Artic Ruby Oil & Fat Reduction

My Chorale Pic“It’s hard to imagine that one the of the world’s most serious health problems, visceral (gut) fat, (dubbed the killing fat because of its association with heart disease and diabetes) can be reduced, if not eliminated, by simply ingesting a small amount of oil extracted from a tiny sea organism Calanus finmarchicus found off the coast of Norway,—a sea organism whose phenomenal health benefits lay dormant, actually ignored by leading scientists, until a Norwegian outlier, Dr. Jan Raa, decided to look deeper.”

We now have Artic Ruby Oil in stock at the clinic.  Listen to this video for more information. This is a very promising nutritional supplement.

Dr. Anthony Palombo

(337) 802-5510

Living Medicine Vs Pharmaceuticals, part 3: Herbs that Cure


When you use a living medicine and get well, you feel that the world is alive and aware and wants to help you. People often talk about saving the Earth, but how many times have you experienced the Earth saving you?

My Chorale PicI’ve been sharing an interview with herbalist Stephen Buhner in THE SUN magazine on the efficacy of herbal medicine and the dangers of placing our healthcare system in the hands of the pharmaceutical industry, which the Medical profession relies entirely on when it comes to prescribing chemical drugs to relieve the symptoms of disease. While drugs do relieve symptoms – the reason people go to doctors in the first place – they do not effect a cure. They’re not designed to. Besides making huge profits for the Big Pharma, drugs are designed to relieve pain and mask symptoms — a purpose that has great meaning and usefulness in a hospice care facility but little if any meaning and value in a facility that claims to render “health care.” Herbs, on the other hand, are designed by Mother Nature to effect a cure. The main requirement, however, is patience on the part of the patient. (Pun intended.)

Herbs do not cure. Rather they give the body living medicine the body can work with to cure itself of disease. It is the inborn Intelligence of the body, of course, that directs the healing process–Life. And Life works within the time frame of its own wisdom and cycles. Drugs interfere with those cycles by nullifying the symptoms of pain and malfunction that trigger the healing process. Herbs facilitate the healing process. It just takes time.

For example, anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the inflammation in tissues and joints that, for one thing, stop us from doing what is damaging the tissues and joints. We won’t do what hurts. That’s the body’s wisdom at work, which we defeat when we take pain killers.  The other and main thing, however, is that inflammation is the first and initiating phase of the healing process. When you nullify this phase, you stop the repair process of the damaged tissue, which means you’ll never experience healing as long as you’re taking Ibuprofen or Tylenol or any number of other pain killers. It’s that simple.  Stephen Buhner tells his personal story working with herbs.

Ahuja: What was your first experience with herbal medicine?

Buhner: When I was thirty-four, I became quite ill with severe abdominal cramping. The doctors didn’t know what it was. I met a local herbalist, and she mentioned that a certain plant growing in the forest around my house was good for my condition. The doctors wanted to do exploratory surgery, but instead I ate some of the plant. The pain was about half as severe the next time it happened, and the next time about half again, until finally it just went away. After that, I began to take control over my own health.

Ahuja: What was the plant?

Buhner: It was a perennial herb called osha. I just dug up the root and began eating it. It’s got a spicy, celery-like taste. Not only did I feel my body getting better, but I could feel, inside, some living entity that cared about me. It’s difficult to explain, because it’s not something we generally talk about in the West. When you use a living medicine and get well, you feel that the world is alive and aware and wants to help you. People often talk about saving the Earth, but how many times have you experienced the Earth saving you?


Here are a few herbal medicines with which I am familiar:

BoswelliaBOSWELLIA – is a natural anti-inflammatory that does not interfere with the healing and repair process. It rather helps it work faster. It is especially effective in the intestines when they become irritable. Cases in point are IBS, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s Disease. I use Boswellia Complex by MediHerb and Standard Process Labs, which is a synergistic combination of Boswellia gum, Celery seed,  Ginger, and Tumeric.  These and other compounds work together to:

  • Support the normal function of the kidneys to clear acidic waste products effectively, like uric acid that causes gout.
  • Maintain and support healthy joints.
  • Promote the body’s normal resistance function.
  • Support healthy circulation.
  • Support healthy response to environmental stresses.
  • Provide antioxidant protection.

Scan_Pic0005ECHINACEA – here is an herb for the immune system, and its healing gift lies primarily in its root and less in its foliage.  This herb does not stimulate or activate the immune system, as is commonly thought, but rather acts as a modulator to the immune system, regulating its response to various stress needs in the body. In the case of infection, it up-regulates the immune response and boosts the white cell count. In the case of autoimmune disease, it down-regulates the immune system. As with all systems in the body, balance is the key to healthy function.

Master Herbalist Dr. Kerry Bone of MediHerb has thoroughly researched this herb and here is what we now know about Echinacea:

  • Echinacea is both misunderstood and underestimated. There are many Echinacea products available which differ according to species, plant part, quality markers and dosages. The wide variety of products available is why there is controversy surrounding Echinacea and its effectiveness.
  • Echinacea is commonly thought of as an herb for winter season stresses and only for short-term use. Kerry Bone’s applications for Echinacea are much broader than this and you may wonder why this is. Kerry has spent many years both researching and prescribing Echinacea for thousands of patients. His passion for Echinacea led to the MediHerb research project and a greater understanding of Echinacea and how it works. For full details of MediHerb’s Research visit and search for The MediHerb Echinacea Research Story on the Echinacea – A New Understanding page.
  • The research results validate the traditional wisdom of Echinacea, and that is to achieve good clinical results you must use only a root preparation with high levels of alkylamides. An important aspect of any herb, or nutrient for that matter, is its bioavailability. Echinacea angustifolia and E purpurea contain high levels of alkylamides which are easily absorbed in the body.
  • MediHerb’s Echinacea Premium is the best Echinacea product on the market because of its high levels of alkylamides. You can tell if the Echinacea product you are taking is derived from the root by how it imparts a persistent tingling sensation on your tongue.
  • Daily dosage with Echinacea Premium (1 a day) will help keep your immune system balanced and ready to respond to the stress needs of the body.

BacopaBACOPA HERB – helps in the retention of memory. I have had students taking Bacopa while listening to lectures and studying for exams. This helped them retain what they were hearing and reading. Then, when exam time came along, they would switch to Ginkgo Biloba, which helps in memory recall.  MediHerb’s Bacopa Complex combines the herbs Bacopa, Schisandra, Eleuthero and essential oil of Rosemary. These herbs contribute key phytochemicals that combine with many other compounds to:

  • Enhance mental clarity and support cognitive function.
  • Support normal memory function.
  • Support physical endurance.
  • Ease the effects of temporary and occasional environmental stress.
  • Nourish the nervous system.

Ginkgo BilobaGINKGO BILOBA – helps in memory recall and has a variety of healthy benefits.  MediHerb’s Ginkgo Forte contains flavonoids, terpene lactones (including ginkgolides and bilobalide) and other phytochemicals that work synergistically to:

  • Support memory and cognition.
  • Promote alertness and mental clarity.
  • Help support healthy mental function.
  • Support good health in older adults.
  • Promote healthy circulation to the brain and peripheral areas of the body which is important for the delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients.
  • Support a healthy cardiovascular system.
  • Support and encourage healthy blood.
  • Provide antioxidant support to help protect nerve cells and other tissues.
  • Support normal hearing.
  • Support eye health.
  • Beneficially modulate cortisol during periods of stress.
  • Reduce the congestive symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

GYMNEMA SYLVESTRE – is the herb of choice for diabetics in Australia, which many folks use exclusively to regulate their blood sugar. It literally nullifies the sweetness in sugar. When you put a little bit of Gymnema tincture into your mouth, or suck on a tablet, you will not be able to taste the sweetness in candy for several minutes. You will taste the flavor of a mint, but not its sweetness.  MediHerb’s Gymnema 4g tablet and its Gymnema 1:1 tincture deliver a powerful dose of this amazing sugar-destroying herb, which is effective in diabetic and hypoglycemic conditions alike. The complex mixture of saponins (gymnemic acids) and other compounds work together to:

  • Maintain healthy blood sugar levels when combined with a balanced diet.
  • Maintain normal cholesterol levels in a normal range.
  • Help support normal cravings for sugar in the diet.

I will continue sharing information about popular herbs and their benefits in my next post in two weeks. Until then, here’s to your health and natural healing.

Anthony Palombo, DC

CAUTION: Herbs are powerful natural medicines and should not be used indiscriminately. None of the above information should be construed to diagnose or treat any disease nor to preclude sensible medical care and professional supervision. Medi-Herb and Standard Process products are only available through licensed physicians and certified healthcare professionals and should only be used under the supervision of an certified herbalist or healthcare practitioner.

Visit my blog for an interesting series of articles about the Golden Age of Aquarius.

Violence and Brain Starvation


Tony's picture 2 from PeggyThis is not “news.” I’ve been saying it for decades, as have countless nutritional researchers and clinicians the world over. Dr. Royal Lee, called the “Einstein of Nutrition” and the “Father of Holistic Nutrition,” proved it out a century ago. Oh, medical science is so slow in arriving at the truth; so full between its ears of its own mind-made intelligence and arrogance that it hasn’t been able to hear the truth. Read the article and learn the facts about the truth of the matter — that is if you don’t already know them. (My apologies to my already awake, aware and informed readers.)

Dr. Weston Price

Dr. Weston Price

Dr. Weston Price, like Dr. Royal Lee, was a dental physician who considered teeth but a reflection of total body health, being a part of the body itself. Dr. Lee’s approach was to feed the body nutrient rich foods and in that you heal the teeth. In his own words: 

Dr. Royal Lee

Dr. Royal Lee

One of the greatest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemical therapy over nutrition. It’s the substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of starvation. (click to hear his voice).

A contemporary colleague of Dr. Lee, Dr. Price spent his years researching, documenting an publishing scientific information on the impact of nutrition on health and disease. So, your brain is in good hands here. Enjoy this article from the Weston A. Price Foundation.

WASHINGTON, DC,, Aug. 30, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deficiencies of vitamins A, D, K, B1, B3, B6, B12 and folate, and of minerals iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, chromium and manganese can all contribute to mental instability and violent behavior, according to a report published in the Spring 2013 issue of Wise Traditions, the journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

The article, Violent Behavior: A Solution in Plain Sight by Sylvia Onusic, PhD, CNS, LDN, seeks reasons for the increase in violent behavior in America, especially among teenagers.

“We can blame violence on the media and on the breakdown of the home,” says Onusic, “but the fact is that a large number of Americans, living mostly on devitalized processed food, are suffering from malnutrition.  In many cases, this means their brains are starving.”

In fact, doctors are seeing a return of nutritional deficiency diseases such as scurvy and pellagra, which were declared eradicated long ago by public health officials.  Many of these conditions cause brain injuries as well.

Symptoms of pellagra, for example, include anxiety, hyperactivity, depression, fatigue, headache, insomnia and hallucinations. Pellagra is a disease caused by deficiency of vitamin B3.  Zinc deficiency is linked with angry, aggressive, and hostile behaviors that result in violence.  The best dietary sources of zinc are red meat and shellfish.

Leaky gut and gluten sensitivities may exacerbate nutrient deficiencies.  Gluten intolerance is strongly linked with schizophrenia.

Things have gotten even worse since Lee’s and Price’s day with all the chemicals we now have and are adding to our foods, such as MSG and Aspartame, to enhance flavor and attack obesity. Little wonder our guts are eroding and leaking undigested proteins into our blood streams, the underlying cause of food sensitivities and allergies. Read on.

“Making things worse are excitotoxins so prevalent in the food supply, such as MSG and Aspartame,” says Onusic.  “People who live on processed food and who drink diet sodas are exposed to these mind-altering chemicals at very high levels.” In an effort to curb child obesity, the dairy industry recently petitioned FDA to include aspartame and other artificial sweeteners in dairy beverages featured in school lunches, without appropriate labeling. Recent research has established the fact that aspartame actually leads to weight gain because of its effect on insulin.

Other ingredients in the food supply linked to violent behavior include sugar, artificial colors and flavorings, caffeine, alcohol and soy foods. The toxic environmental burden includes mercury, arsenic, lead, fire retardants, pesticides, heavy metals and Teflon.  Adding psychiatric drugs to this mix puts everyone at risk.

Whole foods is the only answer, and you won’t get what your body and brain need from synthetic, isolated vitamins in a “one-a-day” Centrum tablet, or gummy bears. Only from food-based nutritional therapy using whole-food supplements.

“The only solution to the mounting levels of violence is a return to real, nutrient-dense food,” says Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. “We must create a culture in which eating processed food is seen as uncool, and in which home cooking is embraced as a life-enhancing skill.”

The Weston A. Price Foundation has pointed out the poor nutritional quality of school lunches and the flaws in the USDA dietary guidelines, which schools receiving federal funding are required to follow.  At a press conference in January, 2010, the Foundation proposed guidelines that include eggs, organ meats and healthy animal fats.  “Our brains need cholesterol to function properly,” said Fallon Morell, “and our children need cholesterol-rich food for optimal mental and emotional development.” Studies have shown that depressed individuals, offenders who show the most violent behavior, and the most violent suicides have low cholesterol levels.

That’s not surprising, as the brain is one big mass of cholesterol, the stuff cardiologists of today are trying to reduce in Americans with their Statin drugs. I say “Americans” because it’s only in America, where drug companies make Statin drugs, that cholesterol has become a “marker” in diagnosing coronary heart distease — and it became a marker just about the same time Statin drugs appeared on the market. Not only does medicine create drugs for diseases; it also invents diseases for its drugs! Wake up Americans!

If you want the premier hallmark wholefood supplement Dr. Royal Lee formulated and made available to the world called “CATALYN,” drop me an email and I’ll mail you a large bottle (360T for $45), postage included. That’s a 60-day supply if you’re deficient and a 120 days supply if you only need maintenance and insurance against malnutrition.

I welcome and love comments on my blog posts. My email address is tpal70@gmail.comUntil next post,

Here’s to your health and sanity,

Anthony Palombo, DC, ACN

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nutrition education foundation with the mission of disseminating accurate, science-based information on diet and health. Named after nutrition pioneer Weston A. Price, DDS, author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, the Washington, DC-based Foundation publishes a quarterly journal for its 16,500 members, supports 574 local chapters worldwide and hosts a yearly international conference. The Foundation phone number is (202) 363-4394,,

For further information:

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The Purple Pill Fallacy

I never dreamed I’d see the day when a drug company would actually come out and expose the sheer ignorance and stupidity of medical science and its so-called “doctors” the way one has recently.  Yes, I said “so-called doctors” because if gastrointerologists actually believe what the company that manufactures Nexium is “teaching” (the real meaning of the word doctor) the public about how to handle and avoid “acid-indigestion,” then they have stopped being doctors and have become drug technicians.  

Believe it or not, however, there it was on my television screen a few days ago, before God and everyone, blatantly proclaiming their ignorance, all the while taking us for fools.  The “Purple Pill” ad shouted out: “BLOCK THE ACID . . . FROM THE START!”  or something to that effect.  I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears.  Was I actually hearing correctly.  Did he say “Block the acid” to avoid “acid-indigestion?!”  OMG!  It’s come to that!  I wonder how many people saw through the fallacy of that ad, and how many of those expensive purple capsules this ad sells on a daily basis.  And we wonder why we have so much colon cancer!  (I’ll explain.) I have a close relative who actually raves about the wonders of this drug that “shuts off acid pumps” in the stomach.  Now the makers of Prilosec are touting the same message. 


How does the stomach digest meat, dairy, eggs, nuts, and grains?  Right!  With digestive acid — betaine hydrochloride to be exact.  Where does this acid come from?  Right again! The stomach — the parietal cells lining the stomach wall, to be exact. What causes so-called “acid indigestion?”  If you answered “too much acid,” as the ad leads one to believe, you’d be wrong!   It’s not too much stomach acid.  It’s not enough stomach acid.  That’s right.  So-called “acid indigestion” is actually “lack-of-acid indigestion.”   

The essential condition of indigestion is a failure of the food to digest due to a lack of digestive juices.  Now, what happens when the food stops digesting? It ferments.  What does fermentation produce?  GAS — hot, acidic gas, the kind that makes you burp fire so hot that it burns the stomach and the cardiac valve, making them so limp that the valve can’t close tightly.  The result?  You guessed it!  GERD — Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.  

Of course, as medicine will do, they’ve made a “disease” out of this condition so they can treat it with a drug.  That’s what they do.  They’re drug dealers.  They deal in drugs.  They don’t teach us, as doctors are supposed to do, how to eat properly so that the food digests as it is designed to do in a stomach that was made to withstand its own secretions of digestive juices – which, by the way, include hydrochloric acid.  If fact, they tell you to go ahead and eat what and how you want because you can just block the production of digestive acids with the Purple Pill.  Horror of horrors! It doesn’t get any more deplorable than that!  It’s a slap to the face of the Creator Himself who made the stomach to produce acid . . . and it’s an insult to our common sense and intelligence. 


Now, let’s think this through.  The cure for in-digestion is digestion. Isn’t that logical?  If the food you ate stops digesting, you need to start up the digestive process again, get it going in the right direction so that the food doesn’t ferment . . . and, to the purpose of eating at all, so that your body can get the nutrients it needs to be healthy.   And just how shall you accomplish that?  Well, if the food you ate needs hydrochloric acid to digest it, you’re going to have to add more hydrochloric acid to the contents of your stomach. You obviously do not want to block the stomach from making its own betaine hydrochloride — nor neutralize the acid with antacids.  Oh, Tums and Rolaids will buffer the acids of fermentation, but they also neutralize the hydrochloric acid needed to digest the meat.  So, instead of antacids, you can take some betaine hydrochloride.  

I use ZYPAN by Standard Process Labs ($13/90 tabs).  It works every time.  Actually, I take it with every meal simply because after 45 we make less betaine hydrochloride.  And if you’re under stress, you make none at all.    People who have chronic stress do not digest their food very well and are usually popping antacids after meals.  

Watch this short video clip:

The body isn’t interested in nourishment when it’s geared up to fight or flee from a threat.  As Dr. Bruce Lipton points out,  we’re either in growth or protection and defense mode.  We can’t be in both at the same time.


  1. Eating “fast food” on the run and under the duress of a deadline you have to meet or a tight schedule.  Being totally present with your meals, savoring the taste and enjoying the brief break away from your job or routine go a long way toward healthy digestion. 
  2. Combining foods that don’t digest well together.  A typical example is meat and potatoes, a protein and a starch.  They require opposite chemistry to digest – meats need acid and starches need alkaline digestive juices.  Acids and alkalines neutralize one another.  The result is that neither digest but sit in the stomach and ferment causing “acid indigestion” and “heart burn.”  (It’s not the heart that actually burns but the area of the stomach and esophagus that’s close to the heart.) The rule of thumb for compatible food combining  is eat meats with vegetables and fruit with starches. Meats and sweets don’t digest well together.
  3. Drinking cokes and other sweet beverages with meals.  Again, the chemistry doesn’t mix.  Drink water with a squeeze of lemon.   
  4. Ulcers.  The body is wise.  It won’t secrete hydrochloric acid into the stomach when it’s ulcerated.  That’s why a bland diet is required.  So, you don’t want to take ZYPAN if you have ulcers. First, heal up the ulcer.  That can be done in three days with chlorophyll and okra pepsin.  CHLOROPHYLL COMPLEX PERLES  and GASTREX by Standard Process Labs (SPL) are what I use with my clients.  Drop me an email and I’ll send you a   bottle of each, which is all you’ll need . . . provided you start eating properly. If you have a duodenal ulcer, you likely have gallbladder trouble, which requires attention and a different nutritional protocol.  If you have GERD or a hiatal hernia, you’ll need to supplement with manganese to tone up the valve and herniated tissues.  I use LIGAPLEX II (SPL) (150 caps/$25), a wholefood formula with high concentrations of food-based manganese and other synergistic factors for proper utilization in toning up weak ligaments. Write me for guidance and help with these conditions.  They can all be corrected with nutrition. 
  5. Eating too fast.  Chewing allows activating enzymes of pepsin and ptyalin to mix in with the food.  Without these enzymes the digestive juices cannot be activated.  Chew your food well before  swallowing it . . . and don’t wash it down with coke or sweet beverages.  Water with a little ice and lemon juice is the only fluid one needs to clear out the mouth and esophagus.


  • Pepsin is the powerful enzyme in gastric juice that activates hydrochloric acid to digest proteins such as those in meat, eggs, grains and seeds, or dairy products.
  • Ptyalin is a form of amylase in the saliva of humans and some animals that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into maltose and dextrin. 


When undigested meat gets into the bowels where nutrients and water are taken up into the blood stream, it gets putrid and rots, creating conditions in which cancer can develop.  When undigested fats get into the lower bowels they go rancid.  Rotting meat and rancid fats irritate the lining of the intestines causing inflammation that leads to colitis (IBS), diverticulitis, leaky gut syndrome (the underlying cause of many food allergies), crohns disease, even cancer.   Safeguard your digestive tract.  Eat sensibly.  Take digestive enzymes, especially if you’re not eating enough enzyme-rich raw vegetables. 

For personal consultation, drop me an email to set up an appointment for a private telephone consultation.  If you want the products mentioned in this article, simply drop me an email with your order.  (Gastrex is $21 for 90 capsules and Chlorophyll Complex $23 for 60 perles.)  I’ll give you a phone number to call with your credit card information.  Postage will be added to all orders.  Consultation fees are $45 for a half-hour and $65 for an hour.  I also offer health coaching for a reasonable fee.  

Until my next post, here’s to your health and healing!

Dr. Tony Palombo

Email address: 

For inspired writing and inspiring reading, visit my Healing Tones blog. 

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Fall in Oregon - Click on picture to enlarge

We are all aware of the need for “Spring Cleaning” and we do it every year in our homes, many of us in the more immediate homes of our physical bodies.

But what about “Fall Cleaning” in the yard and gardens, even in our body temples?  We have to do that, too, just to clean up what’s left after harvest time and when the leaves and blossoms have fallen to the ground.  Likewise, our body temples can use a cleaning as the Fall and Winter months set in.

I recommend the “Purification Program” by Standard Process Labs for a thorough house cleaning – from the cellular level on out to the organs of elimination, including and especially the gastrointestinal tract that processes all the empty carbohydrate and fast-foods we tend to consume on the run, much of it still clinging to the lining of the gut in the form or mucous (protein) and undigested food (anywhere from 15 to 25 lbs. of it).  Wouldn’t you just love to be rid of those kind of toxic pounds?!

Here’s what the Purification Program by Standard Process Labs. looks like (click on the link for more details):

For 21 days you simply take a number of capsules containing cleansing and rebuilding nutrients and have a few healthy, meal-replacement SP Complete shakes during the day.  Add your favorite fruit or fruit juice to the shake mix and, voila!, you have a great and tasty meal in a glass.  For a little more cost, you can snack on protein richStandardBars during the day to help with extra protein and low blood sugar.  If needed, you can continue to eat your regular meals and have a SP Complete shake with them.  Just serve yourself smaller portions to make room for the body-purifying shake.  For a more healthy meal, click on Program Diet.  

Here’s a sampling of what two of the products alone afford you:

SP Green Food  provides a simple way for people of all ages to add vital phytonutrients to their diet.

  • Promotes healthy liver function
  • Provides antioxidants
  • Supports overall cellular health
  • Provides phytonutrients
  • Supports cholesterol metabolism, already within a normal range
  • Supports the normal elimination of toxins
  • Adds vital nutrients to any diet, and can be used as nutritional support in the Standard Process Purification Program†

Whole Food-Fiber provides soluble and insoluble fiber to support the digestive system.

  • Encourages a healthy intestinal environment to help maintain proper intestinal flora
  • Cleanses the lower gastrointestinal tract
  • Encourages a healthy gastrointestinal tract pH
  • Supports healthy elimination
  • Contains fennel, which helps relieve gas, abdominal cramps, and indigestion
  • Maintains healthy lipid and blood glucose levels already in normal ranges
  • Adds vital nutrients to any diet, and can be used as nutritional support in the Standard Process Purification and Post-Purification Programs†  Gluten Free & Vegetarian

The program comes with a user-friendly guide and recipe suggestions for the shake, so you’ll have all the information you will need to walk you through the program.  You always have me, of course, to answer any of your questions.

Now, you have to eliminate the refined carbohydrate foods all together.  Donuts and biscuits have to go, along with cakes, cookies and breads that are made with refined flour and sugar.  Eliminating sugar all together for the 3-week cleanse period alone will profit you in lbs lost and not added.

The cost?   $12 a day ($252 – postage included)!  Order through me and enjoy a purification-day-on-me blog-reader’s discount of $12!  [ For $40 more you can replace one of the SP Complete 28 oz. jars with 30 1-oz packets. That way you have the jar at home and packets in your purse or pocket to take with you to work or in your travels.  

Note: The StandardBars are not included in this price and cost $50/18 bars ($45 for blog-readers) with no extra shipping charge if included with your initial order.   

For details on the products and their function in the cleanse, simply visit Standard Processwebsite link provided here, then click on option Purification Program Products.  Visit other options as well to learn more about the program and the need for whole-body purification.

Let me hear from you with any questions you may have and for product orders.  I can have them drop-shipped to your doorstep by UPS in 3-5 business days.

To your health and healing,

Dr. Anthony Palombo

(Note: products cannot be ordered directly from the company but only from a licensed healthcare practitioner.) 

The Healing Process: Signaling Messengers and Diabetes

Redox Signaling Messengers

Like any community, the body cells depend on communication for their coordinated and harmonious function together. Communication depends on messengers, both inside the cell between the various actors and “micro machines”  and outside the cell between the one-hundred-billion cells that compose our bodies.  These next few posts will be about these messengers, most recently discovered among them being the Redox Signaling Messengers that turn out to be a most important players in the healing process.  We will have a look at a very significant scientific breakthrough in the field of health and healing.  Again, we will call upon Dr. Gary L. Samuelson to help us envision and understand the Healing Process as he presents it in his recently released booklet, The Science of Healing Revealed – New Insights into Redox Signaling.

How the Actors Work Together – The Signaling Messengers

So far in our abbreviated organization chart, a small sample of the cast of actors has been put together in order to provide a tiny taste of what they look like and what they do. There are thousands more (not listed, thankfully) that fill major roles inside and outside the cell; and the list is growing every day as new actors and roles are being discovered. The real story, however, lies not so much in what they look like or what their job description is, but in how they interact with each other and how they determine when and where to do their job.

For the most part, the cellular micro machinery is controlled by the various signaling messengers, as has already been mentioned, that go about carrying messages inside the individual cells (intracellular communication) as well as carrying messages between the cells (intercellular communication). As has also been mentioned, the very identity and behavior of the cell depends on the quantities and types of messengers being passed around in its surrounding environment.

The inner-cell (intracellular) messengers float around inside the seawater solution (cytosol) inside the cells. There are generally two types of intracellular messengers: (1) protein messengers that are coded by the DNA and built, delivered, passed around and modified by enzymes and cellular machinery and (2) a recently discovered network of messengers called “redox signaling and regulation” messengers made out of small, highly reactive molecules (ROS and RS) that are formed by the REDuction” and “OXidation'” (redox) of the very sea-water bath that surrounds all of this cellular machinery. These messengers modify the behavior of the machinery by changing the chemical potential in the salt-water environment where all of this machinery exists. Since these “redox” messengers are integrally involved in the healing process, they will be the topic of further investigation in this booklet.

The between-cell (intercellular) messengers are passed back and forth between cells. In order for them to work they must be able to leave one cell and “latch onto” or pass into surrounding cells. There are specific places built into the outer membranes of the cells, called “receptors” and “co-receptors,” where these messengers are allowed to “latch onto” the outside of the cell. Each different type of messenger molecule (called agonist) has its own custom-built latch (receptor) that allows it to pass a signal into the cell.

In many cases, the receptor itself, when latched, will cause intracellular messengers to be released to continue carrying the message into the cell. Most cells are stuck together with a scaffolding of adhesive molecules that allow messages to more easily be passed around among neighboring cells.

Redox messengers are able to alter the chemistry of the receptor latches that can either enhance or inhibit their ability to latch onto their messengers and pass messages into the cell. Sometimes the presence of these redox messengers themselves will spontaneously trigger a receptor to send messages into the cell.

In my next post we will explore further some amazing technology that has made it possible for us to enhance intra-and-inter-cellular communication.  Before leaving my blog, take a few minutes to view this video clip on the Redox Signaling Molecule (5 min).

Besides giving a visual demonstration of how these signaling messengers work, this clip presents recent groundbreaking technology that is being used to stabilize these highly reactive molecules outside the body and then use them as bio-active, non-toxic agents inside the body to assist in the healing process.

The end result of this research is a formulated “water” called “ASEA” that is now available to the public through network marketing.  I have become an associate distributor of this product because of the great promise it holds for my patients and clients at a foundational level in their healing and health maintenance, offering new solutions to longevity and quality of healthful living.  It also gives people a tool they can use safely and obtain directly from the company without the requirement of becoming a network marketer themselves, although that is available as well as a home-based business with minimal investment.  So, enjoy the clip! Until next week then, my best wishes . . .

To your health and healing,

Dr. Tony Palombo

For more information about ASEA and ordering instructions, simply click here.

Here’s a bonus for my readers concerned with their blood sugar levels and diabetes: The 39-day cure for Type II Diabetes.

Facts about Agave

Oh No!!!  Not Agave too!!!

Well,  just when I thought it was safe to sweeten my coffee with Agave, unfavorable facts about this high fructose sweetener surfaced through all the false and misleading reports put forth by the producers and distributors of this nectar of the agave plant. 

I developed a high sensitivity and intolerance to high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) over the years, which very quickly landed me in the hospital under the heart-surgeon’s knife.  The inflammatory process, triggered by the presence of artery-damaging corn protein in my blood , resulted in high-cholesterol production by my liver to patch up the eroding lining of my coronary arteries.  You see, I’ve had a sweet tooth since my childhood years.  With the introduction of HFCS in nearly everything I liked to eat and drink, my heart didn’t stand a chance against arterial blockages.  I had six bypasses in 2003 right here in Fort Collins, Colorado.  The cardiologist and heart surgeon attributed my high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease to hereditary factors, which apparently account for 5% of  cardiovascular cases. My dad and his Italian forbears had it, so I was destined to have it too.  Or so I was assured.

Well, I didn’t buy into this common explanation, and went in search for the real cause. My search led me to a clinical nutritionist in Houston, Dr. Stuart White of Whole Health Associates, who uncovered a food-intolerance related to corn and all corn-derived products, which he attributed to my European background.  Europeans, he explained, and their progeny appear not to have sufficient reserves of the kind of enzymes that break down the protein in corn, just as  Native Americans and their progeny don’t have the enzymes to break down the protein (gluten) in wheat.  If you remember from your American history, the Europeans died after eating corn the indian natives gave them in exchange for their wheat, and the indians died from eating the Europeans’ wheat.  So, depending on what your hereditary background is, you may have an intolerance to either wheat or corn — or  both if you have a mixture, which many living on this melting-pot American continent have.   

Note:  The undigested protein from corn or wheat finds its way into the bloodstream through the lining of the gut.  Here is where the inflammatory process kicks in to deal with undigested food matter, such as corn protein and wheat gluten.  With chronic inflammation comes irritable bowel syndrome (ibs) and Crohn’s disease, which leads to what is called “leaky-gut syndrome.”  The eroded lining of the gut allows protein molecules to enter the blood sream.  This triggers an immune response of histamine production to literally flush the protein out of the blood through the mucous membranes of the lungs and sinuses. Thus we have what are often called “food allergies” but are more accurately called “food intolerances.” Much of what is back of  “COPD”, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, which is really a chronic cough, is a food intolerance triggering histamine production that congests the bronchial tubes, resulting in a chronic cough to get the protein-laden mucous up and out. 

So, the cardiologist was accurate in attributing my cardiovascular disease to genetic factors, only the genes responsible are not cardiovascular genes, as though my body was programed genetically to have coronary heart disease.  It is rather that my European genes lack the factors that help produce enzymes to break down protein in corn, which can lead to inflammation – which can lead to erosion of the inner lining of blood arteries – which triggers  cholesterol production in the liver – which can lead to plaque in the arteries to prevent them from leaking – which can lead to heart-attack and bypass surgery.  In short, I did not inherit heart disease from my father.  I simply inherited his European genes with their shortcomings in digesting corn protein.  What an important revelation!  Thank you Dr. White!

Today one of my associates forwarded the following to me and I found it so important that I felt I should pass it on to my readers.  Needless to say, after reading this, I’m back to using raw sugar in my coffee instead of Agave!  All things in moderation, of course. 


Is this Popular Natural Sweetener Worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup?

Posted By Dr. Mercola | July 03 2010 | 155,922 views

By Dr. Mercola

Many people interested in staying healthy have switched to agave as a safer “natural” sweetener. They want to avoid well documented dangerous sweeteners like HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) but are unaware that most agave is actually WORSE than HFCS.

Once I realized this, I wrote a special report on agave to inform the public of this danger. I was somewhat surprised that the report would prompt such a firestorm of debate within the industry.

A number of natural agave manufacturers and health conscious consumers still proclaim agave is a safe, all-natural sweetener that is good for everyone.

Some have even criticized me for having ulterior motives. But nothing could be further from the truth. Although I do offer natural health products for sale on this site, I sell no competing products to agave.

Rather, I recommend other options such as stevia products. You can also use xylitol in small amounts or glucose, which is sold commercially as dextrose, and can easily be purchased on Amazon for $1 per pound. I do not sell any of these products.

My only purpose for sharing this information is to help people understand the truth about health. In case you haven’t noticed, we have an epidemic of obesity in the US and it wasn’t until recently that my eyes opened up to the primary cause — fructose.

Yes, it is all about freedom of choice. It is hard to have freedom if you aren’t given the entire story, and up until now that has been the case with agave.

Read more on his website:

Crohn’s Disease



by Anthony Palombo, DC, ACN



First of all, as with all health conditions in the physical body, Crohn’s disease has an energetic, or vibrational, underlying cause conditioned by mental and emotional patterns of thoughts and feeling-reactions that maintain an underlying condition of stress in the physical body.  These underlying stress-producing energetic patterns keep the body in a fight or flight response mode.  Any treatment to bring about a “cure” of Crohn’s disease must necessarily include addressing this underlying energetic cause.  Without this factor properly addressed and cleared, all treatments, medical and/or alternatve, will only bring about relief and management of the condition.

That being said, consider the following in light of this underlying causal factor.

Crohn’s disease is always preceded by chronic indigestion.  The cause of Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is chronic indigestion.

In medical literature one will invariably find these words in the first paragraph under “Cause of Crohns”: “The cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown.” What is omitted in this statement are the words “…to medical science.”  Medical science then proceeds to guess at what causes it and then treat the guesses along with the symptoms.  The cause is not addressed because it is admittedly “unknown” to medical science.  It would be ignorant and arrogant to assume that the cause is “unknown” simply because medical science doesn’t know.

Here is the definition of Crohn’s disease taken from

“Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. It primarily causes ulcerations (breaks in the lining) of the small intestines, but can affect the digestive system anywhere from the mouth to the anus.  It is named after the physician who described the disease in 1932.  It also is called granulomatous enteritis or colitis, regional enteritis, ileitis, or terminal ileitis.”

(Note: The Ileum is another name for the last section of the small intestines, the part that connects to the large intestines (or ascending colon), which is where the appendix is also located.)

To answer the question “What causes Crohn’s disease?” one must first answer the question “What causes inflammation in the intestines?”  Right?  So, let’s think this through by following the digestive process. But first let’s look at the inflammatory process.

The Cause of Inflammation

What causes inflammation is the immune system.  It’s the body’s way of dealing with infection.  Infection is the immune system’s way of dealing with foreign matter that is not being eliminated.  Food is foreign matter to the body.  It is supposed to be digested and then eliminated from the intestinal tract.

Remember, the inside of the alimentary canal, from the mouth to the rectum, is outside the body, although it runs through it.  In other words, it is part of the body’s immediate environment, just as dirt on your skin is external to the body.  In fact, the lining of the intestines is made from the same matrix of tissue (ectoderm) as skin.  It’s a membrane.  In other words, it’s skin.  The brain and nervous system are also made from the same matrix, the ectoderm.  Skin is an organ of elimination and has intelligence.  It is a very permeable membrane, however, letting in what will nourish the body and eliminating what is toxic and not handled by the other organs and glands of elimination.  The pH of the skin is a crucial aspect of its integrity.  High acidity will break it down.  Inflammation is created by the immune system, which is very pervasive throughout the intestines and colon,  in order to deal with the foreign substance that is irritating the membrane.  It is literally a fire, a localized febrile condition created to burn up toxins and dying cells.

Food that is not properly digested will cause acidity in the intestines.  Undigested protein will rot causing putrefaction. Undigested carbohydrates will ferment.  Undigested fats will go rancid.  Rancid fats destroy tissue immediately upon contact. This is why it is not good to eat rancid seeds and nuts or use rancid cooking and salad oils.  They also destroy HDL, the so called “good” cholesterol.  Cholesterol is essential to the structural composition of the cell wall . . . every one of the 100 trillion cells that make up your body.

 Digestion of Proteins and Carbohydrates

Protein is broken down and digested in the stomach by hydrochloric acid (HCL).  Hydrochloric acid  is secreted by the parietal cells lining the stomach at a pH (potential of Hydrogen)  of 0.8, very acidic, and by the time it mixes with the stomach contents  its pH increases to about 2.5.   Pepsin is the activating enzyme for HCL, but it can do so only in this high acidic condition.  This is why it is not smart to mix carbohydrates and sweets with meats in the same meal, as these foods set up an alkaline condition in the stomach, which will prevent pepsin from activating HCL, which in turn leads to indigestion.  This also goes for the digestion and conversion of carbohydrates into sugar, which takes place largely in the mouth. Ptyalin (salivary amylase) is the activating enzyme for carbohydrate digestion and it needs an alkaline condition to do its job properly.  So, you can see how these two chemistries are not compatible together in the stomach at the same time.  These enzymes are mixed with the food during mastication – which is why it is important to chew food thoroughly before swallowing it.  Lypase is the activating enzyme for the digestion of fats.

(Note:  HCL production in the stomach begins to decline around age 45, and our enzyme reserve runs low, so it is supportive of digestion to take an HCL supplement with meat meals.   I recommend Zypan by Standard Process Labs – )

Poor Digestion and Stress

The function of the parietal cells, like all cells in the body, depends largely upon adrenalin.  This is why when a person is under stress, it is not wise to eat food, especially protein.  Vegetables and fruit are more easily digested during stressful times.  Stress puts the body in fight or flight mode sending most of the adrenalin to the muscle cells.  The body is not interested in growth and healing when it is focused on survival or running away from a stressor, such as a charging bull,  a stressful job or lifestyle, or long-term grieving and mental and emotional distress.  Toxins inhaled or ingested bring on stress just as surely as any other external stressors.  This is why cigarette smoking keeps the lining of the stomach inflamed, mainly from the chemicals (some 300 of them in the paper and tobacco).   Poor nutrition puts the body cells in a state of starvation stress as well.  When there’s stress, the parietal cells of the stomach shut down the production of hydrochloric acid, rendering protein undigestible.  Mental and emotional stress also produces acidosis throughout the body.

When protein is not digested properly, as I said, it will rot, producing putrid matter.  Putrefaction produces organic acids, which will erode the stomach and intestinal linings.  The acids of putrefaction and fermentation are what cause “acid indigestion” and “heart burn.”

It is not the hydrochloric acid that causes these symptoms, including ulcers.  In fact, it is the lack of hydrochloric acid that creates the condition of indigestion that leads to putrefaction of proteins. So when a person has “heart burn” after eating, while antacids do relieve the symptoms, they also cancel out the hydrochloric acid needed for digestion.  This sets up a condition for rotting meat and putrefaction of proteins in the gut further down the alimentary canal until the gas-producing material is finally eliminated.   While this putrid matter is in the gut, however, it causes all sorts of assault to the intestinal lining, creating the conditions for Crohn’s disease and cancer to develop.

So when a person has “acid indigestion” and “heartburn” he/she needs some digestive support. Betaine hydrochloride provides that support by starting up the process of digestion again, the only way to stop the putrefaction and fermentation of un-digested foods.  To take chemicals that stop the production of digestive stomach acids only adds insult to injury and really does expose the absolute stupidity and ignorance of pharma-driven medical science.  We have to add digestive acids to the stomach not eliminate them.  I cringe every time I see a TV commercial for such drugs.  God help us!  Zypan, a blend of Pepsin and HCL,  is a great product for this purpose (2-3 with or after meals). Drop me an email and I will send you a bottle. $15 (90Tabs) $42 (330T) plus postage.

The Digestive Process and the pH Factor

The gallbladder and pancreas produce copious amounts of sodium-rich bile and alkaline juices respectively to emulsify fat and buffer the 2.5 pH acids of digestion in the chyme (stomach contents) coming out of the stomach into the duodenum, the first 12 inches of the small intestines. The intestines, which are ideally happy with a 5.8 to 6.2 pH, would be distressed and burned by 2.5 pH content.  So, it is important that the gallbladder and pancreas produce their alkaline substances to buffer this acid.  Otherwise duodenal ulcers may develop.  The colon, on the other hand, likes a more acidic environment – for one thing, to keep yeast and fungus from growing and thereby giving rise to infection.   The colon should never be alkaline.

What can cause these alkaline substances to be depleted of alkalizing sodium?  Well, for one thing, over consumption of acid-producing foods – grains and proteins – which use a lot of acid-buffering sodium.  What builds up sodium reserves?  Vegetables, especially celery and cucumbers, and some fruits, such as prunes, plums and blueberries, are alkaline producing foods that build up your sodium reserves.  These alkaline-producing foods should ideally make up 80% of our diet.

When bile loses it alkalinity, it becomes thick and therefore cannot easily flow through the small common-bile duct.  Fat is not emulsified and therefore hardens to form stones.  Calcium will precipitate out of solution and crystallize, creating calcium stones.  When bile does not flow into the duodenum through the common-bile duct, the acid of the chyme does not get properly buffered and the fats are not emulsified.   This creates an acid condition that will burn the small intestines, causing irritable bowel (IBS) and colitis.   Bacteria, viruses and other pathogens will thrive in this acid environment.  This leads to inflammation and infection, the immune system’s way of dealing with pathogens.  Crohn’s disease develops as the lining of the intestines begins to get raw, eaten up by these organic acids.  This is why it will appear as “raw hamburger meat” in a colonoscopy. In this compromised condition, bacteria and viruses, along with undigested proteins and other toxins, easily enter the blood stream through the “leaky gut,” causing so-called “food allergies,” as well as infection throughout the body,  including the kidneys and bladder, organs of elimination of toxic waste fluids.


The “cure” of Crohn’s disease lies in the healing of the lining of the intestinal wall.   It also includes treating and clearing the underlying energetic patterns of stress, as mentioned at the start of this article.  One very effective method for addressing the energetic cause of disease is BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique (BEST), developed and taught by Dr. Milton T. Morter of Rogers, Arkansas ( ).

Emotional Factors

In her wonderful and popular book, “You Can Heal Your Life,” Louise Hay suggests that behind inflammation in the colon (ileitis), which is what crohns is, may be a deep sense of fear and worry of not being “good enough.”  This deeply rooted pattern was likely put there early in childhood by a well-meaning parent who tried to motivate a child by telling it how stupid it was and berating it for not being able to do anything right.  A new thought pattern she offers could be: “I love and approve of myself.  I am doing the best I can. I am wonderful. I am at peace.”

To Heal the Gut

The enzyme pepsin is the primary repair factor for the intestines because it literally digests the heavy mucous that clings to the intestinal wall, mucous caused by meats and dairy products.  This mucous prevents nutrient absorption.  So, by digesting the mucous and getting it off the lining of the intestinal wall, nutrients can be more easily absorbed.  L-glutamine is the amino acid used in building protein molecules to repair the eroded lining of the gut.

Raw Okra

Okra is a popular southern vegetable that has lots of pepsin.  Okra Pepsis E-3 by Standard Process Laboratories is an excellent product for healing the intestinal wall.   The raw okra is a sticky and gooey mucilaginous green vegetable that sticks to the intestinal wall long enough to put the protein digesting (proteolytic) enzyme, pepsin, in contact with the protein based mucous.  The pepsin enzyme then breaks down the protein and thus destabilizes the mucous molecule.  That causes the mucous to fall away from the membrane where it can then be eliminated in the stool. That, in turn, frees the villi that line the intestinal wall enabling them to extract nutrients from the digesting food.

Vitamin E-3 is a very important part of the product, as it is a powerful tissue repair factor, along with enzymes.  Enzymes are the work horses of the immune system when it comes to repairing tissue throughout the body.  They need to be taken on an empty stomach so that they will not be used up digesting the food and can go to work on repairing the stomach and intestinal lining.

Nutritional protocols and cures I’ve used in my practice for years

Gastrexby Standard Process Labs is an excellent product for supporting the healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers.  Taken 2-10 minutes before meals, it relieves gastritis and promotes healing of the GI tract, especially the stomach and duodenum.  Beyond its primary role, it acts as a detoxifier.  Formulated with an absorbent bentonite clay (montmorillonite), which absorbs toxins and takes them out through the stool, Gastrex is an ideal product for healing the gut.  Then add the healing and desensitizing qualities of chlorophyll, Mother Nature’s healing balm, along with the healing factors of okra, duodenal extract, and silica, the pain is relieved instantly upon contact as the pain-causing acid is neutralized, while the oxygen-laden chlorophyll molecules bring natural healing elements to the cells of the intestinal wall.   It’s a win-win formulation.

The protocol for Crohn’s disease also calls for Cholacol II, which is a combination of purified bovine bile salts to buffer digestive acid and emulsify fat, bentonite clay for absorption of toxic waste, and collinsonia (root) herb to help with vascular tone and circulation in the intestinal wall.  Blood vessels take a beating with inflammation and often leak blood.  Cataplex ACP brings Vitamin C from dried buckwheat juice, rich in the antioxidant bioflavonoid (rutin – also known as “Vitamin P” for vascular tone), which is essential to the absorption of Vitamins A and C, healthy function of capillaries and connective tissues, and immune system support. Chlorophyll Complex Perlesare taken on an empty stomach to offer soothing healing balm to the eroding intestinal wall.   Finally, immune system modulation and support is brought on line with Immuplex and Echinacea Premium.

Supporting Digestion after the Initial Therapy

This protocol represents the initial 3-week therapeutic program for Crohn’s disease.  After three weeks of intense healing, we then start supporting the digestive system with Zypan(a pepsin & hydrochloric acid supplement), and Enzycore, a vegetarian enzyme blend to help break down protein, carbohydrates, and fat. It also delivers L-Glutamine to the cells, an amino acid used as a building block for other amino acids that provides energy to cells with high energy needs (like those of the intestines).  Enzycore also provides kale and beet powder to support healthy digestion.

Synergistic nutrients and herbs are included in the protocol for Crohn’s disease.  They include Boswellia Complexto support and cool down the inflammatory process, Calcium Lactate to facilitate and support infection fighting, and Chamomile as a sedative to calm down the tissue cells and relax the flat muscles of the intestines. St. John’s Wort herb is also included to deal with any “enveloped’ viruses that may be present in the gut.  Viruses are scavengers, opportunistic bugs that appear on the scene wherever decay is occurring in the body.  When they are “enveloped,” the immune system cannot deal with them.  St. John’s Wort dissolves that envelop to expose the virus to the immune system.  It also aids the liver in processing its chemistry in eliminating toxins from the blood stream.

ASEA — I am adding ASEA to this protocol after learning about its healing properties.  This is a new formula that provides Redox Signaling Molecules in a saline solution for enhancing inter cellular communication with the immune system and activation of antioxidants.  Click HERE to learn more about this amazing breakthrough in health science.


Smoking pot is apparently what Crohn’s sufferers need to cure their disease. Click on the link.

Contact Information

For further information and personal consultation and evaluation, as well as product purchasing and protocol management, you can contact Dr. Palombo directly by cell phone or email.

Dr. Anthony Palombo Chiropractor and Applied Clinical Nutritionist, Certified BEST Practitioner


Second blog:


Phone: (337) 802-5510