Cellular Vitality

The Cell Picture

Your body is only as healthy and energetic as its cells.  Feed them well and feel your best ever.

This article is of paramount importance to your health. I encourage you to receive the product information included here with an open mind and with disengaged “spam filters.”   I use the highest grade of wholefood supplements and herbs in my professional coaching service.  What I offer here is primarily intended to benefit the health of my blog readers.  I am most thankful for the honest income I receive from any sales, but not as much as for the grateful  response I receive form clients who benefit from the supplements I recommend and they are compliant in taking as recommended.  Their price merely reflects their benchmark quality and unwavering effectiveness.  

That said . . . it is not very often that a nutritional product comes on board that simply supports the health and vitality of the basic unit of our physical anatomy — the cell.  We’ve just finished a series of articles detailing the amazing micro-machinery and micro-chemistry of the human cell.  (Click on picture to enlarge it).  If you are just coming online with my blog, you’ll want to visit these articles in the archives and be entertained while learning about the intricate and incredible life of your body’s cells.

Must-see video clips Click here for a 3-minute ABC special report on the inner life of the cell.  For a full 8-minute show with music click here. And don’t miss viewing David Bolinsky’s 10-minute Fantastic Voyage Inside the Cell.  It is very well done and quite entertaining.

Cellular Vitality is the name of a gluten-free wholefood supplement made by Standard Process Labs.  It is a complex, synergistic blend of B vitamins, bromelain, mushroom, berry seeds, CoQ10, ginseng, and ribonucleic acid (RNA). These ingredients offer the opportunity to support the body as a whole, with emphasis on our cellular processes specifically. ($40/90 caps)

Cellular Vitality contains:

  • American ginseng, which acts as a body tonic for the byproducts of stress
  • B vitamins, to fuel cells and participate in numerous body processes that contribute to normal function
  • Berry seeds, which contain phytochemicals, like anthocyanidins and tannins, that aid cells during the normal wear and tear of everyday function
  • Bromelain, an enzyme complex from pineapple stems and juice that modulates the body’s natural inflammatory response when taken between meals
  • Coenzyme Q10, an enzyme that is essential for creation of energy within the mitochondria of cells, and that helps protect cells from free radicals
  • Cordyceps sinensis, a mushroom powder long prized in Traditional Chinese Medicine with a variety of bioactive compounds that contribute to fatigue management and blood sugar support
  • Ribonucleic acid (RNA), compounds that can be broken apart as cells to create energy or manufacture protein†
  • Proprietary Blend: 1,240 mg  Multi-fruit Seed Powder [Ruby grape seed, blueberry seed, cranberry seed, red raspberry seed, black raspberry seed, and pomegranate seed], ribonucleic acid, mushroom powder (Cordyceps sinensis), bromelain, and American ginseng (root)
  • Other Ingredients: Quinoa sprouts, cellulose, maltodextrin, and calcium stearate.

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a story unto itself.  Let me tell you about the benefits of this vitally essential molecule.  RNA is the memory chip in the brain . . . literally.  It is generated in the brain when there is interest.  It actually records the information, like the tape in a tape recorder or a silicon chip in a computer, and files it away for future recall.  If there is no interest in what is being seen or heard, then no RNA is generated . . . and that’s why we don’t remember things we are not interested in; also why we can recall information that piqued our interest.  I think that’s amazing.  Any wonder why a elderly person who has lost interest in life itself experiences a decline in memory? If we don’t use it we lose it, and there’s a biological and biochemical reason for loss of memory that can be addressed . . . with lifestyle changes as well as nutritional supplementation.

RNA serves other purposes in the body, such as in the process of protein synthesis.  It conveys the pattern for cellular replication from the DNA.  Watch the video clip and be duly impressed by the miracle of life going on inside each of your 100 trillion cells.  You’ll want to make sure you are doing all you can to help your cells do their job.

Parkinson’s disease is a sure sign of RNA deficiency.  Supplementing with RNA is absolutely vital to address this neurotransmitter disorder, which is simply a symptom of inadequate brain-cell regeneration.  We now know that brain cells do regenerate themselves.  They just take longer to do so than other body cells.

In the video clip you saw a computer model of how protein is manufactured in every cell.  Protein is the building block of every tissue in your body.  Now you can appreciate how vital it is to keep your cells healthy and happy.  Cellular Vitality will help you nourish your body cells so they can continue into your elder years to provide you with the protein building blocks to sustain tissue regeneration and the energy to get up each morning and engage life to the fullest.

A word about proteins.  As you saw in the video clip, these building blocks of the cells and tissues of the body are assembled within the cells by their micro-machinery.  Each protein molecule is composed of what are called “amino acids.”  These are the pieces that make up proteins.  Now, they are already assembled to make up animal proteins that we take into our bodies when we consume meat.  Therefore, they have to be dis-assembled in the digestive tract before they can be taken up into the blood stream and used by the cells to re-assemble them into protein strands for our bodies.  Hydrochloric acid is what the stomach parietal cells secrete to break down meat tissue.

That takes work and energy, which is part of the reason why we feel sleepy after eating a meal containing animal protein, especially beef.  It takes a lot of energy, for instance, just to make 2.5 pH hydrochloric acid from near neutral to slightly alkaline body fluids.  And you don’t want to dilute those stomach digestive acids by eating or drinking sweets with your meat meals.  Simply drink water, preferably at room temperature and with a squeeze of lemon. Lighter proteins, such as fish, eggs, and dairy are more easily broken down.

Now, don’t over heat proteins, such as eggs, as heat toughens proteins.  Soft-boiled, poached or scrambled lightly in a little olive oil and butter is a healthful way to prepare eggs.  If you like fried eggs, try over-easy or over-medium in a little olive oil and butter.  I mix a little butter in my olive oil to facilitate fat metabolism . . . and, of course, butter adds flavor!!! You haven’t had great scrambled eggs until you’ve scrambled them in a generous amount of real butter . . .  not margarine.  Stay away from margarine which is hydroginated vegetable oil and therefore rancid.  Rancid oils, such as in stale nuts and oils exposed to light and air, destroy tissue cells upon contact.  Not good! Better for your health to just toss them out and use fresh nuts and non-hydroginated oils.

We really should never cook meat in a microwave as it alters the molecular proteins in the meat. Microwaving is okay for warming but not for cooking foods, as it takes only a few seconds to heat up most foods in a microwave oven.

About olive oil:  I read recently that Pure Olive Oil has a longer shelf life than Virgin or Extra-virgin.  It’s best for cooking as  it doesn’t have as much of the raw materials that can easily oxidize as are in less-processed oils.   Virgin and extra virgin oils are more fragile and need to be kept in dark, air-tight containers.  It’s best to purchase them in smaller bottles even though you’ll pay more.  Think of your health first.  You don’t want to slaughter those precious little cells that are hard at work keeping you healthfully in form.

Now, in vegetables and legumes, amino acids are not so tightly assembled and are therefore more readily available to protein manufacturing in our body’s cells.  Supplementing amino acids in your diet is also a viable option.  Protefood  by Standard Process ($27/90 caps) would be a smart choice, as it contains all of the amino acids required to build protein.  It’s my product of choice for clients with hypoglycemia as it checks sugar craving and supports the adrenal glands.

Fresh nuts, especially almonds, are a great source of amino acids. Soak the almonds overnight in water to soften them and to activate their natural enzymes for easier digestion and assimilation.  Always chew nuts thoroughly to break down the meat and to mix in the digestive enzyme Pepsin, which activates hydrochloric acid in the stomach for protein digestion.

“Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink!”

Let us not leave this consideration of the health and vitality of the cell without mentioning water.  Cells need water, both inside and outside.  They need pure, clean water that is easily consumed.  Acidity and toxins in tissue fluids around the cells cause them to close their intake pores and eventually die from thirst and starvation.  Poor quality of water can lead to fluid retention as the body attempts to dilute the acid with more water.

AC Carbamide is a wonderful product which Dr. Royal Lee, founder of Standard Process Labs in Palmyra, Wisconsin, formulated.  It actually neutralizes uric acid in the body fluids and joints and makes the cells more permeable to the flow of water in and out of the tissues.  I highly recommend it, especially for problems with gouty arthritis and fluid retention.  And with  CoQ10 for kidney and heart energy, you have a couple of team players working for you. AC Carbamide is a great anti-inflammatory as it addresses a common cause of inflammation: acidity of body fluids. ($18/90 caps)

Add 2 ounces of ASEA to your daily regimen and you have a comprehensive program for cell health and vitality.  Cells are happiest when they are able to communicate with the rest of the body.  Redox signaling molecules, now available in supplement form with ASEA, assures inter-cellular communication.

Well, that will do it for this post.  Plenty here to ingest and process  (pun intended).  I trust this article proves helpful to you in your health and wellness care.  Until my next post, then . . .

My best to your health and healing,

Dr. Tony Palombo

For more detailed information on products mentioned in my blogs, Google Standard Process or click here.

To order products and for information about dosages, simply drop me an email at tpal70@gmail.com, or call me at 337-802-5510.  

Visit my second blog:  Healing Tones

The Healing Process: Role of the Immune System – Part I


    Here’s where our consideration of the Healing Process takes a turn away from the orthodox medical model and indoctrination and toward a more accurate understanding of the disease process : what causes it, where does it begin and how can it best be reversed by supporting the healing and re-building processes of the body. 

     Let us start with a recap of what we think we know about disease. Following Louis Pasteur’s “outside-in” thinking, medical science took off and developed on the basis of the theory that disease was brought into the body from the outside.  The “germ theory” gained popularity and soon we were developing antibiotics (literally, anti-life) to kill germs and pathogens of all kinds. We were given soaps, sprays and gels to sanitize ourselves and prevent the invasion of and contamination by these invaders.  And if we did get invaded, then we used antibiotics to “fight infection,” the body’s own natural way of dealing with harmful bacteria and viruses.  We even started “pasteurizing” our milk in an endeavor to kill the germs, only to kill the natural enzymes needed to digest the milk in the process.  Our blessed parents brought us up on whole milk we got from our cows and we gave our immune systems a good education on how to deal with sore throats (strep), boils (staph) and other symptoms of bacteria-fighting in our bodies, and we’re better off for it today.  The end result of all this waring against germs has been the adaptation of viruses and other pathogens to our powerful antibiotics and the appearance of super viruses and bacteria that are immune to our antibiotics, which has medical scientists deeply concerned.

Shortly after the time when Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was selling his theory to medicine and the general public, another theory was put forward by Dr. Royal Lee and a scientist by the name of Antoine Bechamp.  Other important players in this arena were the renowned Dr. Royal Rife and Gaston Naessen, whose stories we will visit in my post next week.

Born the same year Louis Pasteur passed away, Dr. Royal Lee (1895-1967), a dentist who believed and proved conclusively that the health of the teeth was directly proportionate to and reflected the health of the body, developed and worked with a nutritional approach to the reversal of disease and the restoration of health.  His “Protomorphogen” discovery helped us turn the corner in our search for the real cause of disease and a natural solution to the cure of disease and to healing.  Today he is honored as the “Father of Natural Vitamins.”  His line of wholefood nutritional supplements and his legacy are kept alive and well-preserved by Standard Process Laboratories in Palmyra, Wisconsin.  

In his own words: 

“One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemical therapy over nutrition. It’s the substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of starvation. You all know how ridiculous that it. But you all know how widely it’s being done.” Dr. Royal Lee, 1935

In a nutshell, here is the theory:  There are mineral protein essences secreted by the cells that carry the blueprint for cellular regulation and growth.  These “protomorphogens,” as Dr. Lee called them, help grow new and healthy cells and even help repair and rebuild cells that are damaged.  By enhancing the integrity of the body cells, invading pathogens (bacteria and viruses) are kept at bay.  They only attack sick and weak cells.  In Dr. Lee’s own words:

 A protomorphogen is a cell secretion given off by all living cells at all times in minute amounts that promotes the synthesis of protein for cell repair and cell maintenance on the outside of the cell wall, after which it is absorbed by the cell. Protomorphogens are chromosome end products, made in the cell nucleus, probably the agents by which the basic functions of the chromosome are exercised. All living proteins carry a protomorphogen component by which the protein is made specific in nature, specific in causing organic reactions, specific in function, specific in its ability to act as an antigen in provoking immune reactions. All antigens may be antigenic by reason of accompanying protomorphogens, in some cases instead of being attached to a protein molecule, the protomorphogen may be attached to a lipoid or polysaccharide aggregate. When a protein has been separated from a protomorphogen, it is said to be denatured and is no longer fully capable of antigenic action; that is, cannot create an antibody specific to it in the circumstance of its injection into an animal blood stream.

Since no cell can grow or maintain itself unless protomorphogens, as secreted by itself, are available in the pericellular [outside and around the cell] fluids, it is obvious that here we have the possible biological growth regulator. Suppose that the immune-body producing mechanism, heretofore looked upon only as a defense against invading organisms (cells) from the outside, were to be found to exert the same controlling action on every organ and cell of the body, we would have the answer to the long-sought questions of why animal organs and living creatures in general were able to regulate their cell growth exactly according to a well-ordered plan.

 We find, on investigation, that there is just such a reaction of the immune body producing mechanism (the reticuloendothelial system) and it has been described under the general designation of “Natural Tissue Antibody” (NTA).


Protomorphogens are in reality mineral chains whose sequencing determine the amino acid (protein) structure of individual cell types. In living tissues these minerals are organically bound and accompanied by enzymes. . . .

. . . Dr. Lee refined the theories of Bechamp, Rife, Naessens and others and put them to practical use in formulating protomorphogens for virtually every tissue type. These PMGs have the potential to rebuild every organ and gland in the body. The concentration gradient both inside and outside the cell regulate this growth. The “health” of the cell regulates both the concentration gradient and “health” of the protomorphogen. The concentration and health of the protomorphogen also regulates the immune system in forming natural tissue antibodies (NTA). If an excess of PMGs accumulate outside the cell, normal cell division stops and an excess of autoimmune factor (NTA) can cause damage to the cell. The PMGs in living systems are “wrapped” in lipoid layers because of their potential toxicity to a living system. This is called “hypersensitivity” in immunological terms. The lipoid “wrapping” can be either incomplete or damaged in disease or malnutrition states.

Because of hypersensitivity, Lee chose not to use human genetic material in formulating his supplements – but rather to use animal tissue which would be taken orally. The PMGs are processed to be absorbed through the GI tract intact. The animal kingdom is removed from the human so that hypersensitivity is not a large issue. By providing the genetic material through the PMG, the body is able to “jump-start” the healing process and use the blueprints to reprogram healthy cell division  (underscore mine). Dr. Lee believed that every disease produced an autoimmune component which through the process of inflammation prevented normal cell division and caused most of the damage. This fact is being recognized by the medical profession more frequently in various illnesses.

Protomorphogens (PMGs) have two major functions: Control healthy cell growth and  Regulate immunity

Our own PMGs inhibit cell division. However, when taken orally in pill form (from other mammals), PMGs stimulate normal cell division and reduce the autoimmune component by reducing excessive amounts of the natural tissue antibodies. They stimulate the organ to regenerate new healthy tissue by supplying the blueprints or by “jump starting” the organ to manufacture more of its own PMG.

PMGs are taken from specific organs of other mammals. In supplying extracts of the specific organ to the organ that is diseased, we can influence the local nutrient environment of those particular cells. This increases the activity of the tissue which then increases the secretion of PMGs so that the net effect is the concentration of PMG is balanced. The tissue of the organ begins to grow and regenerate normal healthy cells and thus helps to reestablish normal growth patterns with control. . . .

. . . The theory of protomorphogens is fundamentally what stem cell research is about. 

For product information and to start benefiting from protomorphogen supplementation, simply contact me by email at tpal70@gmail.com. 

See you next week for another installation on the role of the Immune System in the Healing Process.  We will talk about other important players at the turn of the 20th Century who pioneered health-based healthcare as opposed to disease-based medicine.  

To your health,

Dr. Anthony Palombo 

Email:  tpal70@gmail.com 

Website: HealingandAttunement.com 

The Healing Process: Role of the Redox Signaling Molecule

Redox Regulation of the Healing Process – New Science

We have come to the crux of our considerations around the Healing Process.  In this post we will see exactly how the healing process works and what players are involved.  Again, Dr. Gary Samuelson will tell the story in his own easy-to-read words.  We will start with two video clips: one of the process called “Covalent Bonding” and the other on how free radicals and antioxidants work in order to help us better understand how “free radicals” (oxidants) do their damage and how the antioxidants neutralize and disarm them by a simple exchange of electrons between “oxidants” (electron donors ) and “reductants” (electron acceptors).  At the end of the day, restoration of balance is the goal of the healing process, as we shall see, and the “villains” of the free radicals turn out to be essential players in the process of maintaining homeostasis.  This, I promise, will be a fascinating read.  Enjoy!  (Newcomers to my blog would enjoy reading the previous posts in this series on The Healing Process for background information.)

Video clips: Covalent Bonding (4:32), Free Radicals vs Antioxidants  (4:30)

Redox Regulation of the Healing Processes-New Science

Emerging science from the past five years has solidly established that the chemical balance of small reactive redox messengers is essential to the healing process and the regulation of the immune system. These small reactive “redox” molecules participate in the same homeostatic balancing act that is used to balance the proper amount of the various proteins inside the cell (as we already have discussed). These redoxmessengers are constantly being produced, mostly by the mitochondria in the cells, and then constantly being eliminated at the same rate by a variety of protective enzymes (generally called antioxidants“) that are strategically stationed inside and outside of the cells.

Let us more closely examine these reactive “redoxmessengers for a minute. They are made from simple rearrangements of the atoms in H20, NaGI and N2 and are put together by special molecular complexes in the cell. Some examples of redox signaling molecules are H202, H02, HOCI and NO. About half of the redox messengers can be categorized as oxidantsand the other half, in fairness, can be categorized as “reductants.”  “Reductants” is a contrived nickname, the official name being energetic “electron acceptors.Oxidants, incidentally, can also be referred to as energetic “electron donors” in the same sense.

Not much is said about “Reductants” in the literature. In fact this nickname was just fashioned to be able to talk about this group of electron acceptors in this booklet. The basic concept, however, is very familiar to chemists and physicists. The laws of conservation of charge, mass and energy dictate that every time an oxidant is made from a neutral solution, a reductant or combination of reductants must concurrently be made to counterbalance it. The electron acceptors must balance out the electron donors. The ability of the resulting molecules to oxidize or reduce the molecules in their environment is referred to as the “redox” potential, a key player and motivator for all of the chemical reactions that take place in nature.

The name “redoxitself comes from the ability of these messengers to “REDuceand/or “OXidizemolecules in their environment. Reduction and oxidation are chemical terms that relate to the potential that the molecules have to “give away(oxidize) or accept(reduce) electrons to and from other molecules in their environment. As mentioned, all chemical reactions taking place in the cell depend on this redox potential in order to happen. Redox messengers have the ability to change the redox potential of their environment, thereby altering the chemical reactions that take place. Strong reductants and oxidants can both be harmful and destructive to the cell if they are allowed to wander around at will.

The oxidants, in particular, have made a really bad name for themselves; several of them are free radicals that have high energy, unpaired electrons that will blow apart whatever they come into contact with (like tiny molecular cannons). Oxidants will damage DNA, blow holes in cellular membranes, destroy important proteins, etc. The reductants are also hazardous, they will grab electrons away from molecules (with the ferocity of small molecular sharks), thereby causing destruction. To be perfectly clear, reductants are not antioxidants. Reductants are simply the chemical counterparts of oxidants (much like acids and bases). Antioxidants, on the other hand, are a class of much larger organic molecules produced by genetic coding that act as catalysts capable of facilitating the reverse chemical processes needed to ultimately untie” and neutralize both the oxidants and the reductants. Antioxidant cycles require both oxidants and reductants in order to work correctly.

Let us focus on the antioxidants for a minute. The antioxidants were historically considered as the heroes of the cell because they broke down the harmful oxidants by pulling them in and neutralizing them together with reductants, leaving just common harmless sea-water molecules in their wake. Over an antioxidant cycle (some of which are complex multi-step processes) the oxidants and reductants are neutralized [view clip], however the antioxidant itself remains unchanged, ready to do it all over again to the next set of oxidants and reductants. The antioxidant in this sense is a catalyst that speeds up the neutralization of oxidants with reductants and yet of itself remains unchanged. You can think of an antioxidant as a black box: reactive and potentially dangerous oxidants and reductants go into the box and harmless neutral sea-water molecules come out.

Ironically, the oxidants (that historically have been thought to be the villains) are now seen as central players to the healthy function of the cells. We have recently learned that we would not be able to live without either the reactive oxidants or the reductants. The truth be told, these tiny reactive molecules play an absolutely essential messenger role in our cells and tissues [my underscore]. The most critical aspect of healthy redox-messenger balance is in that the oxidants and reductants must be produced and eliminated in perfectly-balanced and equal portions. As long as there are equal portions of oxidants and reductants in the interior or exterior of the cell, the antioxidants can readily neutralize them both as fast as they are created. As discussed, the antioxidants need equal portions of oxidants and reductants in order to function, in the case of Glutathione (an abundant antioxidant made in our cells). The large mouth of the relatively huge antioxidant molecule lures in a reductant (that is electron hungryand then lures in an oxidant (that has an energetic electron to donate) and then pulls them both together into the “active site” in the middle. At the active site, the reductant and oxidant are combined together, neutralizing them both. The resulting harmless molecules float away.  The antioxidant is then free to do it all again. If there is an ample supply of reductants and oxidants in the neighborhood, one antioxidant molecule can typically neutralize tens of millions of oxidant molecules every second, as measured in the lab.  [Emphasis and underscores mine]

This was a eye-opener for me when I first read it, and I believe it is crucial to a better understanding of homeostasis.  There are no “good” and “bad” players in this microcosm of the biological universe that comprises our bodies.  There’s only “appropriate” and “inappropriate” based on place and timing, balance and imbalance.  To quote a poet friend and colleague, “Nothing is wrong.  Everything matters.”  

The antioxidants are purposefully manufactured, sent to and positioned around the areas of the cell, such as the nucleus, that are vulnerable to oxidative damage. As equal portions of oxidants and reductants approach these protected areas, the antioxidants standing guard around these areas pull them in and neutralize them both. The antioxidants are thus able to keep these potentially harmful reactive molecules away from protected areas and corral and use them for their own best purposes. Consequently, the immune system uses large amounts of such oxidants, along with strong demolition enzymes, as its weapon of choice against harmful invading bacteria and viruses. The foreign invaders do not even stand a chance against these potent weapons. After the invaders have been torn apart and destroyed by the enzymes and oxidants, the surrounding antioxidants standing guard and other enzymes clean up the mess, toxins and hazards.


The key to understanding how this redox balancing process helps the body heal itself comes when considering what happens when the cells become damaged or defective for some reason or another. There are thousands of different processes with thousands of different proteins taking place everywhere inside the cell. When something is not working right, how does the cell detect the damage? The answer lies in the fact that as the normal homeostatic balance that exists in healthy cells is disturbed, somewhere in the cell there is either a build-up or deficiency of the normal quantity of proteins. There is a high probability that this
ing imbalance will at some point make the metabolism of sugars less efficient. When this happens, the redox-messenger production in the mitochondria becomes unbalanced, producing many more oxidants than reductants or vice versa. In other words, the damage will ultimately manifest itself as a buildup of oxidants or reductants. This condition is called “oxidative stress” and is a real phenomenon seen (under the microscope) to occur in almost all defective or stressed cells (in both animals and plants).

An imbalance in the redox messengers, usually manifesting itself as oxidative stress, sends a clear signal that damage has occurred somewhere and that the cell is defective. The excess oxidants are not balanced by reductants and cannot be effectively neutralized by antioxidants. These oxidants end up causing even more damage to other parts of the cell. This clear signal for help causes the DNA to code for the “fixit crew” and cytokine messengers that are sent out to alert the immune system. If this imbalance (oxidative stress condition) is not corrected by the attempts of the fixit crew, the oxidants continue to build up. Then after about two hours, the fatally damaged cell starts a “programmed cell suicide” cascade (apoptosis) that will end up with the cell killing and dismantling itself. This is not a bad thing. Normal healthy neighboring cells will then be able to divide in order to fill in the vacancy. On the microscopic scale, this is essentially the healing process. [my underscore]

The oxidative stress condition in a stressed or damaged cell also causes the DNA to code for messengers to be sent to neighboring cells, advising them of its condition. Redox messengers can also be used as these intercellular messengers. If the damaged cell, such as those found in tumors, is not able to kill itself, then its neighboring healthy cells will send back “death domain” messengers as well as distress messengers to the immune system that will either cause the damaged cell to die or to be attacked by the immune system. This system is regularly used to detect and destroy practically all of the damaged and dysfunctional cells in the body. Remember, it only takes one undetected dysfunctional cell, out of the trillions that are successfully detected and killed, to start seeding an abnormal growth.”

This brings our series to a turning point.  The posts that will follow will look at the role of the immune system in healing and how this system is activated by the Redox Signaling Molecules.   View this video clip to prepare for the next consideration.

Clip:  The Healing Revolution – the Science Behind ASEA.

To your health and healing,

Dr. Tony Palombo

For information on ordering ASEA, click here.

The Healing Process:The Cell, Part 1 Protein Synthesis


We’ve been considering the role of the cell in facilitating the healing process, sharing some of Dr. Gary Samuelson’s booklet The Science of Healing Revealed – New Insights into Redox Signaling. In this post we will look at the basic concept of the cell’s function in manufacturing protein molecules, the fundamental building blocks of our anatomy.

(Note: This post contains several video clips for your visual aid and entertainment. They are best viewed in full screen mode and with headphones. After viewing a clip, click the full screen option again to exit full screen mode, then click on the BACK arrow at the top left hand corner of the screen to return to the blog.)

We’ll start with this beautiful video clip of The Inner Life of the Cell (8 min).  Brief ABC Report (3 min).  If you have the time, enjoy  David Bolinsky’s  entertaining Fantastic Voyage inside the cell (10 min.)

An Overview of How Healthy Cells Work

All life processes take place inside of our cells. In the simplest definition, a cell is a tiny bag filled with salt water and organic chemicals. The bag itself is made out of a bi-lipid [phospholipid] membrane (3 thin sheet that has waterproof layers on both sides and a thin layer of fat [cholesterol] in between).

Note the need for cholesterol in the cell structure, not at all the “bad” thing medicine and pharma would have us believe.  Balance and ratio, as in all things, is the primary factor.

View clip Anatomy of a cell (3:38)

All of the materials that the cell needs to maintain life must be passed through this membrane into the inside of the cell and also all of the unneeded garbage that is generated inside tile cell needs to be passed back out through this membrane to the outside of the cell. The cell manufactures certain portals or gateways, called receptors and co-receptors, that are embedded in the cell membrane to let the materials in and out and to pass chemical messages from the outside to the inside of the cell and vice versa. Everything that affects the cell must be able either to pass through these portals or to diffuse through the membrane. (4:40)

(Click on picture for a larger view, then click on BACK arrow to return to blog)

In the middle of each cell there is another smaller double bag (made from two bi-lipid membranes) that contains the nucleus and DNA. The DNA [Deoxyibonucleic Acid] has encoded instructions on how and when to build the proteins that the cell uses. A DNA strand is made out of two molecular spines twisted into a double helix. Between the spines there can be found only four distinct types of molecules called nucleotides (labeled A,T,C,G)  which are arranged in sequenced groups like rungs on a ladder. Groups of three of these rungs are called “codons” (A-T-G1 for example).

The exact sequence of these codons in the DNA strand determines the specific order in which amino acids are chained together (called polypeptide chains) in order to form proteins, thousands and thousands of different varieties. Most of the cell’s machinery and inner structure is formed out of the proteins manufactured from these genetic instructions. One exception to this rule is the formation of an organelle called the Mitochondrion. The Mitochondria (plural) contain their own DNA (called mtDNA) formed in circular strands and they divide and reproduce inside the cell much like bacteria divide, but are controlled and regulated by protein messengers from the nucleus. The Mitochondria’s primary job is to efficiently produce the fuel (ATP) that energizes the micro machines inside the cell that carry out the life processes. There are anywhere from 10 to 5000 Mitochondria in a typical cell, taking up to 50% of the cell’s volume.

YouTube video clips:   DNA and RNA (1:45)   Protein Synthesis (3:30)  Transcription: From DNA to Flesh and Blood (4 min)

In theory, the DNA sequences of instructions (genes) inside any given cell in your body are entirely identical to the DNA sequences (genes) that are in every other cell (with the exception of the reproductive cells). Lately researchers have cloned whole animals by placing the DNA from a single skin cell inside an empty egg cell. The egg cell starts to divide and form a complete organism. The DNA package Inside every ceil in the animal has all of the instructions necessary to form a whole new animal. This begs the question: If the DNA in every cell is identical, then how does there come to be so many different varieties of cells and tissues, brain cells, bone cells, skin cells, liver cells, etc.? The answer to this question is found in the understanding that the individual cells do not act alone they are grouped and bound together into tissues.

The genes activated in the individual cells depend largely on messengers sent back and forth from their neighbors and are specific to where the cells are located in the body. After a while, the chemical (protein) messages sent from the surrounding cells activate the genes that determine the behavior of all the cells that collectively form similar tissue. So in a real sense, the cellular function is determined by the environment in which it lives.  Cells, in this sense, “become what they eat.”   [Underscore mine]

Cellular differentiation and “stem cells.”

The ability of a cell to change its form and function depending on the protein messengers surrounding it is called “cellular differentiation.” A cell gains its identity (brain, muscle, liver, etc.) from the messengers it finds around it and/or builds inside it. A recent triumph in science came when “stem cells” were discovered. These cells can take the form of any cell they come into contact with (they are undifferentiated cells). If you want to grow new brain cells, for example, then all that is required is to place stem cells in the brain. They will soon transform into new brain cells that fit flawlessly into their new environment as they are programmed to become new brain cells by their neighboring cells. This also happens if they are placed in the liver, heart, etc., the stem cells ultimately become similar to the cells that surround them. It is an interesting fact that the cells in your body can also genetically shift due to the intake of nutrients that you eat. What you eat can literally change the form and genetic function of your cells. There have been experiments with identical twins in mice, both having exactly the same DNA, that were fed different diets. One mouse grew shiny brown fur and was skinny. The other grew light gold fur and was fat and sickly. The only difference between the two mice was in what they ate.”

This point is one to give pause for deep consideration, so I will end this post with it.  It is this kernel of truth that emerged out of the fascinating work of world renown Cellular Biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton.  Click on his name below when you have 35 minutes to relax and listen to this brilliant man as he tells his story of how he violated the central dogma that is the pillar of modern biomedicine.  This dogma is the concept, formulated by Francis Crick, co-founder along with Jim Watson of the DNA double helix molecule, that the flow of information in biology goes from DNA to RNA to protein, and since you body is made of protein, and protein is coded by the DNA in the cell, which carries your genetic heritage and fingerprint, your behavior is controlled by your genes, and you are a victim of your heredity past.  This is not the truth of the matter, but I’ll let Dr. Lipton tell his own story and leave you to your listening and learning pleasure . . . and with this prophetic pearl from Albert Einstein, who wrote: “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.”

To your health and healing,

Dr. Tony Palombo

Video of  Dr. Bruce Lipton (35 min.)

Your Natural Medicine Cabinet

Tony Pics for SA BookClients are always asking me for a list of natural medicines for their medicine cabinets.  So, here’s a list that will help you stock up your medicine cabinet with nutritional and herbal protocols that have really proven their effectiveness over decades of clinical performance.  After looking over the list, put an order together and email it to me.  I’ll have it at your doorstep in two to four days.  When you start running low on products, email or call me.  If you have never used natural medicines, you are in for a very pleasant surprise.  These products work magically and with no harmful side effects.  They support you immune system so that your body can do its job efficiently rather than depending on drugs to do its job for it, thus making it lazy.  Natural medicines are in harmony with you body.   Unlike high-potency drugs that require low dosages, natural medicines are high concentrations of whole food nutrients and herbs that require larger therapeutic dosages over a short period of time.  Use them according to the labels without concern for overdosing.   Remember also that natural whole food nutrients do not interfere with critical medications.  On the contrary, feeding the body with whole-food supplements help your prescribed meds work even better.

For Your Natural Medicine Cabinet

Immune support for strep infections (eye, ear, nose, throat, bronchial, and lung).

Echinacea Premium — a preventative for year-round immune support.  $30 (40 tabs), $85 (120 tabs)

Congaplex – A natural antibiotic formulated to support your immune system  $30 (150 caps.)

Allerplex –  A natural decongestant to facilitate the processing and removal of metabolic waste by the liver and lymphatic system (helps with swollen glands, sinus headaches, lung congestions).   $25 (150 caps.)

TriGuard Plus — Colloidal Silver, Olive Leaf Extract & Tea Tree Oil. Kills bacteria and viruses. ($18 /1 oz bottle, 30 servings)

Immune support for staph infections (boils)

Thymex® — supports the thymus, the master gland of the immune system.  $18 (90T)

Spanish Black Radish – bowel detoxification of bacterial debris.   $12 (90T)

Immune support for viral infections (colds, shingles, cold sores)

Immuplex® — Forspleen, thymus and liver support during viral infections.  $14 (40C), $44 (150C)

St. John’s Wort-IMT – anti-virus herbal immune support.     $27 (90C)

Synergistic herbal immune support during infections and congestions

Golden Seal – anti-staph herbal support to maintain healthy mucous membranes and breathing passageways, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate digestion, support the body’s normal production and flow of bile, and aid the body’s response to environmental stress.  $35 (40T)

Echinacea C – Herbal support and modulation of the immune system with Vitamin C.  $18 (90T)

Andrographis Complex – powerful immune support for acute infection.  $28 (40T),  $76 (120T)

Astragalus Complex – powerful immune support for chronic infections.  (Note: switch to Andrographis Complex for acute symptoms.)  $27 (30T),  $68 (90T)

ResCo® — Multiple herbal support to encourage the removal of mucous, ease the cough reflex, and help to maintain a healthy throat.* $26 (40T)

Broncafect® — Multiple herbal support of the immune system, the natural cough reflex, the breakup of respiratory secretions, the production of white blood cells, and the maintenance of normal body temperature and resistance.* $27 (40T)

Herbal Throat Spray — for real relief of sore throat with Echinacea herb for immune support.  $20


*Contraindication: high blood pressure, fluid retention, congestive heart failure, and low blood potassium.

Disclaimer: the information and products above are not FDA approved and are not intended to be used to diagnose or treat any disease or replace any medications.

These Standard Process and MediHerb products are manufactured in Palmyra, WI, and are available only through licensed practitioners of the healing arts.  For product information, visit Standard Process Labs on the web at: www.standardprocess.com


MAIL ORDER SPECIAL! – 10% DISCOUNT on all orders over $99

  • Add $13 for drop shipping.  Free shipping on orders over $400.
  • Email orders to: dranthonypalombo@live.com (see note below).
  • Mail orders with payment to Dr. Anthony Palombo, 1722 Bilbo St., Lake Charles, La. 70601
  • For inquiries and health coaching call Dr. Palombo’s cell phone  (337) 802-5510

Note: Orders are drop-shipped by UPS so a physical address is required.  Payment can be made by check, money order or credit card. Do not send credit card information by the internet or by email. Simply give me a call with your credit card information.  

What to know when buying food supplements


 It could be said that never in history has so much money been spent on the advertising and purchasing of any merchandise, with so little knowledge of the product itself, on the part of either the seller or the buyer, as has been spent on vitamin and mineral supplements.

Billions are being spent annually, and most of the purchasers, wholesalers, retailers or direct-to-consumer salespeople do not know the difference between a synthetic, a crystalline, and a truly natural vitamin, or the difference between a chelated organic and an inorganic mineral.

What’s the difference between natural and synthetic? In short, it’s the difference between something that’s living and something that’s dead. That’s a big difference.

NATURAL WHOLE FOOD VITAMINSOn vitamin labels the word “natural” has no specific definition other than that the substance exists somewhere on the planet or in outer space. The key words to look for are “Whole Food Vitamins” — this means vitamins as they are found in food, not tampered with in any way that would change their molecular structure, their biological or biochemical combination, or their actions. 
 SYNTHETIC means that a chemist attempted to reconstruct the exact structure of the crystalline molecule by chemically combining molecules from other sources. These sources are not living foods, but dead chemicals. For example, Vitamin B1 is made from a coal tar derivative, and d-alpha tocopherol (so-called Vitamin E) is a byproduct of materials used by the Eastman Kodak company to make film. However, it is not legally necessary to give the source from which the synthetic “vitamin” is derived. Synthetic “vitamins” should more accurately be called drugs.  

To identify synthetics on the label, look to see if a source is given. If it isn’t, assume the product is synthetic. These terms also identify a vitamin as synthetic: acetate, bitartrate, chloride, gluconate, hydro-chloride, nitrate, succinate. Carbonate always indicates the mineral is in-organic and therefore of no use to your body. All minerals have to be organically chelated and arranged in their proper ratios by vegetables in order for humans to be able to use them. All of them.
Whole-food natural supplements never come in high dosages. It is only possible to create high-dosage “vitamins” if you isolate one fraction as a crystalline, or synthesize one fraction as in synthetics. For example, take Vitamin C and E. In naturally-occurring Vitamin C Complex, the ascorbic acid portion comprises only about 5% of the whole complex. Similarly, alpha tocopherol only comprises a small percentage of Vitamin E Complex. Both serve as anti-oxidants for the vitamin complexes.
Legally, according to the FDA, the only portion of the Vitamin C Complex that is allowed to be called “Vitamin C” is the ascorbic acid portion, and the only part of the Vitamin E Complex that can be called “Vitamin E” is the alpha tocopherol piece—(the “d” in front of alpha means it’s synthetic, as in d-alpha tocopherol).

We, as consumers, have been thoroughly fooled and misled about vitamins and minerals. We have been hoodwinked into believing that large quantities of dead chemicals are more nutritionally potent than smaller amounts of high-quality living compounds. These chemicals are stimulants (drugs), not nutrients, and should therefore be under FDA control – better still, condemned for the toxins they are.

Relatively small amounts of whole-food natural vitamins, with all of their naturally-occurring synergists, are far more potent than high doses of synthetic imitation “vitamins.” They alone are nourishing to the cells. It is sheer arrogance for us to think that we can synthesize or in any way alter a natural design that is so crucial to our health and wellness and that we do not understand. There was one man who did understand human nutrition and that was Dr. Royal Lee, founder of Standard Process Laboratories. I thank God every day for him and for those who carry forward his work, providing the highest quality of nutritional and herbal products possible.

 To your good health

 Dr. Palombo






Vitamins in their natural state always exist as living complexes with specific synergistic co-factors, enzymes, phytonutrients and organic mineral-activators, and never as isolated single factors. A vitamin needs all of its synergists to function. Further, there are literally hundreds of such synergists, most of which have not yet been studied but are nevertheless very important.


CRYSTALLINE means that a natural food has been treated with various chemicals, solvents, heat and distillations to reduce it down to one specific “pure” crystalline vitamin. In this process all the synergists, which are termed “impurities,” are destroyed. There is no longer anything natural in the action of crystalline “vitamins”— they should more accurately be termed drugs.


Whole Food Vs Half Food Supplements



Only whole foods are “natural.”

Tony Pics for SA BookWe are born to see things whole.  We have to be taught fragmentation.  When a child sees an apple, it sees something whole.  This is well before it knows even how to spell the word.  In fact, a child has to be taught how to spell a-p-p-l-e.   But first it has to learn the letters of the alphabet in order to know what the letters are.   As we parents and teachers know, learning to break things down into their individual component parts is hard work for a young child just learning this method of educating its mind about its world, moving from a sense of wholeness to one of fragmentation.  And it hasn’t even begun to learn all the parts that make up the apple itself, the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients we’ve called by various names in order to make our minds feel intelligent. 

 (The word “vitamin” is derived from the Latin “vita” (life) and “amines”, or vital amino acids.  These building blocks of the body are made of molecules that contain the key elements of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen).

But what really are all these various fragments that make up the whole apple?  There are over a hundred nutrients in an apple, no doubt why one a day may keep the doctor away.   The “uneducated” child, or layman, might well take a “Who cares?” attitude as it reaches for an apple in the fruit bowl.  All it knows is that it loves its taste and it looks delicious to the eyes.  On the other hand, try and give the child (and some adults) a vitamin pill that has some, if not all, of the “vitamins” an apple has, and you will not get the same response as you get offering it a whole fruit that it likes, such as grapes, strawberries, apples, blueberries and bananas.  “What’s that?” the child may ask.

Children love whole foods, and I don’t think it’s all about how delicious they look or taste.  There’s an innate sense at work in us that resonates with wholeness.  Granted, the little boy wants to take things apart to see what they’re made of and how they tick.  I don’t notice little girls doing much of that.  They rather cry when little brother takes their doll apart.  Hum……

Parts crave wholenesss

Scientists, largely male in gender, have fragmented the world into pieces the human mind can identify and tag.  It’s the nature of the beast.  However, in the process of taking foods apart to identify and tag their parts, even synthesize them by artificial means, they’ve discovered something very interesting, if indeed enlightening, about “parts” in the natural world:  parts crave wholeness and will seek out their “friends” and partners in life when turned loose in a natural environment.  They can be held isolated in a “controlled” lab test, but not outside this artificial environment.  

Case in point

B Vitamins:  There are 9 of them known to be vital to human health.  There are some 20 other B Vitamins that have been identified in foods and animals, most of which we consume in our diets.  Notice how many of these are added to foods and “vitamin drinks” and put into high potency “B Complex” vitamin pills. You will usually find only 4 or 5,  but never 9 .  That’s because most, like Vitamin B4, cannot be extracted from food, nor can they be synthesized outside the body.  What is Vitamin B4?  Well, it’s only a co-enzyme that helps produce energy.  But it is essential to the rhythm of the heart beat. 

You’ll not find B7 added to foods and drinks either.   How important is VitaminB7?   Well, it only governs the anatomical and functional integrity of the intestinal tract and prevents digestive disturbances.  You won’t find B17 either. Well, how important is Vitamin B17 (amygdalin, also known as laetrile, found in a number of seeds, sprouts, beans, tubers, and grains)?  It only helps rid the body of cancer cells.  And I could go on, but I won’t do all of your homework for you.  You can Google Vitamin B and read all about it yourself.  It’s quite complex . . . and very informative.

Then there are the co-factors.

What in the world are the co-factors?  Well, they’re all the stuff that’s left over and thrown out as dross after the vitamins have been extracted from the food – or in the case of synthetic vitamins, what the scientists consider un-necessary and insignificant (mainly because they can’t isolate, tag and duplicate them, nor comprehend their significance) and therefore counted for naught.  Yet, the co-factors are the critical ingredients that facilitate the function of the nutrients once they are incorporated into the body’s anatomy, physiology and chemistry. Vitamins cannot be utilized without minerals, for example.  It is the inclusion of this “insignificant dross” into his food supplements that makes Dr. Royal Lee’s whole-food philosophy, and therefore his supplements (Standard Process Labs, Palmyra, Wis.), a cut above the rest, setting the benchmark for the entire food-supplement industry.

Vitamins in their natural state always exist as living complexes with specific synergistic co-factors, enzymes, phytonutrients and organic mineral-activators, and never as isolated single factors.   A vitamin needs all of its synergists to function.  Further, there are literally hundreds of such synergists, most of which have not yet been studied but are nevertheless very important.”  (Health Light Newsletter, Sept. 2004) 

Minerals are balanced and proportioned by and in the vegetable kingdom.  They are naturally “chelated” – clawed apart by organic acids in the roots of the plants – so that they can be utilized by the animal kingdom.  It is important that their ratio one to another is appropriate for proper absorption and utilization in the body.  Unchelated, raw, elemental minerals (rocks), such as calcium carbonate derived from crushed oyster shells or dolomite, cannot be ionized fast enough in the body to render them useful. Most calcium supplements are elemental calcium carbonate.  Read the label. You want calcium lactate or citrate.

My Point: Fractioned high potency vitamins, synthetic or “natural,” are chemicals (drugs), not food . The body will only accept whole food for its nourishment.  Anything less is a toxin and will be dealt with and eliminated as such by your body.  The fact is, they hurt your body.   Elemental minerals, such as calcium carbonate, that cannot be readily eliminated are deposited on long bones until they can be ionized, absorbed and utilized. It takes nine steps to ionize calcium carbonate so that it is useful.  Calcium lactate and citrate take only one or two steps, so they are almost immediately absorbed into the tissues when consumed.

Now – and here’s our lesson for today – when you take a “B Complex” pill, which is made up of only a few chemical parts of the whole B Vitamin food essence, you turn loose in your body fragmented, unstable and craving molecules, functionally free radicals.  They will immediately set out to find and attach themselves to their “friends” in order to re-establish their stability and wholeness. Where will they find their friends and partners in life?  Well, in your gut, your bloodstream, your organs, and your body tissues.  It’s called “leaching” in bio-chemistry and clinical nutrition.  In other words, these fragmented, unstable partial “vitamins” rob  your body of what they need to complete themselves, simply because Nature abhors a vacuum.  That’s the bottom line. They give you nothing and take away plenty of vital nutrients.  As drugs, they only offer stimulation to make you feel good taking them, and in that sense they act like addictive substances.  They add nothing, not a molecule, to the health of your body. I could not be more clear and simple in my wording. 

For examples: “Vitamin C” (as ascorbic acid) is a good antioxidant but it’s not the whole Vitamin C.  It is the protective antioxidant of the C Complex, which consists of Biflavonoids, Tyrosinase (copper), Vitamins P, K and J factors.  Taken into the body, high-potency ascorbic acid leaches copper (tyrosinase) from it, an essential mineral to blood vessel integrity. Copper deficiency is at the root cause of bulging arteries (aneurisms).  Commercial “Vitamin E” as “d-alpha tocopherol,” may be another great antioxidant but it is not Vitamin  E.  Whole Vitamin E consists of four protective layers of tocopherols – that’s how fragile Vitamin E is – at the core of which are Selenium, Xanthine, Lipositols, Vitamins F1, F2, E2 and E3.  Taken into the body, high potency, synthetic d-alpha tocopherol – so called “Vitamin E” –  leaches selenium from the body, an essential mineral to cardiovascular health and the prevention of arterial plaque.  Yet the Food and Drug Administration allows these partial non-foods to be called “Vitamins C” and “Vitamin E” when they are not what they are called, a blatant display of the scientific fragment-oriented mentality. 

We still can’t fool Mother Nature

Enough said perhaps to get my point across for this important lesson.  Stay away from vitamin pills that are not made of whole food substances created by Mother Nature, who alone knows how to put the chemical world together in proportions and quantities we can utilize to our health and wellness.  No matter how “smart” we are in breaking down the world into its fragmented parts and tagging them, we will never be able to outsmart or fool Mother Nature.  We only hurt ourselves by cutting corners.  Whole foods are our only true source of vitamins and minerals. 

For me and my house, Catalyn by Standard Process Labs is by far the best whole-food vitamin and mineral supplement. Read it’s ingredients at www.standardprocess.com. It costs less than a nickel a day.  Send me an email and I’ll send you a four-month supply for $45, or a full year’s supply for only $125.  It also comes in a cherry-flavored chewable for children ($55 for 4 months supply when ordered along with 1 adult’s 4-months supply, or $65 if ordered separately (a year’s supply is $170).  Prices include drop-shipping and handling within the USA.

In conclusion:

There’s no such thing as a “One-A-Day” whole-food supplement.  The only “one-a-day” vitamin this doctor  recommends is the ripe and juicy apple.

To your health,

Dr. Tony Palombo

Chiropractor and clinical nutritional therapist

Email Dr. Palombo at tpal70@gmail.com. Visit his website www.healingandattunement.com .

Disclaimer:  Nothing written in this blog is intended to diagnose or treat any diseases.