Our Unified Creating Field

THERE IS A UNFIED CREATING FIELD enveloping our physical bodies.  It’s a large part of who and what we are. In fact, this field IS who we are, and it’s at our command. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, we create our worlds and our physical forms by every spirit-imbued thought, word, intention and emotion we entertain and utter and every enactment we perform within our creating field.

At the center of our creating field resides the creation of our physical form.  The field itself is a holographic microcosmic identical clone of a macrocosmic Holographic Universe, which is enveloped in a Unified Field itself, at the center of which resides the Creating Universe, in which all is One.  Creation comes and goes via this Unified Creating Field.

As Rumi so poetically describes it, there is no right or wrong doings in this field.  It’s all perfect, even as the pre-forms of creation continually evolve as the frequencies of Light, the artistic medium of the Creator, step down into lower frequencies to ultimately give visible birth to forms on Mother Nature’s colorful canvas.  Every process and phase of evolution of form is perfect.

All is one in the One whose Creating Field it is.  Even the body of Humanity, in which there exists so much divisiveness and conflict, is one with the All and contained within the Unified Creating Field, in which it is constantly being acted upon by Creative Forces in the Field.

Another word for this Field is the Heaven, the “Kingdom of Heaven” as the Master Jesus referred to it, which he said is both within us and all around us — a heaven that was the first creation in Genesis: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And God said: Let there be Light.”  Out of light was created the entire universe, the forms of which materialize and dematerialize, along with the heaven that gave them birth.  There is a heaven for every level of form.  Old heavens and old earths pass away even as new heavens and new earths replace them.  All comes out of and returns to the One.

Our old earth and world are in the process of passing away even as a New Heaven and a New Earth are in the process of coming forth out of the Unified Field of Divine Creation.  “Behold I create a new heaven and a new Earth, for the old heaven and old earth are passed away.”

In the old heaven are “the former things,” the memory patterns of past events, both creative and destructive, “ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing” that have maintained the dis-eased and corrupt human state, along with whatever healthy and wholesome state there is and has been.  That world is, as Rumi put it so succinctly, “too full to talk about.”  And that is my own experience when I let go of it all and lie down in Rumi’s quiet field of simply being, where the meditations of my heart and the thoughts of my mind are worthy of being heard and listened to, and where judgement is not.

Come with me now as I reflect on what I have learned when I was active in the old world as a practitioner and healer of human ills and anguish.  There is something to learn there that can increase our understanding of the chaos currently manifesting in a world in transition from old to new.


While I was attending Dr. Milton T. Morter’s seminars and training classes in Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (BEST), I heard him expound in vibratory-field language his view, based on his research and practical explorations, how “hereditary diseases” land in our physical bodies.  The gist of it is that patterns of so-called “hereditary diseases,” such as cancer, coronary heart disease and diabetes, do not always arise from out of our genetics, but rather descend from our personal energy fields cluttered with disease patterns from out of the past.  Allow me to elucidate.

According to this scenario, we bring a lot of vibrational energetic baggage with us when we incarnate that may determine our behavior and experience of health and dis-ease.  It’s all present in our personal energy fields, with which we interact on a momentary basis.  Disease patterns that were shaped by strong emotions, such as resentment, anger, fear, anxiety and grief — that were causal in relationship to various disease patterns in prior personal and ancestral incarnations — can be brought down into the physical body from the field on the basis of the principle of resonance.  If one who has inherited such a field package holds onto a strong and unresolved emotional pattern for a long period of time, for instance, a disease pattern in the field shaped by such emotional dissonance may bring the disease associated with it down into one’s physical body.  In other words, “hereditary diseases” such as cancer and diabetes, are not necessarily genetically caused, but may descend from out of one’s personal field — as well as the collective unified field, as I will develop shortly.

I thought that was pretty ingenious. I still do. The question might then be posed, can the field be cleared of all such dissonant patterns?  I believe this is what energy healers, such as Dr. Morter and the Morter Health System, and light workers and energy healers around the globe today, are about in their attunement work and service.  In fact, I’m sure of it . . . and the vibration of Love is the power that does the clearing. “The Father within, he doeth the works,” as the Great Physician himself acknowledged and taught when he walked on earth as a healer of the sick, the blind, and the lame.


I remember very vividly an experience I had back in my early years of clinical practice of clearing a disease pattern in the field around a young boy’s kidneys. His great-grandfather had come to me with an absolute faith that I could help his great-grandson, who was in a hospital miles away from my office.  The child was on dialysis and scheduled for a kidney transplant from his mom the next day. The dissonant and erratic pattern was like a balloon of hot air.  I could feel it and caress it, and within less than a minute, after confirming my upward connection with the Father within the Unified Field, and placing my hands over the great-grandfather’s kidney area, this ball of dissonant energy began to dissipate like a deflating balloon. I knew in an instant that the elderly gentleman and I had done all that we could, and that is exactly what turned out to be the case.  The child’s kidneys began to function again during that night.  He was taken off dialysis and the transplant schedule the same day. The attending surgeon said it was a miracle, as he had no other explanation for the sudden change.  I met the little boy and his mom a few weeks later, and he was a bubbling ball of playful energy.  Needless to say, this “Centurion” experience was a huge teaching for me of the power of attunement and agreement, even at a distance.

I love attunement.  It is a most magical way of clearing the field around the physical body.  Love has to be allowed to flow and radiate within and through the field.  This remote healing experience taught me that faith on the part of both practitioner and recipient, or surrogate as in this case, is essential to the spontaneous clearing of the field and healing of the dis-eased physical form.  And I think that such faith is degree-sensitive.  The greater is one’s faith and belief, the quicker the clearing and healing.


Could this field-dynamic also be at work on a collective level, such as in the Body of Mankind as a unified whole having a shared mass consciousness and a collective unified creating field?  I believe it is.  This pandemic, for instance, may well have its vibrational origin and cause in the collective unified field where such patterns as the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 — which ironically has come up in news items and conversations comparing this pandemic to that one — are implanted.  No doubt strong patterns of fear and anxiety were and are associated with that pattern, as are prevalent in this one.  The oxidative stress of the G5 factor, which I address in my previous post, may well be creating the conditions in which this dynamic works even quicker.

A theory, much like a vision planted in my brain, to borrow a line from Simon and Garfunkel’s “Sound of Silence,” has developed in my mind about this so-called pandemic — “and still remains within the sound of silence,” as only a brave few have dared break their silence over this deceptive manipulation of the masses, and many more are coming forward daily.  First, that it is orchestrated, and second that in order to create a mass panic that could manifest a pandemic, all that one, or ones, need do is announce the outbreak of a coronavirus in Wuhan, China — at the beginning of the “normal” yearly flu season — that has spread and threatens to become a pandemic, and fear for one’s life grips the hearts of the masses — a fear that is remnant of and resonant with the fear aroused in the populace in 1918 — and down descends the influenza pattern into the body of humanity.  Truly a wetiko, a mind-virus, an invisible pattern in the field manifesting in the physical bodies of people the world over.  Little wonder not one single scientific lab has been able to isolate this “virus” and actually capture a picture of it in their electron microscopes.  Because it’s invisible.  It’s not a thing.  It’s a vibrational pattern in the unified field creating deadly influenza symptoms and death in the masses, just like the influenza of 1918 — and manifesting in the fearful and thus immune compromised, and in the elderly who are already dying from underlying morbidities, such as heart disease and diabetes — all of which are being reported as dying “from” Covid-19 rather than “with” Covid-19, a blatant case of data enhancement and downright lying.


My friends, we are shadow boxing, ghost chasing and there truly is no vaccine that medicine can concoct to immunize the people from it.  Only one thing can dissolve the pattern of fear in the field, this mind-virus, and that’s love. Perfect love casts out fear.  My friend Will Wilkinson in Hawaii is on the right track with his “Love-Casting Club.” Casting love into the Unified Creating Field of the Body of Humanity will dissolve the fear we’ve inherited from our fathers and forefathers back to the fifth generation.  Dissolve the pattern of fear and this shadowy manifestation of disease will vanish like the mist before the rising sun.  If you think you would like to join Will in Love Casting, let him know by email.  His email address is:  noonclubwill@gmail.com.


We each individually and all together as a body of Humanity have a choice to make as to what field, what heaven, we’re going to move forward in and work out of in creating our world: the old heaven polluted with fear, hatred, impatience, greed and corruption, and other patterns of past failures and destruction, in an old earth that’s beyond salvaging, all of which is passing away — or the New Heaven filled with the spirits of love, compassion, patience, creativity, kindness and generosity that is available to us now.  We only have our little heaven, our unified creating field, to work out of in creating our world and our lives.  The good news is that our personal and collective creating fields are contained within the Unified Field and are fed and nourished by it. This is God’s Heaven where all is well.  There are no disease patterns in it, no viruses or pandemic patterns either.  So we have the Creator of Heaven and Earth with us in all that we undertake to create.  It is in the old heaven where things are not so well.  It needs to be left behind and allowed to pass away to make room for the New Heaven out of which a New Earth is being born.  “Behold, I make all things new!” That is my word in this new day.  Let’s make it our collective word.

The Unified Field is at our command because it’s who and what we are.  Let us cast our bread, our prayer, upon these waters, for what we wish to create in our world and in our lives, and give thanks that it is already done according to our word; then be prepared to receive our creation with gratitude and praise to the One. This Law works.  Let’s let it work with our participation and the full empowerment of Love for the Truth of Life.  This is the wholistic path to health and happiness.  Until my next post, here’s to your joy and success creating your health and your world anew.

Anthony Palombo, DC 


Credits:  1. Passage about the “Field” is by RUMI.   2.  Graphic of “The One” is taken from THE UNIVERSAL ONE BY Walter Russell.