Cancer Cure and the pH Factor

Tony's picture 2 from PeggyArticles are being circulated on Facebook and the internet that promote the theory that cancer is a fungus whose cells die in an alkaline environment. Tumors shrink and pathogens are burned up with the intervention of the “treatment” being touted. 

This process can be initiated by swiftly alkalizing the body and bloodstream with baking soda mixed with maple syrup to carry the soda into the cancer cells, delivering more oxygen than the cells can handle.  

Oxygen, a free radical itself, literally destroys cancer cells and other free radicals by supplying them with electrons and thereby neutralizing them and sending a flow of electrical energy through them. This rush of electrical energy simply burns them up — and without doing harm to the healthy cells of the body, as chemo and radiation therapy do. In fact, where this harmless cancer treatment is included by patients who also use conventional therapies, lower dosages of chemo and radiation can be used.  

Anyway, that’s the gist of the story, into which I will attempt to offer some critical thinking in this post. First, let’s review the story, and the “treatment” along with some of the controversy surrounding it.  

This medical news was published in 2010 by Dr. Mark Sircus.

Dr. Mark Sircus

Dr. Mark Sircus

 Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) (acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine) is a prolific writer and author of some astounding medical and health-related books. Dr. Sircus’s methods are based on medical science and long years of clinical experience, not only his own but experiences of doctors from around the world who have been practicing brilliant medicine. [View his nine-minute video here.]

When it comes to cancer, Dr. Sircus pays attention to the terrain, to the surrounding cells and the surrounding extracellular matrix, which interacts and shapes cancer cell growth.  Cancer cells cannot turn into a lethal tumor without the cooperation of other cells nearby. It is not just the friendly healthier cells but also the interstitial environment (pH, oxygen and CO2 levels) that plays a role in determining what will happen to a person when they have cancer.

Needless to say, the American Cancer Society frowns upon this theory and treatment, which is popular, if notoriously, in foreign countries, such as Italy.


Dr. Tullio Simoncini

Dr. Tullio Simoncini

Oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini in Rome, Italy, has been somewhat successfully treating cancer patients with a simple cure for most cancer tumors using a simple remedy (for which he charges thousands of dollars) that swiftly changes the pH environment around cancer cells, dramatically increasing the oxygen in the cell and literally disintegrating it. He uses an IV drip — which got him in a lot of trouble, including conviction for manslaughter (several of his patients died of their cancers and/or complications from the infusion), loss of his license, and imprisonment — but the remedy is simple and easy to concoct and administer at home and reportedly works with all tumors in the body — with the exception of brain and bone tumors.

If you’re a fan of David Icke, you’ll enjoy what he has to say at this link:


The remedy was accidentally discovered by folk healer Dr. Jim Kelmun who proclaims . . .

“There is not a tumor on God’s green earth that cannot be licked with a little baking soda and maple syrup.” That is the astonishing claim of controversial folk healer Jim Kelmun who says that this simple home remedy can stop and reverse the deadly growth of cancers. His loyal patients swear by the man they fondly call Dr. Jim and say he is a miracle worker. “Dr. Jim cured me of lung cancer,” said farmer Ian Roadhouse. “Those other doctors told me that I was a goner and had less then six months to live. But the doc put me on his mixture and in a couple of months the cancer was gone. It did not even show up on the x-rays.”

Dr. Jim discovered this treatment accidentally somewhere in the middle of the last century when he was treating a family plagued by breast cancer. There were five sisters in the family and four of them had died of breast cancer. He asked the remaining sister if there was anything different in her diet and she told him that she was partial to sipping maple syrup and baking soda. Since then, reported by a newspaper in Ashville, North Carolina, Dr. Jim dispensed this remedy to over 200 people diagnosed with terminal cancer and amazingly he claims of that number 185 lived at least 15 more years and nearly half enjoyed a complete remission of their disease. When combined with other safe and effective treatments like transdermal magnesium therapy, iodine, vitamin C, probiotics and other items like plenty of good sun exposure, pure water and clay treatments we should expect even higher remission rates.

The science is rather simple chemistry. Here’s how it works [taken from Dr. Sirius’ International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA) website:

All cancer sufferers and in fact every chronic disease patient should hold clearly in mind that pH is the regulatory authority that controls most cellular processes. The pH balance of the human bloodstream is recognized by medical physiology texts as one of the most important biochemical balances in all of human body chemistry. pH is the acronym for “Potential Hydrogen”. In definition, it is the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. It is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 14. Higher numbers mean a substance is more alkaline in nature and there is a greater potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions. Lower numbers indicate more acidity with less potential for absorbing hydrogen ions.

     Our body pH is very important because pH controls the speed of our body’s biochemical reactions. It does this by controlling the speed of enzyme activity as well as the speed that electricity moves through our body; the higher (more alkaline) the pH of a substance or solution, the more electrical resistance that substance or solution holds. Therefore, electricity travels slower with higher pH. If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying it is hot and fast.  Alkaline pH on the other hand, bio-chemically speaking, is slow and cool. 


This treatment is a combination of pure, 100% maple syrup and baking soda and was first reported on the Cancer Tutor site. When mixed and heated together, the maple syrup and baking soda bind together. The maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15 times more glucose than normal cells) and the baking soda, which is dragged into the cancer cell by the maple syrup, being very alkaline forces a rapid shift in pH killing the cell. The actual formula is to mix one part baking soda with three parts (pure, 100%) maple syrup in a small saucepan. Stir briskly and heat the mixture for 5 minutes. Take 1 teaspoon daily, is what is suggested by Cancer Tutor but one could probably do this several times a day.

“Sodium bicarbonate therapy is harmless, fast and effective because it is extremely diffusible. A therapy with bicarbonate for cancer should be set up with strong dosage, continuously, and with pauseless cycles in a destruction work which should proceed from the beginning to the end without interruption for at least 7-8 days. In general a mass of 2-3-4 centimeters will begin to consistently regress from the third to the fourth day, and collapses from the fourth to the fifth,” says Dr Simoncini. . . .

. . . Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive and unstoppably effective when it comes to cancer tissues. It’s an irresistible chemical, cyanide to cancer cells for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Studies have already shown how manipulation of tumor pH with sodium bicarbonate enhances some forms of chemotherapy.


There are many ways to use sodium bicarbonate and it is a universal drug like iodine and magnesium chloride. Raising pH increases the immune system’s ability to kill bacteria, concludes a study conducted at The Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine in London. Viruses and bacteria that cause bronchitis and colds thrive in an acidic environment. To fight a respiratory infection and dampen symptoms such as a runny nose and sore throat, taking an alkalizing mixture of sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate will certainly help.


The apple cider vinegar 1/4 teaspoon and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda taken 2 times or more a day is another treatment as is lemon and baking soda, or lime and baking soda formulas. Perhaps honey could be substituted for maple syrup for those who live in parts of the world where maple syrup is not available but to my knowledge no one has experimented with this.

For more information about this amazing and controversal discovery, visit the IMVA website at


Let me be clear: I am NOT recommending this treatment for cancer to anyone on this blog. You are completely on your own. It is a fact that diseases such as cancer and viral or bacterial infections thrive in an acid environment. However, changing the body’s pH so drastically and swiftly by ingesting therapeutic doses of baking soda can have harmful side effects, as the articles I’ve sourced for this blog report and detail.

For example, yeast thrives in an alkaline environment. It is generally present in the colon, which needs to maintain a lower pH, slightly on the acid side. Yeast overgrowth happens when the pH of the colon becomes too alkaline. So you don’t want to mess with the pH of the colon with large and frequent doses of baking soda.

There’s also the digestion factor where meats and grains are concerned. They need undiluted hydrochloric acid to break down the protein. Stomach digestive acid is activated in an acidic environment by the salivary enzyme pepsin, mixed with your food as you chew it thoroughly. If you change the pH of the stomach to a more alkaline environment with baking soda (or with Tums and Rolaids), your stomach is not going to be able to digest that hamburger and french fries. The undigested meat, bun and french fries will start fermenting, causing gas and heart burn, and will putrefy and rot later on in the gut. This condition can lead to all sorts of disorders, including IBS, Crohn’s disease and even cancer.


The best way to prevent and perhaps kill cancer cells, is to keep alkalizing your body chemistry with alkaline-rich vegetables (Here’s a chart to guide you). A quick way to alkalize is with barley green. There are supplements available for this purpose. Standard Process has SP GREENFOOD, which is a blend of alkalizing barley green and anti-cancer cruciferous vegetables, and Morter Health Systems has ALKA-GREEN, which is a barley green tablet. If you’re eating a lot of acid-ash foods (meat, dairy and grains), this is a great way to add alkaline to balance out the acid. Let us not forget the alkalizing benefits of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. ORGANICALLY BOUND MINERALS by Standard Process is what I take daily and prescribe to my clients. 

It is obvious that this treatment is intended to help those with cancer to do something themselves at home to help cure their disease. I support and applaud such efforts made by anyone who takes an active role in their healthcare. As I said above, I am not recommending it to my blog readers nor promoting it as a “cancer cure.” I do, however, caution my readers not to employ this procedure without medical or professional guidance. (I state this disclaimer as a protective measure and as a requirement by the FDA.) 

I hope this post has helped you in your own critical thinking on this topic. I love hearing from my readers, so please feel free to comment on this post or send me your comments by email at Until my next post, 

Tony's picture 2 from PeggyHere’s to your health and vitality,

Anthony Palombo, DC, ACN

Visit my blog for inspiring reading. The current theme is Our Electromagnetic Universe: The Body Electric. 

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The information in this blog post is for educational purposes only. Products or remedies mentioned in this blog post are not intended to diagnose or treat or cure any disease nor to replace orthodox medical care. 

The Purple Pill Fallacy

I never dreamed I’d see the day when a drug company would actually come out and expose the sheer ignorance and stupidity of medical science and its so-called “doctors” the way one has recently.  Yes, I said “so-called doctors” because if gastrointerologists actually believe what the company that manufactures Nexium is “teaching” (the real meaning of the word doctor) the public about how to handle and avoid “acid-indigestion,” then they have stopped being doctors and have become drug technicians.  

Believe it or not, however, there it was on my television screen a few days ago, before God and everyone, blatantly proclaiming their ignorance, all the while taking us for fools.  The “Purple Pill” ad shouted out: “BLOCK THE ACID . . . FROM THE START!”  or something to that effect.  I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears.  Was I actually hearing correctly.  Did he say “Block the acid” to avoid “acid-indigestion?!”  OMG!  It’s come to that!  I wonder how many people saw through the fallacy of that ad, and how many of those expensive purple capsules this ad sells on a daily basis.  And we wonder why we have so much colon cancer!  (I’ll explain.) I have a close relative who actually raves about the wonders of this drug that “shuts off acid pumps” in the stomach.  Now the makers of Prilosec are touting the same message. 


How does the stomach digest meat, dairy, eggs, nuts, and grains?  Right!  With digestive acid — betaine hydrochloride to be exact.  Where does this acid come from?  Right again! The stomach — the parietal cells lining the stomach wall, to be exact. What causes so-called “acid indigestion?”  If you answered “too much acid,” as the ad leads one to believe, you’d be wrong!   It’s not too much stomach acid.  It’s not enough stomach acid.  That’s right.  So-called “acid indigestion” is actually “lack-of-acid indigestion.”   

The essential condition of indigestion is a failure of the food to digest due to a lack of digestive juices.  Now, what happens when the food stops digesting? It ferments.  What does fermentation produce?  GAS — hot, acidic gas, the kind that makes you burp fire so hot that it burns the stomach and the cardiac valve, making them so limp that the valve can’t close tightly.  The result?  You guessed it!  GERD — Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.  

Of course, as medicine will do, they’ve made a “disease” out of this condition so they can treat it with a drug.  That’s what they do.  They’re drug dealers.  They deal in drugs.  They don’t teach us, as doctors are supposed to do, how to eat properly so that the food digests as it is designed to do in a stomach that was made to withstand its own secretions of digestive juices – which, by the way, include hydrochloric acid.  If fact, they tell you to go ahead and eat what and how you want because you can just block the production of digestive acids with the Purple Pill.  Horror of horrors! It doesn’t get any more deplorable than that!  It’s a slap to the face of the Creator Himself who made the stomach to produce acid . . . and it’s an insult to our common sense and intelligence. 


Now, let’s think this through.  The cure for in-digestion is digestion. Isn’t that logical?  If the food you ate stops digesting, you need to start up the digestive process again, get it going in the right direction so that the food doesn’t ferment . . . and, to the purpose of eating at all, so that your body can get the nutrients it needs to be healthy.   And just how shall you accomplish that?  Well, if the food you ate needs hydrochloric acid to digest it, you’re going to have to add more hydrochloric acid to the contents of your stomach. You obviously do not want to block the stomach from making its own betaine hydrochloride — nor neutralize the acid with antacids.  Oh, Tums and Rolaids will buffer the acids of fermentation, but they also neutralize the hydrochloric acid needed to digest the meat.  So, instead of antacids, you can take some betaine hydrochloride.  

I use ZYPAN by Standard Process Labs ($13/90 tabs).  It works every time.  Actually, I take it with every meal simply because after 45 we make less betaine hydrochloride.  And if you’re under stress, you make none at all.    People who have chronic stress do not digest their food very well and are usually popping antacids after meals.  

Watch this short video clip:

The body isn’t interested in nourishment when it’s geared up to fight or flee from a threat.  As Dr. Bruce Lipton points out,  we’re either in growth or protection and defense mode.  We can’t be in both at the same time.


  1. Eating “fast food” on the run and under the duress of a deadline you have to meet or a tight schedule.  Being totally present with your meals, savoring the taste and enjoying the brief break away from your job or routine go a long way toward healthy digestion. 
  2. Combining foods that don’t digest well together.  A typical example is meat and potatoes, a protein and a starch.  They require opposite chemistry to digest – meats need acid and starches need alkaline digestive juices.  Acids and alkalines neutralize one another.  The result is that neither digest but sit in the stomach and ferment causing “acid indigestion” and “heart burn.”  (It’s not the heart that actually burns but the area of the stomach and esophagus that’s close to the heart.) The rule of thumb for compatible food combining  is eat meats with vegetables and fruit with starches. Meats and sweets don’t digest well together.
  3. Drinking cokes and other sweet beverages with meals.  Again, the chemistry doesn’t mix.  Drink water with a squeeze of lemon.   
  4. Ulcers.  The body is wise.  It won’t secrete hydrochloric acid into the stomach when it’s ulcerated.  That’s why a bland diet is required.  So, you don’t want to take ZYPAN if you have ulcers. First, heal up the ulcer.  That can be done in three days with chlorophyll and okra pepsin.  CHLOROPHYLL COMPLEX PERLES  and GASTREX by Standard Process Labs (SPL) are what I use with my clients.  Drop me an email and I’ll send you a   bottle of each, which is all you’ll need . . . provided you start eating properly. If you have a duodenal ulcer, you likely have gallbladder trouble, which requires attention and a different nutritional protocol.  If you have GERD or a hiatal hernia, you’ll need to supplement with manganese to tone up the valve and herniated tissues.  I use LIGAPLEX II (SPL) (150 caps/$25), a wholefood formula with high concentrations of food-based manganese and other synergistic factors for proper utilization in toning up weak ligaments. Write me for guidance and help with these conditions.  They can all be corrected with nutrition. 
  5. Eating too fast.  Chewing allows activating enzymes of pepsin and ptyalin to mix in with the food.  Without these enzymes the digestive juices cannot be activated.  Chew your food well before  swallowing it . . . and don’t wash it down with coke or sweet beverages.  Water with a little ice and lemon juice is the only fluid one needs to clear out the mouth and esophagus.


  • Pepsin is the powerful enzyme in gastric juice that activates hydrochloric acid to digest proteins such as those in meat, eggs, grains and seeds, or dairy products.
  • Ptyalin is a form of amylase in the saliva of humans and some animals that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into maltose and dextrin. 


When undigested meat gets into the bowels where nutrients and water are taken up into the blood stream, it gets putrid and rots, creating conditions in which cancer can develop.  When undigested fats get into the lower bowels they go rancid.  Rotting meat and rancid fats irritate the lining of the intestines causing inflammation that leads to colitis (IBS), diverticulitis, leaky gut syndrome (the underlying cause of many food allergies), crohns disease, even cancer.   Safeguard your digestive tract.  Eat sensibly.  Take digestive enzymes, especially if you’re not eating enough enzyme-rich raw vegetables. 

For personal consultation, drop me an email to set up an appointment for a private telephone consultation.  If you want the products mentioned in this article, simply drop me an email with your order.  (Gastrex is $21 for 90 capsules and Chlorophyll Complex $23 for 60 perles.)  I’ll give you a phone number to call with your credit card information.  Postage will be added to all orders.  Consultation fees are $45 for a half-hour and $65 for an hour.  I also offer health coaching for a reasonable fee.  

Until my next post, here’s to your health and healing!

Dr. Tony Palombo

Email address: 

For inspired writing and inspiring reading, visit my Healing Tones blog. 

Visit me on the Wed at



Crohn’s Disease



by Anthony Palombo, DC, ACN



First of all, as with all health conditions in the physical body, Crohn’s disease has an energetic, or vibrational, underlying cause conditioned by mental and emotional patterns of thoughts and feeling-reactions that maintain an underlying condition of stress in the physical body.  These underlying stress-producing energetic patterns keep the body in a fight or flight response mode.  Any treatment to bring about a “cure” of Crohn’s disease must necessarily include addressing this underlying energetic cause.  Without this factor properly addressed and cleared, all treatments, medical and/or alternatve, will only bring about relief and management of the condition.

That being said, consider the following in light of this underlying causal factor.

Crohn’s disease is always preceded by chronic indigestion.  The cause of Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is chronic indigestion.

In medical literature one will invariably find these words in the first paragraph under “Cause of Crohns”: “The cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown.” What is omitted in this statement are the words “…to medical science.”  Medical science then proceeds to guess at what causes it and then treat the guesses along with the symptoms.  The cause is not addressed because it is admittedly “unknown” to medical science.  It would be ignorant and arrogant to assume that the cause is “unknown” simply because medical science doesn’t know.

Here is the definition of Crohn’s disease taken from

“Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. It primarily causes ulcerations (breaks in the lining) of the small intestines, but can affect the digestive system anywhere from the mouth to the anus.  It is named after the physician who described the disease in 1932.  It also is called granulomatous enteritis or colitis, regional enteritis, ileitis, or terminal ileitis.”

(Note: The Ileum is another name for the last section of the small intestines, the part that connects to the large intestines (or ascending colon), which is where the appendix is also located.)

To answer the question “What causes Crohn’s disease?” one must first answer the question “What causes inflammation in the intestines?”  Right?  So, let’s think this through by following the digestive process. But first let’s look at the inflammatory process.

The Cause of Inflammation

What causes inflammation is the immune system.  It’s the body’s way of dealing with infection.  Infection is the immune system’s way of dealing with foreign matter that is not being eliminated.  Food is foreign matter to the body.  It is supposed to be digested and then eliminated from the intestinal tract.

Remember, the inside of the alimentary canal, from the mouth to the rectum, is outside the body, although it runs through it.  In other words, it is part of the body’s immediate environment, just as dirt on your skin is external to the body.  In fact, the lining of the intestines is made from the same matrix of tissue (ectoderm) as skin.  It’s a membrane.  In other words, it’s skin.  The brain and nervous system are also made from the same matrix, the ectoderm.  Skin is an organ of elimination and has intelligence.  It is a very permeable membrane, however, letting in what will nourish the body and eliminating what is toxic and not handled by the other organs and glands of elimination.  The pH of the skin is a crucial aspect of its integrity.  High acidity will break it down.  Inflammation is created by the immune system, which is very pervasive throughout the intestines and colon,  in order to deal with the foreign substance that is irritating the membrane.  It is literally a fire, a localized febrile condition created to burn up toxins and dying cells.

Food that is not properly digested will cause acidity in the intestines.  Undigested protein will rot causing putrefaction. Undigested carbohydrates will ferment.  Undigested fats will go rancid.  Rancid fats destroy tissue immediately upon contact. This is why it is not good to eat rancid seeds and nuts or use rancid cooking and salad oils.  They also destroy HDL, the so called “good” cholesterol.  Cholesterol is essential to the structural composition of the cell wall . . . every one of the 100 trillion cells that make up your body.

 Digestion of Proteins and Carbohydrates

Protein is broken down and digested in the stomach by hydrochloric acid (HCL).  Hydrochloric acid  is secreted by the parietal cells lining the stomach at a pH (potential of Hydrogen)  of 0.8, very acidic, and by the time it mixes with the stomach contents  its pH increases to about 2.5.   Pepsin is the activating enzyme for HCL, but it can do so only in this high acidic condition.  This is why it is not smart to mix carbohydrates and sweets with meats in the same meal, as these foods set up an alkaline condition in the stomach, which will prevent pepsin from activating HCL, which in turn leads to indigestion.  This also goes for the digestion and conversion of carbohydrates into sugar, which takes place largely in the mouth. Ptyalin (salivary amylase) is the activating enzyme for carbohydrate digestion and it needs an alkaline condition to do its job properly.  So, you can see how these two chemistries are not compatible together in the stomach at the same time.  These enzymes are mixed with the food during mastication – which is why it is important to chew food thoroughly before swallowing it.  Lypase is the activating enzyme for the digestion of fats.

(Note:  HCL production in the stomach begins to decline around age 45, and our enzyme reserve runs low, so it is supportive of digestion to take an HCL supplement with meat meals.   I recommend Zypan by Standard Process Labs – )

Poor Digestion and Stress

The function of the parietal cells, like all cells in the body, depends largely upon adrenalin.  This is why when a person is under stress, it is not wise to eat food, especially protein.  Vegetables and fruit are more easily digested during stressful times.  Stress puts the body in fight or flight mode sending most of the adrenalin to the muscle cells.  The body is not interested in growth and healing when it is focused on survival or running away from a stressor, such as a charging bull,  a stressful job or lifestyle, or long-term grieving and mental and emotional distress.  Toxins inhaled or ingested bring on stress just as surely as any other external stressors.  This is why cigarette smoking keeps the lining of the stomach inflamed, mainly from the chemicals (some 300 of them in the paper and tobacco).   Poor nutrition puts the body cells in a state of starvation stress as well.  When there’s stress, the parietal cells of the stomach shut down the production of hydrochloric acid, rendering protein undigestible.  Mental and emotional stress also produces acidosis throughout the body.

When protein is not digested properly, as I said, it will rot, producing putrid matter.  Putrefaction produces organic acids, which will erode the stomach and intestinal linings.  The acids of putrefaction and fermentation are what cause “acid indigestion” and “heart burn.”

It is not the hydrochloric acid that causes these symptoms, including ulcers.  In fact, it is the lack of hydrochloric acid that creates the condition of indigestion that leads to putrefaction of proteins. So when a person has “heart burn” after eating, while antacids do relieve the symptoms, they also cancel out the hydrochloric acid needed for digestion.  This sets up a condition for rotting meat and putrefaction of proteins in the gut further down the alimentary canal until the gas-producing material is finally eliminated.   While this putrid matter is in the gut, however, it causes all sorts of assault to the intestinal lining, creating the conditions for Crohn’s disease and cancer to develop.

So when a person has “acid indigestion” and “heartburn” he/she needs some digestive support. Betaine hydrochloride provides that support by starting up the process of digestion again, the only way to stop the putrefaction and fermentation of un-digested foods.  To take chemicals that stop the production of digestive stomach acids only adds insult to injury and really does expose the absolute stupidity and ignorance of pharma-driven medical science.  We have to add digestive acids to the stomach not eliminate them.  I cringe every time I see a TV commercial for such drugs.  God help us!  Zypan, a blend of Pepsin and HCL,  is a great product for this purpose (2-3 with or after meals). Drop me an email and I will send you a bottle. $15 (90Tabs) $42 (330T) plus postage.

The Digestive Process and the pH Factor

The gallbladder and pancreas produce copious amounts of sodium-rich bile and alkaline juices respectively to emulsify fat and buffer the 2.5 pH acids of digestion in the chyme (stomach contents) coming out of the stomach into the duodenum, the first 12 inches of the small intestines. The intestines, which are ideally happy with a 5.8 to 6.2 pH, would be distressed and burned by 2.5 pH content.  So, it is important that the gallbladder and pancreas produce their alkaline substances to buffer this acid.  Otherwise duodenal ulcers may develop.  The colon, on the other hand, likes a more acidic environment – for one thing, to keep yeast and fungus from growing and thereby giving rise to infection.   The colon should never be alkaline.

What can cause these alkaline substances to be depleted of alkalizing sodium?  Well, for one thing, over consumption of acid-producing foods – grains and proteins – which use a lot of acid-buffering sodium.  What builds up sodium reserves?  Vegetables, especially celery and cucumbers, and some fruits, such as prunes, plums and blueberries, are alkaline producing foods that build up your sodium reserves.  These alkaline-producing foods should ideally make up 80% of our diet.

When bile loses it alkalinity, it becomes thick and therefore cannot easily flow through the small common-bile duct.  Fat is not emulsified and therefore hardens to form stones.  Calcium will precipitate out of solution and crystallize, creating calcium stones.  When bile does not flow into the duodenum through the common-bile duct, the acid of the chyme does not get properly buffered and the fats are not emulsified.   This creates an acid condition that will burn the small intestines, causing irritable bowel (IBS) and colitis.   Bacteria, viruses and other pathogens will thrive in this acid environment.  This leads to inflammation and infection, the immune system’s way of dealing with pathogens.  Crohn’s disease develops as the lining of the intestines begins to get raw, eaten up by these organic acids.  This is why it will appear as “raw hamburger meat” in a colonoscopy. In this compromised condition, bacteria and viruses, along with undigested proteins and other toxins, easily enter the blood stream through the “leaky gut,” causing so-called “food allergies,” as well as infection throughout the body,  including the kidneys and bladder, organs of elimination of toxic waste fluids.


The “cure” of Crohn’s disease lies in the healing of the lining of the intestinal wall.   It also includes treating and clearing the underlying energetic patterns of stress, as mentioned at the start of this article.  One very effective method for addressing the energetic cause of disease is BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique (BEST), developed and taught by Dr. Milton T. Morter of Rogers, Arkansas ( ).

Emotional Factors

In her wonderful and popular book, “You Can Heal Your Life,” Louise Hay suggests that behind inflammation in the colon (ileitis), which is what crohns is, may be a deep sense of fear and worry of not being “good enough.”  This deeply rooted pattern was likely put there early in childhood by a well-meaning parent who tried to motivate a child by telling it how stupid it was and berating it for not being able to do anything right.  A new thought pattern she offers could be: “I love and approve of myself.  I am doing the best I can. I am wonderful. I am at peace.”

To Heal the Gut

The enzyme pepsin is the primary repair factor for the intestines because it literally digests the heavy mucous that clings to the intestinal wall, mucous caused by meats and dairy products.  This mucous prevents nutrient absorption.  So, by digesting the mucous and getting it off the lining of the intestinal wall, nutrients can be more easily absorbed.  L-glutamine is the amino acid used in building protein molecules to repair the eroded lining of the gut.

Raw Okra

Okra is a popular southern vegetable that has lots of pepsin.  Okra Pepsis E-3 by Standard Process Laboratories is an excellent product for healing the intestinal wall.   The raw okra is a sticky and gooey mucilaginous green vegetable that sticks to the intestinal wall long enough to put the protein digesting (proteolytic) enzyme, pepsin, in contact with the protein based mucous.  The pepsin enzyme then breaks down the protein and thus destabilizes the mucous molecule.  That causes the mucous to fall away from the membrane where it can then be eliminated in the stool. That, in turn, frees the villi that line the intestinal wall enabling them to extract nutrients from the digesting food.

Vitamin E-3 is a very important part of the product, as it is a powerful tissue repair factor, along with enzymes.  Enzymes are the work horses of the immune system when it comes to repairing tissue throughout the body.  They need to be taken on an empty stomach so that they will not be used up digesting the food and can go to work on repairing the stomach and intestinal lining.

Nutritional protocols and cures I’ve used in my practice for years

Gastrexby Standard Process Labs is an excellent product for supporting the healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers.  Taken 2-10 minutes before meals, it relieves gastritis and promotes healing of the GI tract, especially the stomach and duodenum.  Beyond its primary role, it acts as a detoxifier.  Formulated with an absorbent bentonite clay (montmorillonite), which absorbs toxins and takes them out through the stool, Gastrex is an ideal product for healing the gut.  Then add the healing and desensitizing qualities of chlorophyll, Mother Nature’s healing balm, along with the healing factors of okra, duodenal extract, and silica, the pain is relieved instantly upon contact as the pain-causing acid is neutralized, while the oxygen-laden chlorophyll molecules bring natural healing elements to the cells of the intestinal wall.   It’s a win-win formulation.

The protocol for Crohn’s disease also calls for Cholacol II, which is a combination of purified bovine bile salts to buffer digestive acid and emulsify fat, bentonite clay for absorption of toxic waste, and collinsonia (root) herb to help with vascular tone and circulation in the intestinal wall.  Blood vessels take a beating with inflammation and often leak blood.  Cataplex ACP brings Vitamin C from dried buckwheat juice, rich in the antioxidant bioflavonoid (rutin – also known as “Vitamin P” for vascular tone), which is essential to the absorption of Vitamins A and C, healthy function of capillaries and connective tissues, and immune system support. Chlorophyll Complex Perlesare taken on an empty stomach to offer soothing healing balm to the eroding intestinal wall.   Finally, immune system modulation and support is brought on line with Immuplex and Echinacea Premium.

Supporting Digestion after the Initial Therapy

This protocol represents the initial 3-week therapeutic program for Crohn’s disease.  After three weeks of intense healing, we then start supporting the digestive system with Zypan(a pepsin & hydrochloric acid supplement), and Enzycore, a vegetarian enzyme blend to help break down protein, carbohydrates, and fat. It also delivers L-Glutamine to the cells, an amino acid used as a building block for other amino acids that provides energy to cells with high energy needs (like those of the intestines).  Enzycore also provides kale and beet powder to support healthy digestion.

Synergistic nutrients and herbs are included in the protocol for Crohn’s disease.  They include Boswellia Complexto support and cool down the inflammatory process, Calcium Lactate to facilitate and support infection fighting, and Chamomile as a sedative to calm down the tissue cells and relax the flat muscles of the intestines. St. John’s Wort herb is also included to deal with any “enveloped’ viruses that may be present in the gut.  Viruses are scavengers, opportunistic bugs that appear on the scene wherever decay is occurring in the body.  When they are “enveloped,” the immune system cannot deal with them.  St. John’s Wort dissolves that envelop to expose the virus to the immune system.  It also aids the liver in processing its chemistry in eliminating toxins from the blood stream.

ASEA — I am adding ASEA to this protocol after learning about its healing properties.  This is a new formula that provides Redox Signaling Molecules in a saline solution for enhancing inter cellular communication with the immune system and activation of antioxidants.  Click HERE to learn more about this amazing breakthrough in health science.


Smoking pot is apparently what Crohn’s sufferers need to cure their disease. Click on the link.

Contact Information

For further information and personal consultation and evaluation, as well as product purchasing and protocol management, you can contact Dr. Palombo directly by cell phone or email.

Dr. Anthony Palombo Chiropractor and Applied Clinical Nutritionist, Certified BEST Practitioner


Second blog:


Phone: (337) 802-5510