Every Cancer Can Be Cured in Weeks

Dr. Leonard Coldwell claims that any type of cancer can be cured in just 2 to 16 weeks. Click on the link below for his brief video interview.  You will be surprised when you see it. Yes, that’s true, cancer can be cured. I hope you’ll be amazed as I was when I watched the video for the first time.


Visit my HealingTones.org blog for articles on creating a New Earth together.


“Is Cholesterol Really an Issue?” –The Chopra Center

My Chorale PicIt’s always interesting to hear another healthcare professional, especially a medical doctor and researcher, say what I and many of my colleagues in the field of clinical nutrition have been saying for many years now.  The following is news only to those with ears attuned only to Medical Research and whose minds – to their misfortune – are closed to any professionals with anything less than an “M.D.” degree behind their name.  It is not news to the rest of us who have been using our minds for critical thinking. Nevertheless, this is worth reading as it details the facts about cholesterol production in the body. That said, I am pleased to know that the rest of the world is finally getting this information from a source they allow to do their thinking for them.  Yes, I admit to and own my cynicism. Please forgive me and do read on . . . .

Why Cholesterol May Not Be Such a Bad Thing

When arteries are damaged by a lifestyle event such as stress, high blood pressure, nicotine, or other toxins, cholesterol is the body’s first response to help repair the artery, according to Dr. Alejandro Junger, M.D.., cardiologist and author of Clean Gut. Similar to forming a scab on a wound, the body sends cholesterol plaque to help repair the damage. This is the small, high-density type of cholesterol. In a healthy body, healthy cells would then continue to repair the artery, and the cholesterol plaque would be reabsorbed back into the body and not accumulate and become a health issue.

However, in a chronic situation like ongoing stress, high blood pressure, or exposure to toxins (all inflammation producers), the signal to stop sending cholesterol to that damaged area never gets turned off and the cholesterol plaque continues to build up. Chronic inflammation can exacerbate this process and keep the plaque building until the affected artery is clogged.

Living a healthy, low-stress lifestyle, including mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga, can help turn off the conveyer  belt of plaque being sent to a damaged artery.

Need one say more?  If  you want the whole story, go to the Chopra website at the link below. It’s a good read.

Here’s to your health and longevity.

Anthony Palombo, D.C.


Cellular Vitality

The Cell Picture

Your body is only as healthy and energetic as its cells.  Feed them well and feel your best ever.

This article is of paramount importance to your health. I encourage you to receive the product information included here with an open mind and with disengaged “spam filters.”   I use the highest grade of wholefood supplements and herbs in my professional coaching service.  What I offer here is primarily intended to benefit the health of my blog readers.  I am most thankful for the honest income I receive from any sales, but not as much as for the grateful  response I receive form clients who benefit from the supplements I recommend and they are compliant in taking as recommended.  Their price merely reflects their benchmark quality and unwavering effectiveness.  

That said . . . it is not very often that a nutritional product comes on board that simply supports the health and vitality of the basic unit of our physical anatomy — the cell.  We’ve just finished a series of articles detailing the amazing micro-machinery and micro-chemistry of the human cell.  (Click on picture to enlarge it).  If you are just coming online with my blog, you’ll want to visit these articles in the archives and be entertained while learning about the intricate and incredible life of your body’s cells.

Must-see video clips Click here for a 3-minute ABC special report on the inner life of the cell.  For a full 8-minute show with music click here. And don’t miss viewing David Bolinsky’s 10-minute Fantastic Voyage Inside the Cell.  It is very well done and quite entertaining.

Cellular Vitality is the name of a gluten-free wholefood supplement made by Standard Process Labs.  It is a complex, synergistic blend of B vitamins, bromelain, mushroom, berry seeds, CoQ10, ginseng, and ribonucleic acid (RNA). These ingredients offer the opportunity to support the body as a whole, with emphasis on our cellular processes specifically. ($40/90 caps)

Cellular Vitality contains:

  • American ginseng, which acts as a body tonic for the byproducts of stress
  • B vitamins, to fuel cells and participate in numerous body processes that contribute to normal function
  • Berry seeds, which contain phytochemicals, like anthocyanidins and tannins, that aid cells during the normal wear and tear of everyday function
  • Bromelain, an enzyme complex from pineapple stems and juice that modulates the body’s natural inflammatory response when taken between meals
  • Coenzyme Q10, an enzyme that is essential for creation of energy within the mitochondria of cells, and that helps protect cells from free radicals
  • Cordyceps sinensis, a mushroom powder long prized in Traditional Chinese Medicine with a variety of bioactive compounds that contribute to fatigue management and blood sugar support
  • Ribonucleic acid (RNA), compounds that can be broken apart as cells to create energy or manufacture protein†
  • Proprietary Blend: 1,240 mg  Multi-fruit Seed Powder [Ruby grape seed, blueberry seed, cranberry seed, red raspberry seed, black raspberry seed, and pomegranate seed], ribonucleic acid, mushroom powder (Cordyceps sinensis), bromelain, and American ginseng (root)
  • Other Ingredients: Quinoa sprouts, cellulose, maltodextrin, and calcium stearate.

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a story unto itself.  Let me tell you about the benefits of this vitally essential molecule.  RNA is the memory chip in the brain . . . literally.  It is generated in the brain when there is interest.  It actually records the information, like the tape in a tape recorder or a silicon chip in a computer, and files it away for future recall.  If there is no interest in what is being seen or heard, then no RNA is generated . . . and that’s why we don’t remember things we are not interested in; also why we can recall information that piqued our interest.  I think that’s amazing.  Any wonder why a elderly person who has lost interest in life itself experiences a decline in memory? If we don’t use it we lose it, and there’s a biological and biochemical reason for loss of memory that can be addressed . . . with lifestyle changes as well as nutritional supplementation.

RNA serves other purposes in the body, such as in the process of protein synthesis.  It conveys the pattern for cellular replication from the DNA.  Watch the video clip and be duly impressed by the miracle of life going on inside each of your 100 trillion cells.  You’ll want to make sure you are doing all you can to help your cells do their job.

Parkinson’s disease is a sure sign of RNA deficiency.  Supplementing with RNA is absolutely vital to address this neurotransmitter disorder, which is simply a symptom of inadequate brain-cell regeneration.  We now know that brain cells do regenerate themselves.  They just take longer to do so than other body cells.

In the video clip you saw a computer model of how protein is manufactured in every cell.  Protein is the building block of every tissue in your body.  Now you can appreciate how vital it is to keep your cells healthy and happy.  Cellular Vitality will help you nourish your body cells so they can continue into your elder years to provide you with the protein building blocks to sustain tissue regeneration and the energy to get up each morning and engage life to the fullest.

A word about proteins.  As you saw in the video clip, these building blocks of the cells and tissues of the body are assembled within the cells by their micro-machinery.  Each protein molecule is composed of what are called “amino acids.”  These are the pieces that make up proteins.  Now, they are already assembled to make up animal proteins that we take into our bodies when we consume meat.  Therefore, they have to be dis-assembled in the digestive tract before they can be taken up into the blood stream and used by the cells to re-assemble them into protein strands for our bodies.  Hydrochloric acid is what the stomach parietal cells secrete to break down meat tissue.

That takes work and energy, which is part of the reason why we feel sleepy after eating a meal containing animal protein, especially beef.  It takes a lot of energy, for instance, just to make 2.5 pH hydrochloric acid from near neutral to slightly alkaline body fluids.  And you don’t want to dilute those stomach digestive acids by eating or drinking sweets with your meat meals.  Simply drink water, preferably at room temperature and with a squeeze of lemon. Lighter proteins, such as fish, eggs, and dairy are more easily broken down.

Now, don’t over heat proteins, such as eggs, as heat toughens proteins.  Soft-boiled, poached or scrambled lightly in a little olive oil and butter is a healthful way to prepare eggs.  If you like fried eggs, try over-easy or over-medium in a little olive oil and butter.  I mix a little butter in my olive oil to facilitate fat metabolism . . . and, of course, butter adds flavor!!! You haven’t had great scrambled eggs until you’ve scrambled them in a generous amount of real butter . . .  not margarine.  Stay away from margarine which is hydroginated vegetable oil and therefore rancid.  Rancid oils, such as in stale nuts and oils exposed to light and air, destroy tissue cells upon contact.  Not good! Better for your health to just toss them out and use fresh nuts and non-hydroginated oils.

We really should never cook meat in a microwave as it alters the molecular proteins in the meat. Microwaving is okay for warming but not for cooking foods, as it takes only a few seconds to heat up most foods in a microwave oven.

About olive oil:  I read recently that Pure Olive Oil has a longer shelf life than Virgin or Extra-virgin.  It’s best for cooking as  it doesn’t have as much of the raw materials that can easily oxidize as are in less-processed oils.   Virgin and extra virgin oils are more fragile and need to be kept in dark, air-tight containers.  It’s best to purchase them in smaller bottles even though you’ll pay more.  Think of your health first.  You don’t want to slaughter those precious little cells that are hard at work keeping you healthfully in form.

Now, in vegetables and legumes, amino acids are not so tightly assembled and are therefore more readily available to protein manufacturing in our body’s cells.  Supplementing amino acids in your diet is also a viable option.  Protefood  by Standard Process ($27/90 caps) would be a smart choice, as it contains all of the amino acids required to build protein.  It’s my product of choice for clients with hypoglycemia as it checks sugar craving and supports the adrenal glands.

Fresh nuts, especially almonds, are a great source of amino acids. Soak the almonds overnight in water to soften them and to activate their natural enzymes for easier digestion and assimilation.  Always chew nuts thoroughly to break down the meat and to mix in the digestive enzyme Pepsin, which activates hydrochloric acid in the stomach for protein digestion.

“Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink!”

Let us not leave this consideration of the health and vitality of the cell without mentioning water.  Cells need water, both inside and outside.  They need pure, clean water that is easily consumed.  Acidity and toxins in tissue fluids around the cells cause them to close their intake pores and eventually die from thirst and starvation.  Poor quality of water can lead to fluid retention as the body attempts to dilute the acid with more water.

AC Carbamide is a wonderful product which Dr. Royal Lee, founder of Standard Process Labs in Palmyra, Wisconsin, formulated.  It actually neutralizes uric acid in the body fluids and joints and makes the cells more permeable to the flow of water in and out of the tissues.  I highly recommend it, especially for problems with gouty arthritis and fluid retention.  And with  CoQ10 for kidney and heart energy, you have a couple of team players working for you. AC Carbamide is a great anti-inflammatory as it addresses a common cause of inflammation: acidity of body fluids. ($18/90 caps)

Add 2 ounces of ASEA to your daily regimen and you have a comprehensive program for cell health and vitality.  Cells are happiest when they are able to communicate with the rest of the body.  Redox signaling molecules, now available in supplement form with ASEA, assures inter-cellular communication.

Well, that will do it for this post.  Plenty here to ingest and process  (pun intended).  I trust this article proves helpful to you in your health and wellness care.  Until my next post, then . . .

My best to your health and healing,

Dr. Tony Palombo

For more detailed information on products mentioned in my blogs, Google Standard Process or click here.

To order products and for information about dosages, simply drop me an email at tpal70@gmail.com, or call me at 337-802-5510.  

Visit my second blog:  Healing Tones

Eat the Whole Egg

The yoke is where the nutrition is.

Here’s to the faithful breakfast egg!  I found a great article on the nutritional qualities of the egg on Facebook and thought I would share it with my blog readers. 

You’ll find it at this link: http://www.truthaboutabs.com/whole-eggs-or-egg-whites.html

Here’s an excerpt:  “This is a perfect example of how confused most people are about nutrition. In a world full of misinformation about nutrition, somehow most people now mistakenly think that the egg yolk is the worst part of the egg, when in fact, the YOLK IS THE HEALTHIEST PART OF THE EGG!

“By throwing out the yolk and only eating egg whites, you’re essentially throwing out the most nutrient dense, antioxidant-rich, vitamin and mineral loaded portion of the egg. The yolks contain so many B-vitamins, trace minerals, vitamin A, folate, choline, lutein, and other powerful nutrients… it’s not even worth trying to list them all.

“In fact, the egg whites are almost devoid of nutrition compared to the yolks.

“Even the protein in egg whites isn’t as powerful without the yolks to balance out the amino acid profile and make the protein more bio-available. Not to even mention that the egg yolks from free range chickens are loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

“Yolks contain more than 90% of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate, and B12, and panthothenic acid of the egg. In addition, the yolks contain ALL of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in the egg, as well as ALL of the essential fatty acids (EFAs).”

My tip: The harder the egg white, the more work it takes in the stomach to break it down.  The amino acids bond more tightly together with heat, as is the case with all cooked proteins.  Better to eat the egg white raw in a health drink.  The next best way to eat it is poached, soft-boiled, or soft-scrambled in a little olive oil and butter.  Yummy!  Add some chives or green onions, and a clove or two of garlic, and you have a tasty and healthy brunch.  And don’t forget the salsa!  Ummmm good!

“And now the common objection I get all the time when I say that the yolks are the most nutritious part of the egg…

“But I heard that whole eggs will skyrocket my cholesterol through the roof”

Click on the link and find out the truth about the egg and cholesterol.

To your health,