the facts about the truth of the matter — that is if you don’t already know them. (My apologies to my already awake, aware and informed readers.)

Dr. Weston Price

Dr. Weston Price

Dr. Weston Price, like Dr. Royal Lee, was a dental physician who considered teeth but a reflection of total body health, being a part of the body itself. Dr. Lee’s approach was to feed the body nutrient rich foods and in that you heal the teeth. In his own words: 

Dr. Royal Lee

Dr. Royal Lee

One of the greatest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemical therapy over nutrition. It’s the substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of starvation. (click to hear his voice).

A contemporary colleague of Dr. Lee, Dr. Price spent his years researching, documenting an publishing scientific information on the impact of nutrition on health and disease. So, your brain is in good hands here. Enjoy this article from the Weston A. Price Foundation.

WASHINGTON, DC,, Aug. 30, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deficiencies of vitamins A, D, K, B1, B3, B6, B12 and folate, and of minerals iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, chromium and manganese can all contribute to mental instability and violent behavior, according to a report published in the Spring 2013 issue of Wise Traditions, the journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

The article, Violent Behavior: A Solution in Plain Sight by Sylvia Onusic, PhD, CNS, LDN, seeks reasons for the increase in violent behavior in America, especially among teenagers.

“We can blame violence on the media and on the breakdown of the home,” says Onusic, “but the fact is that a large number of Americans, living mostly on devitalized processed food, are suffering from malnutrition.  In many cases, this means their brains are starving.”

In fact, doctors are seeing a return of nutritional deficiency diseases such as scurvy and pellagra, which were declared eradicated long ago by public health officials.  Many of these conditions cause brain injuries as well.

Symptoms of pellagra, for example, include anxiety, hyperactivity, depression, fatigue, headache, insomnia and hallucinations. Pellagra is a disease caused by deficiency of vitamin B3.  Zinc deficiency is linked with angry, aggressive, and hostile behaviors that result in violence.  The best dietary sources of zinc are red meat and shellfish.

Leaky gut and gluten sensitivities may exacerbate nutrient deficiencies.  Gluten intolerance is strongly linked with schizophrenia.

Things have gotten even worse since Lee’s and Price’s day with all the chemicals we now have and are adding to our foods, such as MSG and Aspartame, to enhance flavor and attack obesity. Little wonder our guts are eroding and leaking undigested proteins into our blood streams, the underlying cause of food sensitivities and allergies. Read on.

“Making things worse are excitotoxins so prevalent in the food supply, such as MSG and Aspartame,” says Onusic.  “People who live on processed food and who drink diet sodas are exposed to these mind-altering chemicals at very high levels.” In an effort to curb child obesity, the dairy industry recently petitioned FDA to include aspartame and other artificial sweeteners in dairy beverages featured in school lunches, without appropriate labeling. Recent research has established the fact that aspartame actually leads to weight gain because of its effect on insulin.

Other ingredients in the food supply linked to violent behavior include sugar, artificial colors and flavorings, caffeine, alcohol and soy foods. The toxic environmental burden includes mercury, arsenic, lead, fire retardants, pesticides, heavy metals and Teflon.  Adding psychiatric drugs to this mix puts everyone at risk.

Whole foods is the only answer, and you won’t get what your body and brain need from synthetic, isolated vitamins in a “one-a-day” Centrum tablet, or gummy bears. Only from food-based nutritional therapy using whole-food supplements.

“The only solution to the mounting levels of violence is a return to real, nutrient-dense food,” says Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. “We must create a culture in which eating processed food is seen as uncool, and in which home cooking is embraced as a life-enhancing skill.”

The Weston A. Price Foundation has pointed out the poor nutritional quality of school lunches and the flaws in the USDA dietary guidelines, which schools receiving federal funding are required to follow.  At a press conference in January, 2010, the Foundation proposed guidelines that include eggs, organ meats and healthy animal fats.  “Our brains need cholesterol to function properly,” said Fallon Morell, “and our children need cholesterol-rich food for optimal mental and emotional development.” Studies have shown that depressed individuals, offenders who show the most violent behavior, and the most violent suicides have low cholesterol levels.

That’s not surprising, as the brain is one big mass of cholesterol, the stuff cardiologists of today are trying to reduce in Americans with their Statin drugs. I say “Americans” because it’s only in America, where drug companies make Statin drugs, that cholesterol has become a “marker” in diagnosing coronary heart distease — and it became a marker just about the same time Statin drugs appeared on the market. Not only does medicine create drugs for diseases; it also invents diseases for its drugs! Wake up Americans!

If you want the premier hallmark wholefood supplement Dr. Royal Lee formulated and made available to the world called “CATALYN,” drop me an email and I’ll mail you a large bottle (360T for $45), postage included. That’s a 60-day supply if you’re deficient and a 120 days supply if you only need maintenance and insurance against malnutrition.

I welcome and love comments on my blog posts. My email address is tpal70@gmail.comUntil next post,

Here’s to your health and sanity,

Anthony Palombo, DC, ACN

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nutrition education foundation with the mission of disseminating accurate, science-based information on diet and health. Named after nutrition pioneer Weston A. Price, DDS, author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, the Washington, DC-based Foundation publishes a quarterly journal for its 16,500 members, supports 574 local chapters worldwide and hosts a yearly international conference. The Foundation phone number is (202) 363-4394,,

For further information:

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Seven Glands for Seven Spirits, part 4: The Blessings of the Pancreas

The Pancreas and Duodenum


Returning to our consideration of the endocrine glands and the spiritual essences behind their purpose and function, let’s take a holistic view of the pancreas and its dual role as both gland and organ.  I’m going to touch on the blessings of the pancreas as well as the results of abuse of this precious member of our “sacred anatomy.” 

The pancreas, depicted here embracing and being embraced by the duodenum, the first twelve inches of the small intestines, offers an enormous blessing in the body temple.  That blessing is twofold: as an organ of the digestive system and as a hormone gland of the endocrine system.  Most of the body of the pancreas serves as an organ and is taken up in the production of enzymes and alkaline rich digestive juices that are used in the process of digesting the foods we consume.  Pancreatic enzymes help break down proteins into amino acids, the building blocks of tissues, and start the process of converting carbohydrates into simple sugar for energy. 

(You can click on the pictures to enlarge them for a closer look at details. Artwork was generously provided by my brother-in-law David Stefaniak) 

An Islet of Langerhans

Embedded in its spongy tissues are tiny glands that produce insulin, among other chemistry.  They are called islets of Langerhans after the young scientist who discovered them, Paul Langerhans.  Insulin is a hormone produced by Beta cells in the islets. It escorts sugar to the cells as fuel for energy.  It “parks” on a designated cell receptor site and delivers its sweet package. These tiny endocrine glands are located toward the tip of the tongue-shaped pancreas as it stretches out toward the spleen on the left side. They make up from one to two percent of the pancreas mass. They have five different cells: Alpha, Beta, Delta, PP, and Epsilon cells.  An interesting feature of the Beta cells is their electrical connection with each other but not with other cells.  It is the Beta cells that are destroyed in the case of diabetes mellitus (Type 1, or insulin dependent).  

Let’s talk about the abuse of this precious organ-gland first—and we’ll take up this entire post to have a thorough look at what we might be doing to cripple the pancreas and short-circuit our health.  Let’s look at dietary factors first.  


The statistically rapid rise in diabetes mellitus and obesity in America is nothing short of alarming. Two thirds of Americans are overweight and one-third are obese. The unfortunate—and really criminal—aspect of this epidemic is in the fact that we could have easily prevented it.  The criminals are the manufacturers and processors of synthetic sugar, glucose (dextrose and corn sugar—also known as “high fructose corn syrup”). No other sugar, including honey, is capable of causing diabetes, even when fed in large amounts to animals.  According to research done at the University of Frankfurt in 1953, “the addition of 10 to 20 grams of honey to the usual diet of diabetics DID NOT disturb the sugar balance.

The culprit is alloxin which was found to quickly destroy the beta cells in the islets of Langerhans without disturbing any other body tissues.  When incurable diabetic test animals are needed for experimental use, they are given alloxin to destroy their islets of Langerhans. 

This begs the question “are we getting alloxan in our foods?”  The answer is yes, with definite certainty. Alloxan is formed by the action of oxidizing agents such as chlorine, chlorine oxides, etc. on xanthine, a normal constituent of tissues (muscle, liver, pancreas, thymus, spleen) and of urine, which carries zero to one percent, and of common foods like cereals, malt and yeast, and of meat foods.  The artificial sweetener Splenda has a chlorine molecule as a carrier for sucralose. 

Xanthine is a synergist of vitamin E.  It facilitates its function in protecting the genes of the chromosome of the cells from oxidation and enzyme damage.  It also seems to facilitate the elimination of excess cholesterol from the liver.  Vitamin E is the primary nutrient in wheat germ, and it is destroyed by commercial food-processing practices.

Dr. Royal Lee, who founded Standard Process Labs in Palmyra, Wisconsin, did extensive research on Vitamin E and the impact bleaching of wheat flour has had on human health.  Here’s just one of his findings dated as far back as 1948, indicating how long we’ve known about the harmful effects of refined carbohydrates, such as bleached white flour, on our health.

Since these poison chemicals destroy both the xanthine and the vitamin E of the cereal germ, it is of interest to learn that xanthine can reduce the need for vitamin E in animal feeding tests. (Reported in Nutrition Reviews, Jan. 1948, p. 118.)  In fact, we might legitimately consider xanthine as a member of the vitamin E complex. A xanthine compound — theophylline — is used in medicine to relieve heart symptoms of vitamin E and G deficiency. And xanthine is found associated with E and G vitamins in wheat germ.


The obvious next question would be “where might we find chlorine and chlorine oxides in our foods?”  Well, all municipal water is treated with chlorine to poison the bacteria—and unless you live in Milwaukee where the chlorinated water is filtered through activated carbon to eliminate the chlorine in a 15 million dollar treating plant (thanks to Milwaukee’s breweries, the city’s best water customers, who can’t make beer with chlorinated water as it poisons the yeast) you’re getting daily doses of chlorine if you’re drinking municipal water right out of the tap.  

Where else?  In all white flour products, white bread being the largest consumed white flour product in the American household.  How do you think they make whole grain wheat flour white? With bleach made from chlorine dioxide, a patented process non the less.  Chlorine dioxide succeeded nitrogen trichloride (AGENE) after its patents ran out and it was conveniently eliminated by the FDA when it was found to cause fatal epileptic reactions in dogs. It, too, functioned as a bleach and bug killer by releasing free chlorine, so it is quite probable that the action of flour bleaches in predisposing humans to diabetes and obesity has been adversely impacting the public health for the past sixty or seventy years since the 1940’s.   

Glucose (corn syrup) causes low blood sugar as well as diabetes, which leads to a predisposition to heart disease, lassitude, brain fatigue, high blood pressure, overweight, irritability, and mental depression, to list the findings of a 1950 report.  This tells us how long we’ve been enabling these “diseases” in America.  (They’re not actually “diseases” but simply the symptoms of malfunction in the body caused by abusive dietary practices.) This is criminal behavior on the part of everyone in the food industry from the processors of synthetic sugars on up to the Food and Drug Administration.  

Dr. Lee says this about that: 

In dealing with foods, the Food and Drug [FDA] long ago set up the principle that ANY added poison in ANY food was too much.  It is regrettable that principle cannot be the guiding force in government instead of commercial expediency — and political expediency.


There are other ways of destroying the endocrine function of the pancreas.  There is the emotional component, for instance.  All of the endocrine glands are controlled and nourished by spirit. They have no direct connection to the controls centers in the brain. Spirit exerts a vibrational influence upon their hormonal secretions.  The pancreas is particularly influenced by our emotional climate and expression.  It is thought to be the vibrational gateway to and from our emotional realm.  What’s going on with us emotionally—the quality of energy flowing through our hearts, in other words—directly impacts the functions of the pancreas—as it does all seven glands— both as a digestive organ and as an endocrine gland.  Just as fear shuts down our immune system, negative emotions such as resentment, envy, grief and attitudes of complaint and criticism, held for long periods of time, gradually shut down the endocrine cells in the pancreas.  

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that these negative destructive emotions block out the flow of the positive creative spirit of love, which in the pancreas is differentiated as the “Spirit of Blessing.” We’ll spend more time with this aspect in my next post.  Suffice it to say that an attitude of blessing and a sweet spirit foster a healthy pancreas.  Contrarily, an attitude of cursing and a bitter and complaining spirit foster an unhealthy pancreas, simply by virtue of the fact that they exclude the presence and flow of loving energy.  Love nourishes the body.  Hate, resentment, envy and grief deprive the body of vibrational nourishment.  Without the cohesive vibration of love, the body cells start disintegrating and falling apart from one another. 

I vividly remember a neighbor years ago, when I was a young man, whose husband passed away.  She wasn’t that happy a person even before his death, but afterwards she fell into a slump of grief and depression for a very long time, probably fear as well in her loss of what was likely a more stable and secure life with him around. He ran a shop and she didn’t work, to my knowledge.  Within the year of his passing, she developed diabetes and very shortly thereafter passed away.  I always felt, even at that early age in my life, that her lengthy grieving led to her undoing.  Grief is a natural and essential phase of letting go of a loved one.  But one has to let go and stop grieving eventually, or else one’s life essence will be drained away, which I feel happened with this lady.

We’ll continue in a more uplifting consideration next post.  Until then, be a blessing and change your health . . . and the world. 

To your health and healing,

Tony's picture 2 from Peggy

Anthony Palombo, D.C.


Follow my blog to get automatic email notices from WordPress of new posts. Also, visit my blog and enjoy the current series of articles “4th Density Apocalypse 2012.”  I always enjoy reading comments on my articles and appreciate the time my readers take to send them along in the comment feature.

References: Dr. Royal Lee, Vitamin News, Part of the Royal Lee Library Series, Published by The International Foundation for Nutrition and Health.

Artwork by David Stefaniak

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Special Alert on Aspartame, a genetically engineered sweetener

Well, I got the book, “Genetic Roulette” by Jeffrey M. Smith, and started browsing through it. You do NOT want to read this thoroughly documented book if you do NOT want to know the facts about the health hazards of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in your food.  It’s scary.  Just what they (Liberty Link) are doing to engineered crops with enzymes that produce herbicide poisons in fruits and vegetables, enzymes whose genes with DNA modifications are NOT necessarily broken down and destroyed in the digestive system and can therefore produce the same herbicide poisons and gut-flora damaging antibiotics in your intestines, is nothing short of criminal.  Do NOT get the book from if you’d rather not know the scientific facts and details.  I’ll write about some of the most important facts in future blogs . . . which, again, you may not want to read.


. . . and I’ll lift it straight from the book.

The Sweetener aspartame, (also known as Nutra Sweet, Equal, Spoonful, Canderel, Benevia, and E951) is genetically engineered. The amino acids are grown using GM E. coli bacteria.  Although numerous studies and thousands of consumer complaints have linked this controversial sweetener to serious illnesses, it is unclear if the genetic engineering contributes to the problem.

Aspartame is a molecule composed of three sub-units. The first is methyl ester, which, according to food science professor Woodrow Monte, immediately converts to methyl (wood) alcohol, a deadly poison that can bioaccumulate in the body.  A single ounce can be fatal.  Monte, who is the author of “Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health” in the Journal of Applied Nutrition, says, “Methyl alcohol then converts to two other known toxins—formaldehyde and formic acid.”

The other two sub-units are amino acids (aspartic acid and pheylalanine). These may be harmless when part of protein, but according to physicain H.J. Roberts, author of the medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, in aspartame the amino acids are isolated and in a dangerous configuration (L. stereoisomer).  In addition, they interact with free methyl alcohol.  These factors make the amino acids particularly harmful. Roberts says the isolated phenylalanine lowers the seizure threshold and triggers psychiatric and behavioral problems, as well as other symptoms and diseases.  Neuroscientist John Olney, who founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity, says that aspartic acid is an excitotoxin that stimulates neurons into hyperactivity until they exhaust and die.

Psychiatrist Ralph G. Walton, medical director of Safe Harbor Behavioral Health, had to abruptly stop his own human clinical trial on aspartame when some of the subjects had serious reactions. One participant, the hospital’s administrator, suffered a detached retina and went blind in one eye.  Another had bleeding of the eye and others reported being poisoned.  Walton says that “Aspartame is a multipotential toxin and carcinogen,” which also lowers seizure thresholds, produces “carbohydrate craving,” and in vulnerable individuals, can cause “panic, depressive, and cognitive symptoms.”


 There are up to 10 breakdown products of aspartame.  The largest (diketopiperazine) appears to be the cause of brain tumors in animal feeding studies.  Olney says when it is processed (nitrosated) by the gut it produces a compound closely resembling a powerful chemical (N-nitrosourea) that causes brain tumors.  Author and neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, suggests that a jump in brain tumors in the US population in the 1980’s is linked to the introduction of aspartame.  Blaylock refers to an Italian rat study in which “they fed animals aspartame throughout their lives and let them die a natural death. They found a dramatic and statistically significant increase in the related cancers of lymphoma and leukemia, along with several histological types of lymphomas.” He said, “What the Italian study found is that if you take these same animals and expose them to formaldehyde in the same doses, they developed the same leukemias and lymphomas.”  


The FDA compiled a list of 92 symptoms from the more than 10,000 consumer complaints they received about aspartame.  These include four kinds of seizures, blindness, memory loss, fatigue, change in heart rate, difficulty breathing, joint, bone, and chest pain, speech impairment, tremors, change in body weight, lumps, blood and lymphatic problems, developmental retardation and problems with pregnancy, anemia, conjunctivitis, male sexual dysfunction, and death.  Roberts’ medical text also identifies neurodegenerative disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and sudden cardiac death, among others.


To learn more about efforts around the world to recall aspartame—as well as the health issues, rigged research, and political maneuvering that got it approved—consult the following resources:


Books and DVD’s:

  • Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic by H.J. Roberts,m M.D.
  • Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, by Russell Blaylock, M.D.
  • Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, DVD available at

More on GMO foods in later posts.  Smith’s book is one for your library.

To your health and healing,

Dr. Anthony Palombo

Visit my Healing Tones blog for a series on Pyramid Power. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the current post subject.

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Iodine Deficiency: A National Crisis

I posted a link to Dr. Marcus Sircus’ blog post “Iodine to the Rescue”  on my Facebook page a couple of weeks ago and thought I would follow up with an article clarifying some misconceptions about iodine.   With the Japan nuclear plant crisis and resultant fallout alarm, especially for folks on the West Coast, people are rightly concerned to protect their thyroid glands from developing cancer. It is a legitimate concern.  However, the form of iodine one takes is perhaps even more a factor to be concerned about. Read on . . .

My comment on Dr. Sircus’ blog post says what I want to say here: 

Excellent article, Mark. Thank you. Very important information. Just a reminder that iodine tends to bind to protein molecules. Taken orally it can irritate the mouth and later on the stomach as the iodine binds to the protein molecules that make up these tissues. Sometimes the thyroid gland does not accept iodine if it is not already bound to a protein.

Standard Process Labs puts out protein-bound iodine in tablet form: “PROLAMINE IODINE” and “IODOMERE.” The former is for iodine therapy to fill a deficiency and the latter is for maintenance. Blood chemistry tests give an iodine figure and a protein-bound figure, “PBI.” The PBI figure is a measure of thyroid activity. If your thyroid isn’t working, iodine and protein are not combined efficiently in your system. So your protein-bound iodine will be low and your regular iodine high, indicating a sluggish thyroid. “IODOMERE” is a protein-bound iodine, which also contains sea minerals.

Remember also that minerals do not stand alone in nature but are balanced with other minerals in a specific ratio. Best to take whole organic-bound minerals as isolates will leach out companion minerals from the body.

A dangerously high percentage of Americans  are deficient in minerals and trace minerals simply because the American diet is mineral poor.  Our foods are grown in mineral depleted soil from decades of commercial farming practices that have stripped the nation’s soils of vital nutrients and killed off the organisms that make humus work as a healthful growing medium for our foods.  Organic acids, for example, are essential to the plant roots in their uptake of minerals and trace elements.  They are long gone from commercial farmlands.  Unless you’re eating organically grown foods, you are not getting your 14 organic minerals and 72 trace minerals essential to life. Without minerals, vitamins cannot be properly absorbed by the body. Iodine is just one of these trace minerals essential to every cell in the body, but especially to the thyroid and parathyroid glands in their roles managing blood and tissue calcium levels in your body, especially in your bones.

😦 Sorry Louisiana Seafood Lovers 😦

There is a common misconception that seafood has all the iodine we need.  Not so . . . unless it comes from fish that eat the sea weeds that are rich in iodine and all the other trace minerals, and then you would have to eat it every day, which of course we don’t. Cold water deep sea fish are the only seafood that eat deep sea plants.  Catfish, crawfish, crabs and shrimp do not qualify.  Sorry Louisiana seafood lovers. And, as the doctor says in his article, sea salt doesn’t have sufficient iodine, not even “iodized” salt.  We have to supplement.  There’s just no way around it.  Order from me and enjoy a 10% blog-readers discount.  

SP Products:  (Dosages depending on condition and doctor’s evaluation and recommendation)

Organically Bound Minerals – $13 (90T).  Take one tablet with each meal.

Prolamine Iodine – $12 (90T).  Ask about “iodine loading” for iodine deficiencies.

Iodomere  $19 (90T).  Take 6 tablets daily to support kidneys in fluid retention.

Trace Minerals B12 – $15 (90T).  Take 2 tablets with meals for 90 days to fill any deficiencies.  Then take 1 with each meal.  Your energy level will increase significantly.

Read my comments to Dr. Mark again and understand the truth about iodine.  It’s a poison if taken into the body alone and not bound to a protein or part of a wholefood trace mineral supplement.  Be informed.

To your health and healing, 

Dr. Tony Palombo

213 Dr Michael De Bakey Dr., Lake Charles LA 70601

Call 337-802-5510 to schedule an appointment or telephone consultation.


Visit my second blog Healing Tones for articles on global warming, a galactic event.



21-Day Purification Program Clip

View only if you want to cleanse your body temple, loose weight and clarify your thinking and your skin.

To your health and healing,

Dr. Tony Palombo

Email me for more information about the program, personal support during it, and to order the products  for the program:

P.S.  As promised, we will continue our consideration around calcium in my next post.

Post-Purification Program

Fall colors at Lithia Park in Ashland, Oregon

     Harvest time has come as we gather seasonal vegetables from our Spring and Summer gardens and prepare for Fall planting of winter crops: cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale and kohlrabi; root crops such as carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips and radishes.  And don’t forget to plant some sweet pea snaps to pick and eat right off the vine . . . with an added bonus of lovely flowers.  Some of these are already available at farmers’ markets and grocery stores in your area as Fall gardens get planted in August here in the South.  (Click on picture to enlarge it)

If you followed my suggestions in the last post, “Fall Cleaning,” and went through the 21-day purification program, you may want to follow it with a post-purification program.  Standard Process offers some very excellent whole food supplements for this purpose.

SP’s Post Purification Kit ($157 + $13 drop-shipping) consists of the following whole food supplements:

Kit Includes (30-day supply):

Order today and receive a 10% subscriber’s discount.
    Prepare for the winter months by enhancing your immune system.  Remember, you immune system is not limited to a single organ or gland.  It’s more an “alliance” of many organs and glands, along with all the cells of your body. Liver, spleen, bone marrow, thymus gland with its lymph nodes, and, not the least important, your intestines which are lined with the lion’s share of your lymphatic glands.  The parotid glands of your mouth are your first line of defense.  Clean water, of course, is essential to toxin elimination and nutrient distribution – up to 8 glasses a day are recommended.  To insure strong first-line defense in the mouth, I recommend a maintenance dose of Parotid PMG byStandard Process Labs. 
I’ve had clients who hate water and drink diet sodas every day.  Diet sodas are sweetened with aspartame. Go to this website for a full report on this and other chemical sweeteners  Here is an excerpt about the side effects:
Aspartame has been linked to various neuropsychiatric disorders, including panic attacks, mood changes, visual hallucinations, manic episodes, and isolated dizziness. A small, double-blind crossover study of patients with major depression revealed a higher incidence of reactions in these patients compared with nondepressed volunteers after administration of 30 mg/kg for 7 days; symptoms included headache, nervousness, dizziness, memory impairment, nausea, temper outbursts, and depression. 
 I do not wonder about the relationship between the nerve and muscle pain associated with fibromyalgia and the consumption of diet sodas with aspartame, not to mention an aversion to drinking water.  Drink water instead of sodas.  Pure water is allowed to go where adulterated beverages are not allowed in the body tissues.   A word to the wise.
To your health and healing,
Dr. Tony Palombo
Visit my second blog Healing Tones for inspired reading.


Fall in Oregon - Click on picture to enlarge

We are all aware of the need for “Spring Cleaning” and we do it every year in our homes, many of us in the more immediate homes of our physical bodies.

But what about “Fall Cleaning” in the yard and gardens, even in our body temples?  We have to do that, too, just to clean up what’s left after harvest time and when the leaves and blossoms have fallen to the ground.  Likewise, our body temples can use a cleaning as the Fall and Winter months set in.

I recommend the “Purification Program” by Standard Process Labs for a thorough house cleaning – from the cellular level on out to the organs of elimination, including and especially the gastrointestinal tract that processes all the empty carbohydrate and fast-foods we tend to consume on the run, much of it still clinging to the lining of the gut in the form or mucous (protein) and undigested food (anywhere from 15 to 25 lbs. of it).  Wouldn’t you just love to be rid of those kind of toxic pounds?!

Here’s what the Purification Program by Standard Process Labs. looks like (click on the link for more details):

For 21 days you simply take a number of capsules containing cleansing and rebuilding nutrients and have a few healthy, meal-replacement SP Complete shakes during the day.  Add your favorite fruit or fruit juice to the shake mix and, voila!, you have a great and tasty meal in a glass.  For a little more cost, you can snack on protein richStandardBars during the day to help with extra protein and low blood sugar.  If needed, you can continue to eat your regular meals and have a SP Complete shake with them.  Just serve yourself smaller portions to make room for the body-purifying shake.  For a more healthy meal, click on Program Diet.  

Here’s a sampling of what two of the products alone afford you:

SP Green Food  provides a simple way for people of all ages to add vital phytonutrients to their diet.

  • Promotes healthy liver function
  • Provides antioxidants
  • Supports overall cellular health
  • Provides phytonutrients
  • Supports cholesterol metabolism, already within a normal range
  • Supports the normal elimination of toxins
  • Adds vital nutrients to any diet, and can be used as nutritional support in the Standard Process Purification Program†

Whole Food-Fiber provides soluble and insoluble fiber to support the digestive system.

  • Encourages a healthy intestinal environment to help maintain proper intestinal flora
  • Cleanses the lower gastrointestinal tract
  • Encourages a healthy gastrointestinal tract pH
  • Supports healthy elimination
  • Contains fennel, which helps relieve gas, abdominal cramps, and indigestion
  • Maintains healthy lipid and blood glucose levels already in normal ranges
  • Adds vital nutrients to any diet, and can be used as nutritional support in the Standard Process Purification and Post-Purification Programs†  Gluten Free & Vegetarian

The program comes with a user-friendly guide and recipe suggestions for the shake, so you’ll have all the information you will need to walk you through the program.  You always have me, of course, to answer any of your questions.

Now, you have to eliminate the refined carbohydrate foods all together.  Donuts and biscuits have to go, along with cakes, cookies and breads that are made with refined flour and sugar.  Eliminating sugar all together for the 3-week cleanse period alone will profit you in lbs lost and not added.

The cost?   $12 a day ($252 – postage included)!  Order through me and enjoy a purification-day-on-me blog-reader’s discount of $12!  [ For $40 more you can replace one of the SP Complete 28 oz. jars with 30 1-oz packets. That way you have the jar at home and packets in your purse or pocket to take with you to work or in your travels.  

Note: The StandardBars are not included in this price and cost $50/18 bars ($45 for blog-readers) with no extra shipping charge if included with your initial order.   

For details on the products and their function in the cleanse, simply visit Standard Processwebsite link provided here, then click on option Purification Program Products.  Visit other options as well to learn more about the program and the need for whole-body purification.

Let me hear from you with any questions you may have and for product orders.  I can have them drop-shipped to your doorstep by UPS in 3-5 business days.

To your health and healing,

Dr. Anthony Palombo

(Note: products cannot be ordered directly from the company but only from a licensed healthcare practitioner.) 

The Healing Process: Series Summary Finale


We have been considering the healing process in a series of articles, reviewing atomic physicist Dr. Gary Samuelson’s booklet The Science of Healing Revealed. This final installation in the series will rap up our summary of the series and review the role of the Redox Signaling Molecules in the healing process.  Enjoy!

Cleaning Up the Mess

Let us take a look once more at the cell’s clean-up crew and how important they are to the healing process. These special enzymes (proteases and antioxidants) are made to rip apart the molecules that make up the micro machinery, messengers and reactive molecules of the cell and recycle their pieces. Without them, garbage would build up everywhere inside and outside of the cells and the cells would soon die. Besides, the homeostatic balancing act in the cell absolutely depends on them. The cell is constantly manufacturing new molecules and requires a crew to take the old ones apart in order to maintain this balance.

The clean-up crew also has the job of cleaning up all of the “toxins” (left-over proteins) after the immune system or programmed suicide has kilted invaders or dysfunctional cells. In this sense, they form an essential part of the immune system also.

Regeneration of Lost Tissues

After the damage has been cleaned up and the oxidative stress condition has been corrected by eliminating the excess oxidants, there is still the job of replacing the cells that have been lost. You get the mental picture of many rows of ordered cells with holes and large gaps in them where cells have died and been cleaned up. The reconstruction is done by the cells that are surrounding the holes and gaps. Since cells are constantly sending messages back and forth between neighbors, they notice when one of their neighbors is missing. After the emergency distress condition is over in the neighborhood, the intercellular communication channels are reinforced and the holes become obvious to the neighboring cells. The cells are also free to divide and reproduce again.

At that point, the healthy neighboring cells start to divide in order to fill in the gaps, reconstructing new tissues as they go. If ample blood supply is not available for the new cells, they send out distress messengers that will cause new blood vessels to grow to supply them. The job is done when each of the cells is surrounded by their regular group of neighbors. This same simple reconstruction condition also applies to growing tubular blood vessels that supply the cells, the ring of leading cells will continue to divide and build the vessel until it encounters another blood vessel to link into.

Oxidants Play Central Roles as Messengers

How interesting it is when we can trace all of the complex mysteries of the healing process back to a simple set of rules that each of the cells follow. How interesting it is to discover the huge and important role that oxidants and antioxidants have in this healing process. When damage occurs, the oxidants become the red flags that mark out where and how much damage has been done. What would happen if the oxidants were not there to flag the damage?

Toxins, radiation, infections, cuts, scrapes, bruises, oxygen starvation and any other form of damage would go undetected and neglected without oxidants. Healing would be Impossible. It is this continual balance between the production of oxidants and reductants and their eventual elimination by the antioxidants that allows the cells to react to the damage. It is the response to the resulting imbalance of oxidants (or oxidative stress) that allows the cells and tissues to respond and heal themselves.This is the new picture emerging from the biosciences on healing.”   

This completes our series on the Healing Process.  I trust you have a better understanding of and a deeper appreciating for the healing process and the essential role the Redox Signaling Molecules play in it.  Enough, anyway, to motivate you toward ordering a couple of bottles of ASEA and keep a supply on  hand throughout the year.  Just 2 oz a day,  served up in a glass container (not metal or plastic) and taken on an empty stomach, will supply your body-cells with ample signaling molecules throughout the day. Click HERE to place your order.  

I want to thank you for your business and for following my blog.  We’re off to Colorado for three weeks vacation.  This will give you a chance to catch up with articles you haven’t had time to read or finish yet. I apologize for their length, but I wanted to be as thorough and comprehensive as possible.  I’ll be back with a new post shortly.  Until then, 

My best to you, your health and your healing,

Dr. Tony Palombo

Visit my second web blog for a meditation on Your Sacred Heart and Attunement with Sacred Sound

The Healing Process: Signaling Messengers and Diabetes

Redox Signaling Messengers

Like any community, the body cells depend on communication for their coordinated and harmonious function together. Communication depends on messengers, both inside the cell between the various actors and “micro machines”  and outside the cell between the one-hundred-billion cells that compose our bodies.  These next few posts will be about these messengers, most recently discovered among them being the Redox Signaling Messengers that turn out to be a most important players in the healing process.  We will have a look at a very significant scientific breakthrough in the field of health and healing.  Again, we will call upon Dr. Gary L. Samuelson to help us envision and understand the Healing Process as he presents it in his recently released booklet, The Science of Healing Revealed – New Insights into Redox Signaling.

How the Actors Work Together – The Signaling Messengers

So far in our abbreviated organization chart, a small sample of the cast of actors has been put together in order to provide a tiny taste of what they look like and what they do. There are thousands more (not listed, thankfully) that fill major roles inside and outside the cell; and the list is growing every day as new actors and roles are being discovered. The real story, however, lies not so much in what they look like or what their job description is, but in how they interact with each other and how they determine when and where to do their job.

For the most part, the cellular micro machinery is controlled by the various signaling messengers, as has already been mentioned, that go about carrying messages inside the individual cells (intracellular communication) as well as carrying messages between the cells (intercellular communication). As has also been mentioned, the very identity and behavior of the cell depends on the quantities and types of messengers being passed around in its surrounding environment.

The inner-cell (intracellular) messengers float around inside the seawater solution (cytosol) inside the cells. There are generally two types of intracellular messengers: (1) protein messengers that are coded by the DNA and built, delivered, passed around and modified by enzymes and cellular machinery and (2) a recently discovered network of messengers called “redox signaling and regulation” messengers made out of small, highly reactive molecules (ROS and RS) that are formed by the REDuction” and “OXidation'” (redox) of the very sea-water bath that surrounds all of this cellular machinery. These messengers modify the behavior of the machinery by changing the chemical potential in the salt-water environment where all of this machinery exists. Since these “redox” messengers are integrally involved in the healing process, they will be the topic of further investigation in this booklet.

The between-cell (intercellular) messengers are passed back and forth between cells. In order for them to work they must be able to leave one cell and “latch onto” or pass into surrounding cells. There are specific places built into the outer membranes of the cells, called “receptors” and “co-receptors,” where these messengers are allowed to “latch onto” the outside of the cell. Each different type of messenger molecule (called agonist) has its own custom-built latch (receptor) that allows it to pass a signal into the cell.

In many cases, the receptor itself, when latched, will cause intracellular messengers to be released to continue carrying the message into the cell. Most cells are stuck together with a scaffolding of adhesive molecules that allow messages to more easily be passed around among neighboring cells.

Redox messengers are able to alter the chemistry of the receptor latches that can either enhance or inhibit their ability to latch onto their messengers and pass messages into the cell. Sometimes the presence of these redox messengers themselves will spontaneously trigger a receptor to send messages into the cell.

In my next post we will explore further some amazing technology that has made it possible for us to enhance intra-and-inter-cellular communication.  Before leaving my blog, take a few minutes to view this video clip on the Redox Signaling Molecule (5 min).

Besides giving a visual demonstration of how these signaling messengers work, this clip presents recent groundbreaking technology that is being used to stabilize these highly reactive molecules outside the body and then use them as bio-active, non-toxic agents inside the body to assist in the healing process.

The end result of this research is a formulated “water” called “ASEA” that is now available to the public through network marketing.  I have become an associate distributor of this product because of the great promise it holds for my patients and clients at a foundational level in their healing and health maintenance, offering new solutions to longevity and quality of healthful living.  It also gives people a tool they can use safely and obtain directly from the company without the requirement of becoming a network marketer themselves, although that is available as well as a home-based business with minimal investment.  So, enjoy the clip! Until next week then, my best wishes . . .

To your health and healing,

Dr. Tony Palombo

For more information about ASEA and ordering instructions, simply click here.

Here’s a bonus for my readers concerned with their blood sugar levels and diabetes: The 39-day cure for Type II Diabetes.