Balancing your Endocrine and Chakra Energy Fields

My Chorale Pic

ANNOUNCEMENT: The two-day workshop intensive in the philosophy, science and practical art of Attunement with Sacred Sound May 15-17, 2015 at Oakwood Farm Retreat Center in Selma, Indiana has been cancelled.  For details, please visit my blog. What I will be teaching and exploring with the gathering of attunement practitioners and energy workers is my rationale and methodology of using sound as a carrier wave for healing energy, a topic which I will expand on in this blog post. Thank you for sharing what is central in my life’s purpose at this time.

The Rationale of Balancing the Chakras and Endocrine Glands

Why is it important to balance the energy fields of our bodies, specifically those of our endocrine and chakra centers? 

When we consider what these energy centers do to assist us in our day to day function as human beings in a social context that requires intelligent interaction between one another and with our environment, it becomes obvious that we need to have accurate feedback and appropriate response to what we perceive is going on around us in any moment if we are to have intelligent behavior.


From the standpoint of the feedback function of the chakras, for example, it is important that these spinning wheels of energy that bring us information about our environment – which, by the way, includes our physical bodies and what’s going on in them – be balanced and clear of static.  It’s also important that they be open and spinning widely enough so as to gather all the information coming into our fields. If they are spinning in a wobbly or constricted manner, then they are not capable of conveying important information to us.

The chakras feed information to us through our central nervous system. These spinning wheels of energy are grounded in the spinal chord through which they download their information to Central Command in the brain. The receptor for the brain is the hypothalamus, which lies at the base of the brain and acts as a mediator between the brain and the endocrine system. Its more immediate connection to the endocrine system is via the pituitary gland, which is suspended from the hypothalamus and rests securely and well protected in the sella tursica of the sphenoid bone that forms the floor of the cranium.


The function of the pituitary gland is to receive information from the hypothalamus and then to produce and send hormone precursors to the other endocrine glands that trigger the production of hormones based on the need in meeting the environmental stressors with appropriate response, thereby enabling appropriate physiological function in the body as well as appropriate physical action on the part of the individual. If the information coming in through the chakras is not accurate, or doesn’t get through to the hypothalamus, then appropriate hormone response in the body and intelligent action in one’s environment will not be forthcoming. One will not be in position to act creatively but will rather react based on usual and customary learned behavior. Body chemistry will likewise be thrown off balance due to inappropriate hormonal response, or an entire lack thereof.

Now, there is an interdependent relationship between the endocrine system and the chakras, just as there is an interdependent relationship between the individual and his or her environment. One affects the other. What goes out energetically, for instance, through the endocrine glands affects the energy patterns of the chakras based on the law of pure physics that states for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  What I send out energetically through my spiritual expression, which is enabled and empowered by my endocrine glands through which spirit operates, will bounce off my environment and return to me for appropriate handling.  All energy seeks its origin for healing and recycling.

For example, if I express anger through my emotions, that angry energy – besides dissipating the connecting substance between spirit and form – conditions and may even shatter the energy fields of my chakras, making them incapable of accurately receiving and conveying information back to me about the actual conditions around me. My actions, then, cannot be other than irrational and inappropriate. If, on the other hand, I do not react in anger to conditions around me but withhold judgment and maintain a calm emotional and mental inner state, then my chakras will reflect that calmness and be available to me for accurate perception and reception of information coming to me from my environment. I will then be in position to respond appropriately and act intelligently toward events in my world.


If I have been stressed out by interactions with impinging environmental stressors and have acted or reacted inappropriately, shattering my energy fields with incoherent and erratic energy, it is not a sign of weakness but rather of wisdom and strength to seek outside help in bringing harmony and balance back to my endocrine and chakra centers. This is the purpose of such spiritual practices and modalities as attunement, sacred sound, meditation, deep breathing and other such aids in creating a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in one’s energy field.


In the way of prevention and maintenance, one can trust the radiation of love through one’s spiritual expression to act as a shield against incoming erratic and disturbing energies. This is all based, of course, on the ancient knowledge and wisdom of maintaining a balance between the yin and yang, masculine and feminine energies. It starts with unconditional love and acceptance of myself and others and of conditions the way they are.

The Psalmist expresses it in terms of the Lord being one’s “shield and buckler.”  The Lord is one’s inner divine Self, whose radiance in expression through the outer human self establishes a hedge of protection around the body temple, through which nothing can enter that defiles, works an abomination or makes a lie, in the words of St. John in his Book of Revelation (21:27). These are tried and true words that resonate with the attunement practitioner’s motto: “Let love radiate without concern for results.” This does not say “without results.” Love never fails to produce results, one of which is protection from harm.

I trust that you learned something important reading this post. I also hope that you consider seriously the possibility of coming to my workshop in May and experience first hand the value and magic of Attunement with Sacred Sound. Until my next post, 

Here’s to your health and healing,

Anthony Palombo, D.C.

Visit my blog for details about the workshop and for inspiring reading in the archives.