“Kiss The Ground” — Regenerative Agriculture

This is a very hopeful program for saving our planet, our food supply, and our species with BIOSEQUESTRATION.  The trailer to the movie “Kiss The Ground” is two-and-a-half-minutes long.  You will be thrilled with the hope this movie itself offers.  Well worth watching. We can all get on board with this project. Enjoy!

I invite you to check our my HealingTones.org blog for inspiring articles on Creating a New Earth together.

Here’s to your health and wellness.

Dr. Anthony Palombo

The Schumann Resonance has Shifted Upward!

The Schumann Resonance

The Schumann Resonance

Well, we have finally changed the most stable frequency of the planet: the Schumann Resonance frequency. It has forever been considered “permanent” and “unchangeable.” Not that we can take full credit for this unprecedented event, as I’m certain it’s all part of the larger galactic evolutionary process eternally underway. Our star, the sun, has shifted upward in frequency due to its resonance with the Central Star of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth is resonant with the Sun and is shifting frequency with it. This is exciting! Here are some sites to visit. Enjoy.

On 1/31/2017, for the first time in recorded history, the Schumann Resonance has reached frequencies of 36+.

This is a big deal. In 2014, it was considered anomalous for the frequency to have risen from it’s usual 7.83 frequency to somewhere in the 15-25 levels.

Here is what it looked like in 2014: http://imgur.com/a/KNaw2

And an article discussing how strange this was back in 2014:http://www.trinfinity8.com/why-is-earths-schumann-resonance-accelerating/

Now it is spiking at well over 30 for the past two days.

Proof: http://imgur.com/a/KUnqq

Site where this info is from (where you can track in real time):https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fsosrff.tsu.ru%2F&edit-text=

Then click on “Schumann resonance” on the left. The site needs to be translated.


Is the Earth’s frequency speeding up? Since the Schumann frequency is said to be “in tune” with the human brain’s alpha and theta states, this acceleration may be why it often feels like time has sped up and events and changes in our life are happening more rapidly.

These emerging resonances are naturally correlated to human brainwave activity. So this means, we are changing.”

The imMy Chorale Picpact on living organisms, including the human species, is yet to be noticed and documented. But, if you’re feeling better than usual and have a little more energy, this could be why. Hey, we’re ascending! And the planet with us – or we with the planet. I rather believe that we do impact the Earth’s vibrational health by how we collectively behave and transform our consciousness. And we are impacted by the Earth’s life force. After all, we are ONE with the Earth. Enjoy the New D                    Dr. Anthony Palombo, DC, ACN