Violence and Brain Starvation


Tony's picture 2 from PeggyThis is not “news.” I’ve been saying it for decades, as have countless nutritional researchers and clinicians the world over. Dr. Royal Lee, called the “Einstein of Nutrition” and the “Father of Holistic Nutrition,” proved it out a century ago. Oh, medical science is so slow in arriving at the truth; so full between its ears of its own mind-made intelligence and arrogance that it hasn’t been able to hear the truth. Read the article and learn the facts about the truth of the matter — that is if you don’t already know them. (My apologies to my already awake, aware and informed readers.)

Dr. Weston Price

Dr. Weston Price

Dr. Weston Price, like Dr. Royal Lee, was a dental physician who considered teeth but a reflection of total body health, being a part of the body itself. Dr. Lee’s approach was to feed the body nutrient rich foods and in that you heal the teeth. In his own words: 

Dr. Royal Lee

Dr. Royal Lee

One of the greatest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemical therapy over nutrition. It’s the substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of starvation. (click to hear his voice).

A contemporary colleague of Dr. Lee, Dr. Price spent his years researching, documenting an publishing scientific information on the impact of nutrition on health and disease. So, your brain is in good hands here. Enjoy this article from the Weston A. Price Foundation.

WASHINGTON, DC,, Aug. 30, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deficiencies of vitamins A, D, K, B1, B3, B6, B12 and folate, and of minerals iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, chromium and manganese can all contribute to mental instability and violent behavior, according to a report published in the Spring 2013 issue of Wise Traditions, the journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

The article, Violent Behavior: A Solution in Plain Sight by Sylvia Onusic, PhD, CNS, LDN, seeks reasons for the increase in violent behavior in America, especially among teenagers.

“We can blame violence on the media and on the breakdown of the home,” says Onusic, “but the fact is that a large number of Americans, living mostly on devitalized processed food, are suffering from malnutrition.  In many cases, this means their brains are starving.”

In fact, doctors are seeing a return of nutritional deficiency diseases such as scurvy and pellagra, which were declared eradicated long ago by public health officials.  Many of these conditions cause brain injuries as well.

Symptoms of pellagra, for example, include anxiety, hyperactivity, depression, fatigue, headache, insomnia and hallucinations. Pellagra is a disease caused by deficiency of vitamin B3.  Zinc deficiency is linked with angry, aggressive, and hostile behaviors that result in violence.  The best dietary sources of zinc are red meat and shellfish.

Leaky gut and gluten sensitivities may exacerbate nutrient deficiencies.  Gluten intolerance is strongly linked with schizophrenia.

Things have gotten even worse since Lee’s and Price’s day with all the chemicals we now have and are adding to our foods, such as MSG and Aspartame, to enhance flavor and attack obesity. Little wonder our guts are eroding and leaking undigested proteins into our blood streams, the underlying cause of food sensitivities and allergies. Read on.

“Making things worse are excitotoxins so prevalent in the food supply, such as MSG and Aspartame,” says Onusic.  “People who live on processed food and who drink diet sodas are exposed to these mind-altering chemicals at very high levels.” In an effort to curb child obesity, the dairy industry recently petitioned FDA to include aspartame and other artificial sweeteners in dairy beverages featured in school lunches, without appropriate labeling. Recent research has established the fact that aspartame actually leads to weight gain because of its effect on insulin.

Other ingredients in the food supply linked to violent behavior include sugar, artificial colors and flavorings, caffeine, alcohol and soy foods. The toxic environmental burden includes mercury, arsenic, lead, fire retardants, pesticides, heavy metals and Teflon.  Adding psychiatric drugs to this mix puts everyone at risk.

Whole foods is the only answer, and you won’t get what your body and brain need from synthetic, isolated vitamins in a “one-a-day” Centrum tablet, or gummy bears. Only from food-based nutritional therapy using whole-food supplements.

“The only solution to the mounting levels of violence is a return to real, nutrient-dense food,” says Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. “We must create a culture in which eating processed food is seen as uncool, and in which home cooking is embraced as a life-enhancing skill.”

The Weston A. Price Foundation has pointed out the poor nutritional quality of school lunches and the flaws in the USDA dietary guidelines, which schools receiving federal funding are required to follow.  At a press conference in January, 2010, the Foundation proposed guidelines that include eggs, organ meats and healthy animal fats.  “Our brains need cholesterol to function properly,” said Fallon Morell, “and our children need cholesterol-rich food for optimal mental and emotional development.” Studies have shown that depressed individuals, offenders who show the most violent behavior, and the most violent suicides have low cholesterol levels.

That’s not surprising, as the brain is one big mass of cholesterol, the stuff cardiologists of today are trying to reduce in Americans with their Statin drugs. I say “Americans” because it’s only in America, where drug companies make Statin drugs, that cholesterol has become a “marker” in diagnosing coronary heart distease — and it became a marker just about the same time Statin drugs appeared on the market. Not only does medicine create drugs for diseases; it also invents diseases for its drugs! Wake up Americans!

If you want the premier hallmark wholefood supplement Dr. Royal Lee formulated and made available to the world called “CATALYN,” drop me an email and I’ll mail you a large bottle (360T for $45), postage included. That’s a 60-day supply if you’re deficient and a 120 days supply if you only need maintenance and insurance against malnutrition.

I welcome and love comments on my blog posts. My email address is tpal70@gmail.comUntil next post,

Here’s to your health and sanity,

Anthony Palombo, DC, ACN

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nutrition education foundation with the mission of disseminating accurate, science-based information on diet and health. Named after nutrition pioneer Weston A. Price, DDS, author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, the Washington, DC-based Foundation publishes a quarterly journal for its 16,500 members, supports 574 local chapters worldwide and hosts a yearly international conference. The Foundation phone number is (202) 363-4394,,

For further information:

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Finding Balance in a “Sexed Universe”

Tony Pics for SA Book We’ve been considering the spiritual essences within and behind the sacred anatomy of our endocrine system.  I would like to expand this consideration to encompass the larger context of life in which these delicate glands in our bodies play dynamic roles in bringing about homeostasis.

Homeostasis in health is the state of balance between a man/woman and his/her environment.  Health is a state of balance.  Dis-ease is a state of imbalance.

I’ve been reading some of Walter Russell’s books — and blogging on them in my blog. I’m presently half way through his 1947 work The Secret of Light — a very mentally stimulating book — but  also spiritually enlightening. The author truly did tap the secrets of the Universe.  He brings God the Creator right down into Creation where one can see God, not aloof from his creation but quite intimately involved in it and eternally creating it . . . through us.  


The idea that spawned this post came in something Russell said about balance.  All things in the universe, he writes, seek balance.  The implication in this statement is that all things are naturally in a state of unbalance.  Balance, Russell writes, is a state of rest.  In what he calls a “two-way electrical universe,” opposites, by nature, oppose one another while seeking a state of rest by nullifying one another.  

In electricity, for example, a positive current seeks negative grounding, where it comes to rest in a state of balance. The same dynamic plays out in an electrical storm.  Clouds build up a positive charge which they discharge in a bolt of lightning toward the negative, receptive  ground.  The result is light, which is neither positive or negative.  These polarities are nullified by their union.  Light is the balanced state where opposites come to rest and lose their individual charge and identity.

Opposites can never unite unless they return to their original state of balance and rest, where they are no longer what they were. They become each other.  Hot becomes cold by condensing and cold becomes hot by expanding.  Night becomes day and day becomes night.  Life becomes death in order to be reborn as life. Heaven becomes earth and earth returns to heaven.  Water becomes vapor and vapor returns to water. The invisible becomes visible only to return to being invisible.  The only reality that doesn’t change is God.  God is eternal Balance.  

Human beings seek health when they are sick.  We become sick when we get out of balance with Universal Law.  For example, by divine design we carry a positive spiritual charge in relation to our environment.  Our worlds are negative, or responsive, toward us, their creators. We lose that dynamic creator-creation relationship the moment we become negative, or responsive, toward them, in effect making our worlds, rather than God, our positive point of orientation and looking to receive our cues for directions in life from circumstances rather than from within. In other words, we reverse our polarity by turning our face of response outward.  In that state, we become reactive rather than proactive.  

This sets up an unnatural dynamic between us and our worlds. We really can’t make the material world positive in its charge.  By nature it is negative toward the Positive One who made it. We can only reverse our own polarity, in effect turning our backs on God.  In so doing, we lose our radiance — and eventually our health.  Our worlds do not respond to us lacking our positive dominion and stewardship.  Life becomes a struggle of extracting sustenance from our worlds by the sweat of our brows.  (Seems I’ve read that somewhere in Genesis.) This unbalance is finally resolved in death.  Death is where our bodies finally find the rest they sought throughout their existence.  “Rest in peace,” we say — but only for a little while until the atoms that make up our bodies are resurrected back into another life form, perhaps human.  

That creator-creation dynamic is restored the moment we restore our natural polarity by turning our face of response back to God and extending a radiant dominion of positive energy toward our environment. That quality of dominion is magnetic and irresistible.  It’s Love.  Atoms and molecules will come together in healthy patterns of design and balanced bodily function very quickly around such a quality of spirit in expression through us.  Our endocrine system will produce sufficient and appropriate hormones that will gladly carry those positive energies and messages in a stream of balanced chemistry to all the cells in the body.  Vitality and harmony will prevail once again — as it was when we were innocent children — in our house of being.  


By virtue of the same dynamic, life in our day-to-day relationships and activities is a state of opposites and therefore of unbalance.  Male and female, for example, are opposite energies.  They oppose one another.  That’s their natural state of creative stress. They seek union in order to procreate, and in doing so they become one another, negate one another, lose themselves in one another.  Men no longer remain male and women no longer female.  They become Love, if only for a few minutes, creating a new life form. If only they would retain that shared identity in Love after their sexual union and extend loving dominion in their daily affairs, the world would quickly be transformed. Then, male energy could continue to be itself and female energy itself in an ongoing, natural relationship of opposites balancing one another rather than competing with one another for power and control.

Ideally and ultimately the balancing of these two energies needs to take place within the individual. It occurs easily as the mind is consumed in knowing Truth and how things work with Life,  and the heart is content in its love affair with Love and ceases looking for love elsewhere. It occurs instantly when I remember who I AM and honor my lordship over my creation. 

In politics, liberals oppose conservatives. That’s by constitutional, as well as natural, design.  Standing alone, they are each in a state of unbalance. Standing together in opposition to one another, they create a dynamic state of what could and should be creative stress.  It has historical rather created a seemingly insurmountable impasse.

A state of unbalance finds balance only by returning to a state of rest.  Agreement — even agreeing to disagree — creates a state of rest.  

I find it interesting that in this political battle over gun control, the conservative party wants liberation from gun-control while the liberal party wants conservation and tightening of gun-control — and the twain shall never meet. That is, unless they come to love and want the same thing, hopefully the truth, whatever that is in this situation. The people, whom they represent, are divided on that score, a division we see reflected in Congress. Until we the people come to a resolution on the basis of what the right thing to do is, the two parties will remain unbalanced in their individual views and in their polarized charge around those views, and the issue will remain unresolved. Without agreement, there can be no balance, and the painfully divisive state of unrest in our nation will persist, all stemming from a prevailing fear that the government is trying to take away our constitutional right to bear arms, a “right” that is at odds with Universal Law.  

The solution to the tragedies produced by violence is not to be found and legislated by Congress.  It will come about naturally when we stop making allowances for it in our consciousness. Data shows you are four times more likely to die by a bullet — either by your hand or by that of your spouse or other family member — if you make allowance for a gun in your home as a means of self-defense. It’s the old proverb, “Live by the sword and die by the sword.”  

Opposites can unite only if they return to their original state of balance and rest.  Love is our origin. Only in Love can we find our place of balance and rest. When our love is for truth, the result of our actions will be peace — and life will prevail.  


That is how Walter Russell describes the world in which we live.  Electricity is created by divided wave action arising out of God’s Mind conveying his Idea of Creation.  One wave carries a positive charge and the other wave carries a negative charge.  One compresses while the other expands. One is masculine and the other feminine. Their passion to unite and discharge  depends upon the intensity and build up of their electrical charge. The farther away from a state of balance through union they are, the more they “sex” one another and the more irresistible is their desire for union, which can be rather violent if one is super-charged and not discharging energy in other creative ways — or is mentally or emotionally compromised.  As Russell describes it . . .

Sex is the division of a balanced equilibrium condition into two equally unbalanced conditions which negate each other periodically for the purpose of repeating the two unbalanced conditions.

Sex is the creative principle. It is the dual desire force in Mind (God) for expressing its One Idea (for Creation). Without a division of the one unconditioned Light into two seemingly conditioned lights (male-female, positive-negative, father-mother), Creation could not be.

Sex is not a thing, it is a condition of a thing.  An electrically balanced condition of anything is sexless, whether it be a man, woman, electric battery, or the atmosphere. A sexed condition is an unbalanced condition. 

Using the examples of a short-circuited battery losing its charge and becoming “dead,” and that of the calm after an electrical storm that has discharged the clouds and the atmosphere, Russell makes his case for how the desire for balance is satisfied in nature, and when balance is attained at rest, motion is no longer possible.

The sexed condition of unbalance in man is exactly the same in all phenomena in Nature. An unbalanced sex condition in man demands balancing in the same way, and its violence depends upon its electrical measure of unbalance. When that desire is satisfied and balance is restored, man is as sexless as the dead storage battery and for the same reason.

He offers this as a re-conditioning:

Man is recharged into a sexed condition by his heartbeat, by the food he eats and by his inbreathing-outbreathing. These are the generators which recharge the “dead storage batteries” of all the universe into sexed conditioned “live batteries.”

Electricity — which Russell sees as the wave activity of God’s knowing and thinking Mind — is what conditions all “sexless matter into its sexed condition, by dividing a pressureless condition into two opposite pressures which desire release from their opposition.”  He then offers this astute observation and perspective:

All of the work of the universe is performed as a result of that desire in unbalanced matter to seek rest in a balanced condition.  

This is a sexed electric universe in every effect of motion, whether it be in the heart of a giant sun or in the petal of a meadow violet.

Every action of motion in the universe is a result of sex desire for motion from a state of rest, or for rest from a state of motion. 

One can see the function of emotions in this light as a means of discharging energy charge around issues of deep interest. Russell brings it all back to God in this final paragraph:

These two sex desires of electric action and reaction are the result of the two desires of the Father to manifest His One Light through the extended father-mother lights which interweave His idea of Creation into the multiple forms of that idea and void them periodically for the purpose of repeating them. 

Finally, he sheds light on the eternal birth-death-rebirth cycle from seed to form back to seed.

The desire for two-way motion in equal action and reaction is reflected in the dual electric desire to give for regiving, and to unfold for refolding.

What a beautiful perspective.  This is why I love reading Walter Russell. He has left us a priceless legacy of understanding with regard to the secrets of the universe.

Thanks for reading my post.  I love to hear from my readers and share your thoughts.  I look forward to what’s next in this blog.  Sometimes I don’t know until a few days before they are due.  Until then, here’s to your health and wellness!  


Reference: Russell, Walter — The Secret of Light, (1947), University Of Science And Philosophy, formerly the Walter Russell Foundation, Waynesboro, Virginia 22980.

Visit my blog for more of Walter Russell in a series of posts entitled “Apocalypse of Light 2013: Russell’s Two-Way Universe.”