Mushroom Science and Cancer Cures

My Chorale PicI received this good news video on mushroom science and cancer cures from the mushroom guru himself, Paul Stamets. He helped his own aged mother cure herself of stage 4 breast cancer after her oncologist gave her little hope with chemotherapy alone. The doctor actually suggested she look up Turkey Tail mushrooms for their promising cure of  non-estrogen responsive breast cancer.  I’m impressed! Enjoy and spread the word.

Great story, yes? According to a publication of MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, they’re doing research right now into empowering the human immune system to fight back and kill cancer cells with hopes of eliminating chemotherapy. I believe they are exploring “Myco-Medicinals”, specifically Turkey Tail mushrooms, for their immune-boosting properties. Promising research.  Stay tuned.

Here’s to your health,

Anthony Palombo, D.C.

P.S. Go to for more details about Myco-Medicinals.”

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