An Alternative to Drugs: A Change in Perception and Consciousness, Part 2


Being a holistic physician, I notice how sick people often identify with their disease. They will say “I am an alcoholic” or “I am a diabetic” or “I am a drug addict” or “I am depressed.”  Some even say they are a chocoholic.  But they are none of these things.  They are human beings . . . with some limitations, yes, but they are human beings.  

I no longer wonder because I know first hand how a change in perception of oneself might turn a person around and lead him or her to a permanent “cure” of one’s disease.  One could simply say, for example, “I am a human being and I have a limitation of addiction to alcohol, or drugs, or chocolate.  Or “I have a limitation in processing sugar” in a case of diabetes.  I recall the day I quit smoking many years ago.  While choosing my seat on an airplane, I had to choose between “smoker” and “non-smoker” sections.  The way the question was put was “Are you a smoker or a non-smoker. I chose to be a “non-smoker” and it felt so good changing my “identity” at that level of my addiction to tobacco.  


So, let’s look at how we perceive ourselves.  We can perceive ourselves as one acting or one being acted upon, depending on our state of consciousness and self-awareness.  Since consciousness is where everything first takes place in our lives, even before external events happen, what I perceive myself to be in consciousness, who I imagine myself to be, will determine how I behave in any given external event or circumstance. Some say that external events are not real but are creations of our consciousness.  I believe that external events are real in that they are reflections of our reality, created by us through our capacity of consciousness – one of its many aspects and levels of function being imagination.    

Imagination is at the heart of creation.  Our whole world arises out of our imagination.  We act upon our worlds from out of our imagination, literally where images of things and events we want to create are formed. First there is an image in consciousness, or what is sometimes called “the heaven,” and then a form appears in the earth from out of the mist of imagination. The heaven and the earth are one, and in consciousness is where these two come together and interact, the earth being shaped by the image in the heaven.  Imagination, and ultimately consciousness, can be conditioned by perception, and vice versa. Perception can be “jaded” by imagination.  

For example, I can imagine horrible things are going on, especially when there’s chronic pain in my body or a state of depression in my mind. The big bad “C” is feared by most and held suspect, as is “mental illness,” and if I hold that image of cancer or of mental illness in my consciousness, I am setting myself up for creating that condition in my body-mind out of fear.  Fear has been defined as faith in evil, belief that the worst is going to happen.  So, be careful what you fear as it may well come upon you. Some people have an “evil eye.” They are always looking for what’s wrong, and they’ll usually find it . . . or perhaps create it as “wrong” in their consciousness.

Or, I can imagine wonderful things are going on through a bright and cheerful outlook, and they seemingly appear from out of nowhere.  Some people have a natural knack for always seeing things “on the bright side,” as we say.  It all depends on one’s state of consciousness which conditions perception. In this sense, we do create our world out of our consciousness, and in this sense alone it isn’t real but just the way we’re looking at it. Perhaps accurate is the better word to use.  We rarely see things as they actually are.  Makes one ask, “What’s real anyway?”


We live and function out of an identity, an ego, which is either true or false, authentic or fabricated. We are either a creator, our authentic Self, or a creature, our fabricated self.  We perceive ourselves as acting or as being acted upon, depending on whom we perceive ourselves to be, creators or creatures.  

I believe that all disease, physical, mental and emotional, is a symptom of an identity crisis disrupting the status quo so that a process of transformation can take place. I’ve heard prominent health authors express the same conviction.  (These words are mine.)  

In truth, we are creators, and we create our own reality out of our imagination and consciousness.  You could say that consciousness is where Reality meets and interacts with form in the factual world.  As said earlier, heaven and earth are one in our consciousness . . . or, they are separate, if we want to see them that way.  It depends, again, on our state of consciousness.  And, let’s be honest, all of us have been conditioned to see things as separate entities by the beliefs implanted in our subconscious minds during our so-called “education,” which was actually programming. In this sense, we live in an illusory world where things appear to be separate. In the real world, all things are connected and whole. 

Young children naturally see things as whole and connected.  They see an apple as a delicious fruit before they are taught to spell the word with separate letters, a-p-p-l-e, or dissect it into Vitamins A, B, C, and over a hundred other nutrients vital to our health. They don’t even have a concept of God, the devil, or good and evil. In their fluid state of freedom they are too busy knowing God. To them the world is one beautiful and wonderful place to be and in which to live and play. To them it is all good and whole.


We are taught to separate things into isolated parts, as though such dissection would lead to understanding.   To use a Biblical reference, we are taught to “eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” to judge what is good and condemn what is “evil.”  Mental judgement is an addiction that is hard for anyone to break who is identified as a creature.  It is the only addiction.  All other outbreaks of addiction stem from this one addiction to judgement of good and evil.  The irony of this is that what we judge to be “good” often turns out to be “bad” for us.        

If we see ourselves as creatures, we are always being acted upon by external forces. If it’s not the economy, it’s the weather.  If not the Republicans then it’s the Democrats. If it’s not a virus or a flu bug, it’s an ulcer or cancer. Something’s always trying to “do us in.”  Our genes are wrongly blamed for many of our diseases and even our behavior, when all they do is determine the shape of our bodies and the color of our eyes and hair.  All else is learned behavior — our habits and lifestyles, what we eat and drink, whether we use tobacco and alcohol, how to medicate our bodies and minds when they feel sick and tired — all these things we inherit, not in our genes but through our perception that shapes our consciousness of who we are and how life is lived.  

And you know what? We are all disillusioned . . . if we are lucky. And if we’re not lucky, we believe the illusion and live out our lives in quiet desperation drugged by the opiates of mind-altering chemicals . . . and/or religion, in the hopes of having a better life in heaven. But we don’t enter the kingdom of heaven as creatures, only as creators.  Heaven is within us and all around us.  We destroy it or create it in our consciousness, and, depending on which we do, we either perceive it or we don’t.  The fact that we don’t perceive heaven “at hand” doesn’t mean that it isn’t present. The instruction was to “repent” — literally turn around and see it, change your perception in other words so that you can see that you are truly in heaven and that heaven is within you . . . a place where “firm control and awful power eternally abide” to call on a line from one of my favorite poems, Thus It Is by Martin Cecil.


On the other hand, when we see ourselves as creators, we are always leading forth with positive and creative force — and that need not be something loud and contrived or imposing. It can be as simply and easy as being thankful and appreciative.  These are positive forces.  If the economy is poor, rather than being stressed out we simply adjust our spending so we can continue being creative, being thankful for what means we have and creative in finding ways to live within them.   If a virus or flu bug has gotten past our immune system, rather than thinking the worst we simply appreciate our immune system, perhaps support it with Echinacea and Vitamins A and C, and/or take measures to cleanse the blood and lymphatic system with garlic, herbs and lots of fluids . . .and movementYes, movement helps circulate the lymph and blood that carry out the toxins.  Unless a dangerous fever comes on, it’s best to keep moving during a cold or flu.  If you feel you have to see a doctor, then go to one you can easily believe in.  Your belief alone will see you through the crisis.  

If our minds become confused trying to understand the complexities of life in this world, we turn to God within and pray for understanding, and we focus on what’s right at hand that we do understand.  If our hearts are broken and saddened by disappointment, we turn to love and find wisdom in releasing what’s hurtful through forgiveness rather than thrashing out in anger to hurt the one(s) who hurt us, or fall victim to self-pity.  If we fall, we get up and walk again, because we are creators acting and never victims being acted upon.   


I am trying my best to keep this as simple as possible, because the truth is really simple and easy. There is design and purpose to everything under the sun, and everything under the sun serves one purpose: the creation of life and beauty on earth. Outside this design and purpose things have no meaning and value, and life gets complicated, painful and hard.   

Take our most personal possessions, our human capacities.  They serve only two purposes (which are actually one), and that is our incarnation as spirit beings and our creative activities in the material world with others.  That’s it.  Any activities outside of this have no meaning or value to these capacities, and when these capacities of body-mind and heart are not serving their purpose, what they are designed to do, they become bored and confused, at best.  At worse, they become incoherent and eventually malfunction, get sick and start falling apart.  That’s what physical, mental and emotional illness is: a confused, incoherent falling apart of our capacities due to abuse, our failure to use them according to their design and for the purpose they were created to serve.  It’s that simple.  

The cure is just as simple as restoring them to their intended purpose and nourishing them with love and appreciation, wholesome food and fresh water, along with plenty of rest and exercise.  Health is not complicated.  It’s simple because it is the truth of life, and the truth makes us free.  That’s why we’re always looking for it.  We want to be free from disease and from the drugging of our capacities.  Well, here it is, right at hand!  Embrace it and relinquish any and all dependence on drugs of every kind, and that includes tobacco and alcohol. We can do it because we have the power as creators to re-create ourselves and our worlds in our consciousness. See yourself and your world as whole and it will be so for you.  


In that remarkable movie “Awakenings,” Dr. Malcolm Sayer  (played by Robin Williams) — after his futile attempt to permanently awaken Leonard Lowe (played in a stunning performance by Robert Di Nero), and a number of other patients who were damaged in their childhood years by encephalitis, with an experimental mega-dosing of Dopamine — concludes his compassionate and hopeful project, turned failure by an onslaught of adverse reactions to the drug, with these insightful words:

The Human spirit is more powerful than any drug — and that’s what we need to nourish . . . with kindness, compassion, friendship — things as simple as that.

I felt his pain of frustration, limited as he was by orthodox medicine in finding a cure for his client’s mental illness, with the only thing between his determination to find a cure and his patient was a drug that offered only promise with adverse side-effects — not at all unlike modern medical doctors today. I felt his ache of heart as Leonard, speaking through his facial tic and spastic limbs, cried out to him “Don’t give up on me!”  That brought me to tears, because I know first hand what compassion mixed with frustration can do to a doctor’s heart.  

Thankfully, we have natural solutions to modern day ills today — not that modern medicine has embraced them.  The business of masking symptoms and managing diseases is too profitable.  Breaking the addiction to drugs is the largest hurdle patients have to face when their medical doctor won’t cooperate with them, at best, or expresses anger at them for not wanting to take their medicine, at worse, even threatening them with discharge for non-compliance.  Our healthcare system is broke at this level alone.  Forget the economical issues.  We doctors can turn this system around simply by putting the patient first . . . and patients can break the cycle by embracing Mother Nature’s cornucopia of natural solutions back to health.       _____________________________________________________________

In my next blog post we will take each of our capacities and see them in a new light, individually and as a functional whole.  Thank you for joining me in this vital consideration.  Until we’re together again, I pray good health and happiness for you.

Dr. Anthony Palombo


Visit my other blog Healing Tonesfor a deeper understanding of your body temple as an energetic symphony of sound and light.   


The Purple Pill Fallacy

I never dreamed I’d see the day when a drug company would actually come out and expose the sheer ignorance and stupidity of medical science and its so-called “doctors” the way one has recently.  Yes, I said “so-called doctors” because if gastrointerologists actually believe what the company that manufactures Nexium is “teaching” (the real meaning of the word doctor) the public about how to handle and avoid “acid-indigestion,” then they have stopped being doctors and have become drug technicians.  

Believe it or not, however, there it was on my television screen a few days ago, before God and everyone, blatantly proclaiming their ignorance, all the while taking us for fools.  The “Purple Pill” ad shouted out: “BLOCK THE ACID . . . FROM THE START!”  or something to that effect.  I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears.  Was I actually hearing correctly.  Did he say “Block the acid” to avoid “acid-indigestion?!”  OMG!  It’s come to that!  I wonder how many people saw through the fallacy of that ad, and how many of those expensive purple capsules this ad sells on a daily basis.  And we wonder why we have so much colon cancer!  (I’ll explain.) I have a close relative who actually raves about the wonders of this drug that “shuts off acid pumps” in the stomach.  Now the makers of Prilosec are touting the same message. 


How does the stomach digest meat, dairy, eggs, nuts, and grains?  Right!  With digestive acid — betaine hydrochloride to be exact.  Where does this acid come from?  Right again! The stomach — the parietal cells lining the stomach wall, to be exact. What causes so-called “acid indigestion?”  If you answered “too much acid,” as the ad leads one to believe, you’d be wrong!   It’s not too much stomach acid.  It’s not enough stomach acid.  That’s right.  So-called “acid indigestion” is actually “lack-of-acid indigestion.”   

The essential condition of indigestion is a failure of the food to digest due to a lack of digestive juices.  Now, what happens when the food stops digesting? It ferments.  What does fermentation produce?  GAS — hot, acidic gas, the kind that makes you burp fire so hot that it burns the stomach and the cardiac valve, making them so limp that the valve can’t close tightly.  The result?  You guessed it!  GERD — Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.  

Of course, as medicine will do, they’ve made a “disease” out of this condition so they can treat it with a drug.  That’s what they do.  They’re drug dealers.  They deal in drugs.  They don’t teach us, as doctors are supposed to do, how to eat properly so that the food digests as it is designed to do in a stomach that was made to withstand its own secretions of digestive juices – which, by the way, include hydrochloric acid.  If fact, they tell you to go ahead and eat what and how you want because you can just block the production of digestive acids with the Purple Pill.  Horror of horrors! It doesn’t get any more deplorable than that!  It’s a slap to the face of the Creator Himself who made the stomach to produce acid . . . and it’s an insult to our common sense and intelligence. 


Now, let’s think this through.  The cure for in-digestion is digestion. Isn’t that logical?  If the food you ate stops digesting, you need to start up the digestive process again, get it going in the right direction so that the food doesn’t ferment . . . and, to the purpose of eating at all, so that your body can get the nutrients it needs to be healthy.   And just how shall you accomplish that?  Well, if the food you ate needs hydrochloric acid to digest it, you’re going to have to add more hydrochloric acid to the contents of your stomach. You obviously do not want to block the stomach from making its own betaine hydrochloride — nor neutralize the acid with antacids.  Oh, Tums and Rolaids will buffer the acids of fermentation, but they also neutralize the hydrochloric acid needed to digest the meat.  So, instead of antacids, you can take some betaine hydrochloride.  

I use ZYPAN by Standard Process Labs ($13/90 tabs).  It works every time.  Actually, I take it with every meal simply because after 45 we make less betaine hydrochloride.  And if you’re under stress, you make none at all.    People who have chronic stress do not digest their food very well and are usually popping antacids after meals.  

Watch this short video clip:

The body isn’t interested in nourishment when it’s geared up to fight or flee from a threat.  As Dr. Bruce Lipton points out,  we’re either in growth or protection and defense mode.  We can’t be in both at the same time.


  1. Eating “fast food” on the run and under the duress of a deadline you have to meet or a tight schedule.  Being totally present with your meals, savoring the taste and enjoying the brief break away from your job or routine go a long way toward healthy digestion. 
  2. Combining foods that don’t digest well together.  A typical example is meat and potatoes, a protein and a starch.  They require opposite chemistry to digest – meats need acid and starches need alkaline digestive juices.  Acids and alkalines neutralize one another.  The result is that neither digest but sit in the stomach and ferment causing “acid indigestion” and “heart burn.”  (It’s not the heart that actually burns but the area of the stomach and esophagus that’s close to the heart.) The rule of thumb for compatible food combining  is eat meats with vegetables and fruit with starches. Meats and sweets don’t digest well together.
  3. Drinking cokes and other sweet beverages with meals.  Again, the chemistry doesn’t mix.  Drink water with a squeeze of lemon.   
  4. Ulcers.  The body is wise.  It won’t secrete hydrochloric acid into the stomach when it’s ulcerated.  That’s why a bland diet is required.  So, you don’t want to take ZYPAN if you have ulcers. First, heal up the ulcer.  That can be done in three days with chlorophyll and okra pepsin.  CHLOROPHYLL COMPLEX PERLES  and GASTREX by Standard Process Labs (SPL) are what I use with my clients.  Drop me an email and I’ll send you a   bottle of each, which is all you’ll need . . . provided you start eating properly. If you have a duodenal ulcer, you likely have gallbladder trouble, which requires attention and a different nutritional protocol.  If you have GERD or a hiatal hernia, you’ll need to supplement with manganese to tone up the valve and herniated tissues.  I use LIGAPLEX II (SPL) (150 caps/$25), a wholefood formula with high concentrations of food-based manganese and other synergistic factors for proper utilization in toning up weak ligaments. Write me for guidance and help with these conditions.  They can all be corrected with nutrition. 
  5. Eating too fast.  Chewing allows activating enzymes of pepsin and ptyalin to mix in with the food.  Without these enzymes the digestive juices cannot be activated.  Chew your food well before  swallowing it . . . and don’t wash it down with coke or sweet beverages.  Water with a little ice and lemon juice is the only fluid one needs to clear out the mouth and esophagus.


  • Pepsin is the powerful enzyme in gastric juice that activates hydrochloric acid to digest proteins such as those in meat, eggs, grains and seeds, or dairy products.
  • Ptyalin is a form of amylase in the saliva of humans and some animals that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into maltose and dextrin. 


When undigested meat gets into the bowels where nutrients and water are taken up into the blood stream, it gets putrid and rots, creating conditions in which cancer can develop.  When undigested fats get into the lower bowels they go rancid.  Rotting meat and rancid fats irritate the lining of the intestines causing inflammation that leads to colitis (IBS), diverticulitis, leaky gut syndrome (the underlying cause of many food allergies), crohns disease, even cancer.   Safeguard your digestive tract.  Eat sensibly.  Take digestive enzymes, especially if you’re not eating enough enzyme-rich raw vegetables. 

For personal consultation, drop me an email to set up an appointment for a private telephone consultation.  If you want the products mentioned in this article, simply drop me an email with your order.  (Gastrex is $21 for 90 capsules and Chlorophyll Complex $23 for 60 perles.)  I’ll give you a phone number to call with your credit card information.  Postage will be added to all orders.  Consultation fees are $45 for a half-hour and $65 for an hour.  I also offer health coaching for a reasonable fee.  

Until my next post, here’s to your health and healing!

Dr. Tony Palombo

Email address: 

For inspired writing and inspiring reading, visit my Healing Tones blog. 

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