My Easter Message: Grow Up!

Scan_Pic0002It’s Easter Sunday morning. My wife and I are enjoying a late breakfast of blueberry pancakes and bacon with a fruit & yogurt side dish of strawberries, raspberries and bananas.  We’re having a wet Easter Sunday here is Louisiana which will likely damper Easter egg hunts (pun intended).

Along a less surface and shallow vein, my thoughts turn to what’s going on in the churches around town and throughout the Christian world and noticing my/our total absence from it all, marveling at the transformation we have gone through over the decades of waking up and growing up spiritually.  For my part, I went from directing the choir for an Easter Vigil Mass in St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans as an young aspirant for the Roman Catholic priesthood fifty-plus years ago to complete non-participation in religion of any kind.  Now I don’t even believe in the “heaven or hell” reward or punishment scenario of what life is all about on this planet.  I’ve come to know, however, that I experience hell here on earth when I break the laws that govern heaven. Hell is living in Heaven on earth while ignoring the laws that govern life itself. The law of Love, for example, governs all of creation and would govern human affairs if human beings would let it.  When I read the Gospels in seminary, I recall Jesus saying “Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” Turn around – that’s what repent means –  and see that heaven in within you and all around you.  Just look at the picture of that passion flower up top. Click on the picture to enlarge it. Now look and see what heavenly beauty in manifesting through it. What exquisite design! What awful power and control at work!  We are already in Heaven. We just need to turn around and notice it.

On this point, I found this video this morning when I opened Facebook. It speaks for me in all ways. (The video doesn’t appear in email notifications. You’ll have to go to the blog itself.)

My Chorale PicI will leave you to ponder these words in the silence of your heart. Have a blessed Easter/Spring Solstice.  Celebrate Light and Life bursting out all over with flowers and green leaves on winter-barren trees.

To your health and maturity,

Dr. Tony Palombo

Visit my blog for an interesting article about how sound can extinguish fire.