Seven Glands for Seven Spirits, Part 3: Life and the Thyroid Gland

Green is the dominant color in the rainbow spectrum

In the last two posts we considered the vibrational essences at work behind and through the Pineal Body, or gland, and the Pituitary gland.  We referred to these essences as spirits. For the Pineal Body, or gland, we have the Spirit of Love. For the Pituitary gland, the Spirit of the Womb. In this post I offer a meditation on the spiritual essences behind and at play in and through the Thyroid gland.  The essential nature and character of that essence is Life itself.


Here is the third verse of my poem The Seven Spirits of Love:

I am the Spirit of Life

I bring radiance to my world

I am born anew in each moment

For I am birthless, deathless, and eternally the same

I am the life of my world.

Another name for the Spirit of the Womb is the Spirit of Truth. When we consider the function of the physical womb, which provides the container for the developing embryo wherein the control factors essential to growing a living human form can be put in place, and the intricate design of life for this form can be safely and accurately transmitted and implemented, Truth is an apt name for this Spirit at work in the realm of form—and not just any “truth,” but the truth for the human form.  For that matter, the unique truth for all living forms that come through the Womb of the Great Mother in all Her glorious and diverse manifestations of Love in action, an action that brings forth life eternal on this earth.  Forms come and go, but life eternally abides. Life is what this entire planet is all about, and we are wise to pay it and its myriad forms due homage and respect lest we find our species and our entire world without it, and without form, one day.


Life is fathered by Love (Pineal), conceived and nurtured in the Womb by the Spirit of Truth (Pituitary), and given birth moment by moment by the miraculous and mysterious workings of Spirit in and through the Thyroid Gland. This is how we are born as spirit beings into the material world.  Our spiritual bodies are nourished and revitalized by spirit working through these sacred endocrine centers.  These are our spiritual Godparents. In the Spirit of Love, the Spirit of the Womb, and the Spirit of Life, we are truly brothers and sisters all.  

Thyroid Gland

The Thyroid gland provides the vibrational terrain through which the Spirit of Life works its radiant magic upon the cells of the body, energizing them with vibrancy. Resembling a butterfly, it is comprised of two lobes situated on either side of the larynx, or voice box, with four to eight small brownish-red parathyroid glands embedded in its tissues behind it.

Parathyroid glands

It seems accurate to say that this vital energy center plays a key role in setting the tone for the sound of the voice when we speak or sing. If we consider sound as a carrier wave for spirit conveying encoded information, we could see how spoken words convey the creative messages of spirit which shape and color our worlds according to their vibratory essences. In Genesis, for instance, we have the phrase “And God said, ‘Let there be light.’” Sound was the very first means by which the spirit of God “moved upon the face of waters” in creating this world. 

The movement of the spirit of God upon the face of the waters of consciousness produces a pulse. That pulse becomes a series of beats, which then becomes a wave, which becomes a tone, and the tone becomes the creative word which creates light, out of which all creation springs forth.  So it is with our own creative processes. A creative pulse at the core of our hearts becomes a wave of thought that carries a vibrational tone articulated by words which convey information that organizes and arranges the matter that creates our worlds.


Life comes from above down inside and out. The horizontal line at the top of the number 5 represents heaven; the short line coming down represents movement downward; the curve represents the creative process or cycle which is open to release life out into creation. 

In numerology, the number 5 is the symbol for Life. The fifth and dominant color in the light spectrum is green, and the color green correlates with the vibrational frequency of the Thyroid.  Green is the dominant color of the natural world of trees and grass.  Green is also the color of our money, which aptly represents the life force we share between us in our exchange of goods and our services to one another and to the Whole. The Thyroid is the fifth endocrine gland of seven and is positioned at the Golden Mean (.618) of the distance from the first and the last of the endocrine glands, the position of our voice as well.  

The musical pitches of green range between C# and D.  In terms of the Golden Mean, C# is the fifth pitch in the chromatic scale of thirteen notes, which include both the white and the black keys on the piano.  Five is at the Golden Mean between one and thirteen.  In my attunement with sacred sound work I’ve found the G Major chord (G-B-D) to resonate the Thyroid energy center and the Throat Chakra.  It’s more a matter of resonance than nailing down a specific “note” for these essences. There are some 70 shades, for example, in the color green. 

 All this to say the Thyroid is the Divine Mean point of the endocrine system. It is where heaven touches earth, where the infinite realm of spirit divine touches into the finite realm of the human form. It is where spirit takes on flesh and continues to imbue it with Life.


The hormonal secretions of the Thyroid and their functions are varied and involve stimulating hormones (TSH) produced in the Pituitary gland. From the Pituitary, the Thyroid receives thyrotrophin, a hormone precursor that enables the production of thyroid hormonal secretions, such as thyroxine and calcitonin.   Thyroxine affects the growth rate and metabolism of all the body cells.  Calcitonin assists the parathyroid hormones and Vitamin D in lowering blood-calcium levels by enhancing cellular uptake, kidney function, and bone formation.  The mineral iodine plays a functional role as well in many organic and glandular processes regulated by the Thyroid gland, including the metabolism of calcium, the rate and rhythm of the heart beat, and the uptake of water by the kidneys, just to name a few well-known functions regulated by the Thyroid. 

The liver plays an important role here as well.   The Thyroid gland makes the T3 hormone out of thyronine—the inactive hormone of the Thyroid stored in the liver—at a proportion of twenty percent, and thyroxine, T4—the active hormone of the Thyroid—at the proportion of eighty percent.  The storage form is converted into an active form in the liver, so it is important that the liver be functioning up to par for optimal thyroid hormone production and action in the body-tissues. 

Life charges the cells of the body with vibrancy—the bones to be strong with calcium,  the heart muscles to pump blood rhythmically through the body, the brain for clear and calm thinking, the kidneys to pick up excess fluids and cleanse the blood stream of toxic waste, such as uric acid and other impurities and toxins.  Besides regulating metabolism and growth, thyroxine increases oxidation, promotes protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism for energy, and influences the regulation of body temperature.  In a word, the Thyroid hormones bring radiance to the body temple.   (Excerpted from my book Sacred Anatomy)

In my next post in this series we will look at the purifying function of the Thymus gland, the brain of the immune system. So stay tuned.  Until then, here’s to your health and healing.

Dr. Anthony Palombo

Visit my other blog,, for a series of explorations of “Pyramid Power” and emerging “Green” technologies that hold promise of a healthier and happier way of life for all life on Earth.  The current post is about Acoustical Levitation, which I think you’ll find most interesting.



Seven Glands for Seven Spirits, Part 2: The Womb of the Pituitary Gland

Life flows from above, down, inside, out, like this cool, clear mountain stream.


[Error Correction:  I made an error in my last post about whales.  The pineal gland in whales is smaller in those that live at or close to the equator and larger in those that live at or farther from the warm climate of the equator and nearer the two poles where the climate is colder and more challenging. I had it backwards, and I’ve made the correction in the post itself.  Sorry about that.  Actually, this is so with all animals. The reason for this has less to do with navigation and more to do with adaptation to climate.  The pineal gland seems to adjust the physiology of organisms to their environment.  “The timing of physiological events is very critical to the health and propagation of a species,” explains Dr. Jacob Liberman in Light: Medicine of the Future.] ______________________________________________________________

Pituitary Gland in the Sella Tursica


(Click on picture to enlarge)

Underneath the brain is a saddle-shaped depression in the sphenoid bone called the Sella Tursica. The sphenoid is a large bone appearing in shape like a bat in flight forming the base of the skull and connecting all the bones of the cranium together. Here the Pituitary gland (hypophysis) rests protected in her bony saddle, much as a queen upon her throne exercising loving but firm dominion over her kingdom. In size and shape similar to that of a green pea, the Pituitary’s domain is the entire endocrine system and the overall production of hormones throughout the body. It accomplishes all of this with the coordinating assistance of the Hypothalamus. For this reason it has earned the distinguished title of the “Master Gland.”

The Pituitary encompasses both masculine and the feminine functions. Comprised of two lobes, anterior and posterior, this gland is suspended by a stalk attached to the Hypothalamus at the base of the brain, from which it receives decision-making commands regarding its own hormonal secretions. These commands are based on information about what’s going on in the body temple as well as in the surrounding circumstances. That information is received through the eyes by way of light, as well as through the other physical, mental and emotional senses.

The anterior lobe of the Pituitary (adenohypophysis) secretes most of the Pituitary hormones which stimulate growth, egg and sperm development, milk secretion, as well as determining the hormonal secretions of the thyroid, adrenal and gonadal glands and affects the growth of long bones, muscles and internal organs, all functions of the achieving masculine.

The posterior lobe (neurohypophysis) stores and releases hormones from the hypothalamus that control Pituitary function, uterine contraction and milk release and blood pressure. It is concerned more with the mammary glands, stimulating the production of milk through the hormone prolactin, for example, and the kidneys by regulating the secretion of urine and body fluid levels in general, all functions of the nurturing feminine.

There are many functions in the body temple which this tiny but pivotal gland services. One of its most important ones is the production of growth hormones that regulate the cellular absorption of nutrients to control their development. . . .             From Sacred Anatomy.


Here’s the second verse of my poem, The Seven Spirits of Love:

I am the Spirit of the Womb

I provide containment and wisdom for the Spirit of Love

I am open to the Father to receive,

conceive, nurture and give birth to the seeds of Love

I mother the life of my world.

The gift of the Spirit of the Womb is wisdom—the sense of what is fitting and what is not—and the Pituitary Gland really is the womb for the birth of life in the body temple, a role played by the Earth in our Solar Entity.  “Mother Earth” she is called.  Life in the body temple is constantly being seeded, conceived, nurtured and born in and through the Pituitary gland.  Its hormonal secretions carry that vital energy throughout the body temple. 

One of the functions of the womb is to provide containment for the developing embryo so the spirit of love can work its magic through firm but gentle patterns of design and control building the body temple that will house a creator being, an angel, during his or her earthly journey.  Man was created and placed on planet Earth to provide the means by which the divine design and governance of love could be extended to the material world and all of the life forms in the realm of creation.  That’s what mothering is all about and Man’s role with Mother Earth is that of motherhood. 

Now, we tend to attribute, and even limit, the role of motherhood to women, but men also play that role when it comes to conceiving, nurturing and birthing life and living forms in the “Garden of Eden.”  Now, I know the Bible says that the man and the woman were driven from Eden because they “ate of the forbidden fruit.” An entertaining story, but who knows what really happened back then?  Even Moses, who is believed to have written the Book of Genesis, wasn’t there.  Or was he?  Were we?  What Genesis does say clearly is that Man is both male and female. “So God created Man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created He them.”  (Genesis 1:27, emphasis mine).  I  take that as indicating the word “man” is not only masculine but feminine as well. And he was created on the sixth day according to the Creation story in Genesis. It’s no coincidence that the Pituitary gland is the sixth gland of the endocrine system counting from the bottom up.

Here, indeed, is where divine Man was created and placed by the LORD God on the sixth day of creation. Not the mortal man we know today but divine Man, a state of Immortal Being which we have long forgotten but are beginning to re-member, not only in theory but in actual experience.

“The first divine man . . . was created on the sixth day; that is, on the sixth plane of world being, where union takes place and the change from negative to positive is consummated. Divine man was to have dominion over all the earth, and everything on the earth.”  (Uranda, The Triune Ray)                                                                                       __Excerpted from Sacred Anatomy

(Note: I will capitalize the “M” in Man to signify the singular and  united duality.  When I speak of a man and a woman I am signaling them out according to sexual orientation and their roles.)

Man, male and female, provides the womb for the incarnation, birth, and dwelling of God on Earth.  Now, that’s an awesome role for Man to play.  It could be said that the tabernacle of God is with Man.  This is so in a physical sense, but also in a spiritual sense.

 In the physical realm, the womb for the conception and birth of Man into the world is with the female body.  Woman bears the singular responsibility for providing a womb for the creation of the human form, and into that embryonic form a God Being incarnates. This is a privileged role for the women to play, not to mention an awesome experience, one that I as a man can only imagine.  Men, of course, play an important role in this process, and not merely in a biological and genetic sense.  After all, men, traditionally, provide for the care and protection of women.  Now, I know that this model is fast becoming archaic in the modern world, but it’s not entirely obsolete, especially in the traditional family model where the man protects his woman from harm and provides for her care and well being, a role he has historically misconstrued as possessive ownership.  We see this in the animal kingdom as well, which accurately mirrors the attitudes and behaviors of the crowning creation—(that sap we call “homo sapiens.” :-() 

In this sense it could be said that the tabernacle of God is with men.  In other words, women are with men. This is how it was in the beginning when God created Eve out of a rib taken from Adam’s side.  “And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.”  (Gen. 2:22)   Now, there’s an interesting metaphor for speculation, which I won’t attempt to fully venture into now.  If suffices to say that the feminine aspect of Man came out of the side of Adam, whatever Moses implied by this description of the creation of Eve.  As a metaphor, we can see this pointing to Man’s heart and feeling realm, which is located in his rib cage and on his left side, thought of as where our feminine energies originate and reside.

Vesica Pisces

In the spiritual realm, the tabernacle of God could be said to be a vibrational vesica, a womb and birthing portal occasioned by the overlapping masculine and feminine energy fields—or the marriage between human and divine consciousness,  between Man and God— creating a unified field for the purpose of bringing forth life forms out of consciousness (heaven) and into the earth.  In other words, men and women—or Man and Creator—together as partners in accord providing with their love a heavenly womb-like atmosphere for the presence and creativity of God on Earth.  In Biblical terms, a “Garden planted eastward in Eden.”

“Eastward” indicates the future.  Our tomorrows come out of the East, and man was placed in Eden to tend this garden planted Eastward in Eden.  Well, that’s what we’re supposed to be about, and, when you stop to think about it, it is exactly what we have been about since our “Fall from Grace.”  We’ve been tending the garden alright, only we haven’t been keeping it very heavenly.  Man has separated his consciousness (the garden of Eden) from divine consciousness (God’s Heaven) and planted weed seeds of greed and deception in his garden—and both sexes have participated in this sowing.  Instead of an Edenic state, we have rather created a hell on Earth.  And if we examine the culture that is maintaining this hell, it is seeded, fermented and brewed by men and women working at odds with one another in a competitive endeavor to shape a future that will please, and at least equally benefit, their own isolated, and insulated, male and female egos.  

The human ego needs to bow out and let Man return to re-create Eden on Earth.  It’s past time.  A new world, a “Golden Age,” awaits Man’s return to let it be born, and it will require men and women working in partnership with one another to make this happen.  It will require letting go of our defensive insulation and allowing ourselves to open up to one another in a vulnerable state of honesty and love for one another as equals in the eyes of God, for we are loved equally and unconditionally by our Creator. 

Can you imagine what life on Earth would be like if men and women started getting along with one another, stopped competing with one another for equal power and control, and simply loved one another and enjoyed the privileged role we play as the Mother of God on Earth? What ecstatic fun we could be having working, dancing and singing in the Garden of the New Heaven and the New Earth . . . with the LORD God walking with us and we with him. 

I don’t envision a return to the traditional distorted patriarchal model.  Only to traditional values of respect, honor, collaboration and worship on Life as the Creator of all living things on Earth.  When men and women return to a shared love affair with Life, Eden will come back into view.  It never really went away.  It simply vanished from view when Man started looking down and worshiping his creation rather than his Creator.  Man simply needs to repent—literally turn around—and see that Eden, the Kingdom of Heaven, is right at hand.  He needs to remember his Creator “… in the days of thy youth … while the evil days come not, and thou shall say ‘I have no pleasure in them.'”  (Eccl. 12:1)   It seems the “evil days” are already upon us and we are finding no pleasure in them whatsoever.

The word “evil” can also be spelled and mean “evol.”   We are in crucial days of radical change, evolving to the next level of advanced creation for our species, and for all life forms on Earth. Let us re-member who we are—Man, male and female, made in the image and after the likeness of our Creator—so that we can fully embody the Spirit of the Womb and create a Home for God on Earth.

We will continue our meditation on Seven Spirits for Seven Glands next post. Until then, 

Be love.  Be loved.

Dr. Anthony Palombo

Visit my Healing Tones blog for a series of articles on Pyramid Power. Learn how the pyramids were built by sound wave levitation.

Credit: Art work on Pituitary graphic by David Stefaniak

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Era of Peace

     Reading the pulse of public forums like Facebook, there appears to be a rising divisive wave of hatred globally. President Obama is a convenient target because he represents government, and people are frustrated with government. He’s also offering solutions to age-old problems facing us all, individually and globally. Half the population like the solutions; half don’t. The fact is, any solutions to our problems only create more problems, as we are witnessing. Makes one wonder about the real meaning of “problems.” Perhaps they are simply lessons that need to remain until we change what caused them: our behavior. 
      The hate wave arising in the world gives evidence of a deep purification process underway of the collective unconscious. Just as clean water flowing into a dirty cistern pushes out the filthy water as it replaces it, so is the in-filling current of love in the heart of humanity from within pushing out the hate. Behind it is the cool, clear water of the truth of life, which is oneness born of love. Love is striking at the feet of the biblical “great image” in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, made of a mixture of iron and clay, I speak of in my book, Sacred Anatomy.” — the great imagination we have about government and its “promise” to solve our problems. Why? So that we might survive our not-so-promising harvest?   Here’s the excerpt from my book:  

      The dream itself was of a great image that was fashioned of various ores. His head was made of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron and his feet, interestingly enough, were made with a mixture of iron and clay. What likely troubled king Nebuchadnezzar so was what happened in his dream to this image when a stone, “cut out without hands,” smote the image upon its feet. The feet mixed with iron and clay crumbled and the whole image came tumbling down and all that the image was made of: the gold, ther silver –the brass and the iron mixed with clay–was blown away by the wind so that nothing was left of it anywhere.  But the stone becamne a great mountain which filled the whole earth[Babylon, as you may recall, is now Iraq, and Persia is Iran.]  

 The Feet represent understanding, and iron and clay are two substances that do not bond or fuse. The image we hold in consciousness of government, of our economy, of our way of life, is crumpling, and it is manifesting as a last-ditch effort on the part of the collective human ego to survive, or at least stave off, its inevitable demise. The story as I use and interpret it in my book is, as I said, remarkably pertinent to the times and very worth reading. It’s a bit of a read, but a most engaging and captivating one.

Daniel interpreted the dream as a prophetical outworking that would see the rise ad fall of several empires, including Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian empire, which Daniel said was represented by the head of gold. There would be other empires to come after the Babylonian empire, such as the Persian, the Grecian and Roman empires. All would rise and fall. The stone represented the kingdom of Daniel’s “God of heaven” which would be established during the reign of these kings and would remain to fill the whole earth after these other kingdoms had passed away. This, of course, related to the Nation of Israel which came up largely right under the noses of the rulers of these empires. .

This may also be seen as relating to any spiritual body of people who are drawn together by love to give collective presence of and expression to the Spirit of God. Such gatherings start out very small and, to the extent they are consistently true to their purpose in spirit, bring a powerful focus of spirit to bear in human consciousness that has the ability to bring about change in the collective body of humanity and in the natural world.

[If you want to read a fascinating story with a remarkable parallel to current events, click on this link:  Story of Daniel  Cut out without hands, an excerpt of Sacred Anatomy.]

The Spirit of Purification at work

This could be a gathering in virtual space, such as on Facebook.   Hate and love do not bond together in any forum.  Such a forum will eventually crumble if it doesn’t clarify so that only love – or hate – remains.  I note an effort on the part of many on Facebook to negate and obliterate the presence of those who bring the wave of hate to the forum.  This gives evidence of the natural working of the spirit of purification.  When something is being purified out to clarify any substance, it pubbles to the surface where it can easily be skimmed off and thrown out, the energy that gave it substance having been resorbed into the whole.   

Historically, when something is passing away it is being replaced by something else. In this case true divine ego, or identity, emerging in quiet waters through the hearts and consciousness of increasingly greater numbers, is replacing false human ego. The false ego wants a confrontation, because that’s what it knows and does best: fight for its “rights”. We are wise to take our leave of confrontational forums and rise to a higher level.  As Albert Einstein reminded us, problems are not solved at the same level as the problem but at levels above. There are those who have the following and voice to offer salve and wisdom into the pool of conflict. 

The wave comes, the collective unconscious is purified of all that hate and fear, and the wave collapses, but not without taking out vast numbers who are caught up in the confrontation. I’m reading in “Three Cups of Tea” of the horrors innocent women and children have suffered at the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan . . . and the horrors of war continue. Take heart, for this too shall pass. Believe it or not, we have entered an Era of Peace. Peace is replacing war and those who war are simply resisting peace. Those who hate are resisting love.

Find attunement with Love

The coarser and destructive vibrations do not feel the influence of the finer vibrations. But they will be resolved by them into Oneness, simply by reason of the fact that the finer essences penetrate the coarser substance, but the coarser cannot rise to hurt or nullify the finer.  Attunement with love is the only thing left for us. How blessed we are to know that we have the freedom and awareness to find attunement with love and then let love radiate into the mix of mounting chaos and dissonance without concern for results, knowing that love renews that which it touches.

I rather suspect that those who conduct social programs such as Facebook gain some satisfaction from the warring factors and hate waves that arise in the participants. There’s a great deal of force in hate, albeit destructive. There’s no real power to be gained in it however. There is only one power on the move, and it’s love. Or is it rather that the power of love is misinterpreted as hate? What is love, then?  I have to keep revisiting this mystery myself . . . daily.

Peace be in your heart . . . and in your mind,
