Binding Pleiades To Loose Orion

Rainbow Hands

Rainbow Hands


In this ancient story, as recorded in the Book of Job in the Bible, one of several thought-provoking questions asked of  Job by the Lord from out of the whirlwind was:

“Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?”  (Job 38:31)

The constellations of Orion and Pleiades have star systems that together play a role in a creative process that works on the basis of a creative triangle.  Orion and Pleiades in this context form a creative triangle with our Star in the Milky Way Galaxy.  Between these three points, grid lines of cosmic forces are stretched and interconnected.   Pleiades is thought to bring the feminine emotional vibration to bear in our solar system, and therefore in all of the natural world on this planet, including mankind.  Orion brings to bear the masculine mental vibration.  

The vibration of the Divine Feminine relates to truth, the mother of life.  She provides the womb and atmosphere, as well as the material substance, for the conception, gestation and nurturing of the things of spirit in preparation for their birth into the world of form.  The vibration of the Divine Masculine relates to love, the Father of life. He provides the Consciousness from which the Creative Word is spoken and then sent forth into the creative field as a seed to bring forth creation into form.   Both characterize the nature of God and Man and are essential to the unfolding of the Creative Process through which Creation is made manifest from out of the invisible heaven into the visible earth.  


One of the meanings of the phrase “to bind” is “to unite or hold, as by a feeling of loyalty or love.” This shines new light on the question the Lord asked of Job, “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” Rather than the common meaning of bind, which implies to hold back and suppress — an attitude which the human male has historically held toward the human feminine, both in himself and in woman — the question could be interpreted as asking:

Can you, man, commit yourself to a state of union with woman? Can you hold her heart and her response in a focused current of unconditional love void of any desire to own or possess it or her in any way? Can you embrace the feminine vibration of the Pleiades, both in yourself and in woman, contain it and allow it to build in substance; can you hold it steady while you honor her with the release of your masculine vibration of Orion—your radiant and unconditional love— into the womb of her heart to fertilize the seeds of life planted there by the Spirit of God? 

The question really relates to the business of stewarding the Creative Process by which the invisible things of God are made visible, which requires creative pressure.  Can we handle that pressure as it builds, or will we relieve ourselves of it somehow, either through violent out-bursts — or by taking a passive aggressive posture, or retreating into a comfort zone of avoidance through silence or distractions of various sorts?  

It also requires heart and mind working together in agreement. Oh, we as men and women have much to learn about binding the sweet influences of our feelings to thereby loose the bands around our heads that keep us from achieving our destiny and purpose as creator beings. Our minds are often bound by our feelings.  Feelings too often betray our love for truth and integrity and keep us from pursuing our dreams and being about  “our Father’s business.” We’ve call them “feminine wiles” because that’s what they are, tricks to lure us away from our purposeful goals.  It’s part of her defense and protection against male abusiveness. The man’s mind is bound by his fear of the woman’s wrath, and she knows it.  He is thus conditioned to avoid saying or doing anything that might upset her. “Hell hath no fury like the wrath of a woman scorned.” No one likes or enjoys living in this warring climate. Nothing can be accomplished of heavenly value on earth as long as this enmity prevails between man and woman.  We’re better than this, and in our heart of hearts we know it. There’s something much greater and more noble for us to be about as partners in Creation.


This brings to light another question asked of Job:

Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?

This can be seen as pertaining to the relationship between God and Man, Man and Woman, between mind and heart, or between Man and Nature.

The “ordinances of heaven” are the invisible patterns of design for life on earth that are placed in “the heaven” of consciousness, as seeds in the soil, by the Creator.  They are to unfold through the Creative Process and manifest in the earth. The Creative Process unfolds in a very specific and exact manner.  There is first the radiation of love, which instantly and simultaneously engenders response. Response sets up attraction.  Attraction invites and compels union, the truth of love.  With Union comes unified radiation, which is abundant life.  The process unfolds naturally and eternally.  

A familiar example of this process is the manifestation of a family.  Man (love, radiation) + Woman (truth, response) = romance (attraction) + sexual intercourse (union) = a child (unified radiation, life) = family.  The simplified version of this formula is: Love + Truth = Life.  Man, male and female, was put in charge of stewarding this process for the entire Earth.  United by Love, Man and Woman are the Mother of God and of Creation on Earth.


This is the Natural Design of Life. Whatever has happened to thwart that design has been man’s doing and has brought about Man’s undoing.  Man was created male and female to manifest God’s desire to create a universe that reflects back to Him the brilliant Light of Love, which is Life.  Men and women were created to love one another with such passion that they would naturally be drawn together as one flesh — which they are — to let life forms be born into the world for angels to incarnate and populate and steward the Earth . . . and more. Co-creation of a world of beauty and harmony is our natural and God-given role and privilege on Earth. What has happened to that design and purpose?  It’s almost entirely lost in the quagmire of competitive strife for power and control, of selfishness and greed and hoarding of property and material possessions. Our love for our created things has replaced our love for God’s Creation.  


Much of what we now have on the planet are wars and killings , famine and poverty, prostitution and sex-trafficking, raping and destruction of our Natural World, disease and death.  Life on Earth is not much unlike the Biblical description of human affairs at the time of Noah and before the Great Deluge. I read recently that in the Syrian refugee camps women are prostituting themselves for needed income and men are “renting” out their wives for $70 a day to send money back to their families in Syria. Sex trafficking is huge business worldwide, topped only by drug trafficking.

 It’s time to build an ark, only this time a wooden ark will not do to lift humankind above the flooding waters, for the waters are not liquid.  The waters are vibrational.  Only a Vibrational Ark can lift us out of the deluge of modern civilization.  “Come out of her, my people” was the admonishment of the Lord of Biblical days. We are still in Biblical days.


There is an ark on earth today, only it’s an arc, a spark between two poles: one masculine and the other feminine —  sexual orientation not withstanding. This spark is the love between Father God and Mother God for their Creation, especially for Mankind. Our sharing in their love affair brings into our hearts and minds the power and wisdom that will lift Humanity back to its original state of peace and harmony. This love-arc is everywhere today sparking communities and empowering personal and global transformation in consciousness. Mainstream media are not interested in airing it, but it’s happening and building and thousands are coming on board. An arc of love has inflamed human hearts and is lifting souls who are resonant with Love’s vibration out of the materialistic-oriented world. We are becoming buoyant with life energy and that is having its impact in human affairs and on the planet.    

Let us love God with all of our hearts and all of our minds and all of our strength . . . and one another as our Self.  Let the sweet influences of Pleiades be bound back to loving God only and let the bands of Orion be loosed to set the mind of Man free to mesh and blend once more with the Mind of God so that Creation may continue along the course it was set upon in The Beginning.  This is my prayer for the world today and always.

Tony Pics for SA BookTo your health and healing, 

Dr. Anthony Palumbo, DC

Visit my blog to explore with me Walter Russell’s Two-Way Universe in a series of articles entitled “Apocalypse of Light 2013.” The current posts are about Russell’s contention with modern science around misconceptions regarding the way the universe works.  He challenges just about every scientific theory and belief. Very interesting review of this genius’ masterful and mystical life of accomplishment. 

References: The first part of this article is an adapted excerpt from my book Sacred Anatomy. Click on the link to read about it. 

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Finding Balance in a “Sexed Universe”

Tony Pics for SA Book We’ve been considering the spiritual essences within and behind the sacred anatomy of our endocrine system.  I would like to expand this consideration to encompass the larger context of life in which these delicate glands in our bodies play dynamic roles in bringing about homeostasis.

Homeostasis in health is the state of balance between a man/woman and his/her environment.  Health is a state of balance.  Dis-ease is a state of imbalance.

I’ve been reading some of Walter Russell’s books — and blogging on them in my blog. I’m presently half way through his 1947 work The Secret of Light — a very mentally stimulating book — but  also spiritually enlightening. The author truly did tap the secrets of the Universe.  He brings God the Creator right down into Creation where one can see God, not aloof from his creation but quite intimately involved in it and eternally creating it . . . through us.  


The idea that spawned this post came in something Russell said about balance.  All things in the universe, he writes, seek balance.  The implication in this statement is that all things are naturally in a state of unbalance.  Balance, Russell writes, is a state of rest.  In what he calls a “two-way electrical universe,” opposites, by nature, oppose one another while seeking a state of rest by nullifying one another.  

In electricity, for example, a positive current seeks negative grounding, where it comes to rest in a state of balance. The same dynamic plays out in an electrical storm.  Clouds build up a positive charge which they discharge in a bolt of lightning toward the negative, receptive  ground.  The result is light, which is neither positive or negative.  These polarities are nullified by their union.  Light is the balanced state where opposites come to rest and lose their individual charge and identity.

Opposites can never unite unless they return to their original state of balance and rest, where they are no longer what they were. They become each other.  Hot becomes cold by condensing and cold becomes hot by expanding.  Night becomes day and day becomes night.  Life becomes death in order to be reborn as life. Heaven becomes earth and earth returns to heaven.  Water becomes vapor and vapor returns to water. The invisible becomes visible only to return to being invisible.  The only reality that doesn’t change is God.  God is eternal Balance.  

Human beings seek health when they are sick.  We become sick when we get out of balance with Universal Law.  For example, by divine design we carry a positive spiritual charge in relation to our environment.  Our worlds are negative, or responsive, toward us, their creators. We lose that dynamic creator-creation relationship the moment we become negative, or responsive, toward them, in effect making our worlds, rather than God, our positive point of orientation and looking to receive our cues for directions in life from circumstances rather than from within. In other words, we reverse our polarity by turning our face of response outward.  In that state, we become reactive rather than proactive.  

This sets up an unnatural dynamic between us and our worlds. We really can’t make the material world positive in its charge.  By nature it is negative toward the Positive One who made it. We can only reverse our own polarity, in effect turning our backs on God.  In so doing, we lose our radiance — and eventually our health.  Our worlds do not respond to us lacking our positive dominion and stewardship.  Life becomes a struggle of extracting sustenance from our worlds by the sweat of our brows.  (Seems I’ve read that somewhere in Genesis.) This unbalance is finally resolved in death.  Death is where our bodies finally find the rest they sought throughout their existence.  “Rest in peace,” we say — but only for a little while until the atoms that make up our bodies are resurrected back into another life form, perhaps human.  

That creator-creation dynamic is restored the moment we restore our natural polarity by turning our face of response back to God and extending a radiant dominion of positive energy toward our environment. That quality of dominion is magnetic and irresistible.  It’s Love.  Atoms and molecules will come together in healthy patterns of design and balanced bodily function very quickly around such a quality of spirit in expression through us.  Our endocrine system will produce sufficient and appropriate hormones that will gladly carry those positive energies and messages in a stream of balanced chemistry to all the cells in the body.  Vitality and harmony will prevail once again — as it was when we were innocent children — in our house of being.  


By virtue of the same dynamic, life in our day-to-day relationships and activities is a state of opposites and therefore of unbalance.  Male and female, for example, are opposite energies.  They oppose one another.  That’s their natural state of creative stress. They seek union in order to procreate, and in doing so they become one another, negate one another, lose themselves in one another.  Men no longer remain male and women no longer female.  They become Love, if only for a few minutes, creating a new life form. If only they would retain that shared identity in Love after their sexual union and extend loving dominion in their daily affairs, the world would quickly be transformed. Then, male energy could continue to be itself and female energy itself in an ongoing, natural relationship of opposites balancing one another rather than competing with one another for power and control.

Ideally and ultimately the balancing of these two energies needs to take place within the individual. It occurs easily as the mind is consumed in knowing Truth and how things work with Life,  and the heart is content in its love affair with Love and ceases looking for love elsewhere. It occurs instantly when I remember who I AM and honor my lordship over my creation. 

In politics, liberals oppose conservatives. That’s by constitutional, as well as natural, design.  Standing alone, they are each in a state of unbalance. Standing together in opposition to one another, they create a dynamic state of what could and should be creative stress.  It has historical rather created a seemingly insurmountable impasse.

A state of unbalance finds balance only by returning to a state of rest.  Agreement — even agreeing to disagree — creates a state of rest.  

I find it interesting that in this political battle over gun control, the conservative party wants liberation from gun-control while the liberal party wants conservation and tightening of gun-control — and the twain shall never meet. That is, unless they come to love and want the same thing, hopefully the truth, whatever that is in this situation. The people, whom they represent, are divided on that score, a division we see reflected in Congress. Until we the people come to a resolution on the basis of what the right thing to do is, the two parties will remain unbalanced in their individual views and in their polarized charge around those views, and the issue will remain unresolved. Without agreement, there can be no balance, and the painfully divisive state of unrest in our nation will persist, all stemming from a prevailing fear that the government is trying to take away our constitutional right to bear arms, a “right” that is at odds with Universal Law.  

The solution to the tragedies produced by violence is not to be found and legislated by Congress.  It will come about naturally when we stop making allowances for it in our consciousness. Data shows you are four times more likely to die by a bullet — either by your hand or by that of your spouse or other family member — if you make allowance for a gun in your home as a means of self-defense. It’s the old proverb, “Live by the sword and die by the sword.”  

Opposites can unite only if they return to their original state of balance and rest.  Love is our origin. Only in Love can we find our place of balance and rest. When our love is for truth, the result of our actions will be peace — and life will prevail.  


That is how Walter Russell describes the world in which we live.  Electricity is created by divided wave action arising out of God’s Mind conveying his Idea of Creation.  One wave carries a positive charge and the other wave carries a negative charge.  One compresses while the other expands. One is masculine and the other feminine. Their passion to unite and discharge  depends upon the intensity and build up of their electrical charge. The farther away from a state of balance through union they are, the more they “sex” one another and the more irresistible is their desire for union, which can be rather violent if one is super-charged and not discharging energy in other creative ways — or is mentally or emotionally compromised.  As Russell describes it . . .

Sex is the division of a balanced equilibrium condition into two equally unbalanced conditions which negate each other periodically for the purpose of repeating the two unbalanced conditions.

Sex is the creative principle. It is the dual desire force in Mind (God) for expressing its One Idea (for Creation). Without a division of the one unconditioned Light into two seemingly conditioned lights (male-female, positive-negative, father-mother), Creation could not be.

Sex is not a thing, it is a condition of a thing.  An electrically balanced condition of anything is sexless, whether it be a man, woman, electric battery, or the atmosphere. A sexed condition is an unbalanced condition. 

Using the examples of a short-circuited battery losing its charge and becoming “dead,” and that of the calm after an electrical storm that has discharged the clouds and the atmosphere, Russell makes his case for how the desire for balance is satisfied in nature, and when balance is attained at rest, motion is no longer possible.

The sexed condition of unbalance in man is exactly the same in all phenomena in Nature. An unbalanced sex condition in man demands balancing in the same way, and its violence depends upon its electrical measure of unbalance. When that desire is satisfied and balance is restored, man is as sexless as the dead storage battery and for the same reason.

He offers this as a re-conditioning:

Man is recharged into a sexed condition by his heartbeat, by the food he eats and by his inbreathing-outbreathing. These are the generators which recharge the “dead storage batteries” of all the universe into sexed conditioned “live batteries.”

Electricity — which Russell sees as the wave activity of God’s knowing and thinking Mind — is what conditions all “sexless matter into its sexed condition, by dividing a pressureless condition into two opposite pressures which desire release from their opposition.”  He then offers this astute observation and perspective:

All of the work of the universe is performed as a result of that desire in unbalanced matter to seek rest in a balanced condition.  

This is a sexed electric universe in every effect of motion, whether it be in the heart of a giant sun or in the petal of a meadow violet.

Every action of motion in the universe is a result of sex desire for motion from a state of rest, or for rest from a state of motion. 

One can see the function of emotions in this light as a means of discharging energy charge around issues of deep interest. Russell brings it all back to God in this final paragraph:

These two sex desires of electric action and reaction are the result of the two desires of the Father to manifest His One Light through the extended father-mother lights which interweave His idea of Creation into the multiple forms of that idea and void them periodically for the purpose of repeating them. 

Finally, he sheds light on the eternal birth-death-rebirth cycle from seed to form back to seed.

The desire for two-way motion in equal action and reaction is reflected in the dual electric desire to give for regiving, and to unfold for refolding.

What a beautiful perspective.  This is why I love reading Walter Russell. He has left us a priceless legacy of understanding with regard to the secrets of the universe.

Thanks for reading my post.  I love to hear from my readers and share your thoughts.  I look forward to what’s next in this blog.  Sometimes I don’t know until a few days before they are due.  Until then, here’s to your health and wellness!  


Reference: Russell, Walter — The Secret of Light, (1947), University Of Science And Philosophy, formerly the Walter Russell Foundation, Waynesboro, Virginia 22980.

Visit my blog for more of Walter Russell in a series of posts entitled “Apocalypse of Light 2013: Russell’s Two-Way Universe.”